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October Astro Magic 2024

Oct2024 AstroMagic 400Reptiles have always been associated with the sign of Scorpio.  The symbolism of the snake shedding its skin reflects Scorpio's powers of transformation and its natural association with death and disintegration. And there is no better figure to represent the sign of the scorpion than the mythic Medusa.

There are various versions of Medusa’s origin story, but in all of them she is violated by the God Poseidon, and the result is a woman transformed by her outrage and bitterness. Medusa’s face is the embodiment of the horrors of life’s unfairness. If one stumbles across her and stares directly into her eyes, they become paralyzed and turn to stone. 

On the personal level, the Medusa lives in all of us. We all experience life’s unfairness, whether directly, indirectly, or incidentally, and some life experiences leave us paralyzed. Psychologically, these experiences turn people into stone, and they become fixated on their wounds, unable to break free, preventing their growth and personal development. 

Perseus (the son of Zeus) is tasked with going into Medusa’s layer, at the opening of the underworld (the unconscious), to slay the serpentine monster and retrieve her head. Perseus receives help on his mission from several divine beings who give him a few magical items.  He enters Medusa’s layer and ultimately finds her.  He uses a magical shield (think mirror) so that he does not look at Medusa directly, and then he cuts off her head and puts it in a magic bag.  Once Medusa’s head is severed, out of the toxic blood and poison, Pegasus is born – a beautiful creature that becomes Perseus’s companion. 

The good news is that myth always provides a solution, even to the most complex stories. Medusa represents our repressed toxic pain or self-defeating behaviors that leave us stuck and unable to grow. These feelings and behaviors have grown over time and take over our lives. Perseus represents the process of working through our issues, and he does so by staring into a mirror.  Now, I do not know about you, but when I look into a mirror, I see myself. So, Perseus reflects turning inward and seeing oneself honestly. By seeing things clearly, one can turn toxic poisons into something productive and worthwhile.  The horrors of Medusa transform into Pegasus, and out of the darkness of Scorpio comes the light of consciousness, and ultimately, freedom from toxins.

This is the power of Scorpio season.  We can use its energy to transform the areas of our lives that are wounded into powerful tools that we can use to give life more meaning.

Recommended Candles: The Sun (Curse Breaker), Healing (Blessed Herbal), Heart (Blessed Herbal).

5 Magical Ways to Make the Most Out of Scorpio Season:

  1. Remove Self-Defeating Behaviors: Yes, whether we want to admit it, we all have them. These are the behaviors we repeatedly engage in that have no value and limit our relationships with others.  For example, some people have anger issues.  Whenever they feel cornered, trapped, or frustrated, they become angry.  Anger never resolves their issues, but often scares other people, limiting, or even severing, their interactions.  Scorpio season is a great month to address these issues and banish them from your life.

    Recommended Candles: Saturn (GTFO, Get the F Out), Needed Changes/Banishing (Blessed Herbal), and Success (Affirmation) 

  2. Resolving Familial Curses: Do you have experiences in your life that have been repeated generation after generation?  This could be poverty mindsets, toxic relationship problems, or even health issues. Scorpio season is a great month to break the family curse and create new dynamics in your life.

    Recommended Candles: Sun (Curse Breaker), Healing (Blessed Herbal), Ancestral (Blessed Herbal)

  3. Eliminating Negative Patterns: This is a close cousin to family curses. Do you often repeat the same mistakes over and over?  You consistently take a job with a controlling boss, or you get involved with the same person, they just have a different face? Scorpio season is great for removing negative patterns and eliminating them from your life once and for all.

    Recommended Candles: Moon (Do You!), Guardian Protector (Affirmation), Ninja Power (Wicked Good Sprays)

  4. Past Life Karma Issues: Again, this issue is a close cousin to familial curses. Many of us have accrued karma over many lifetimes, and it seems like the cosmic Gods have decided this lifetime is the one where we pay the piper.  So, if you have had a regression and suffered from trauma related to a past life, or simply need to clean out that energy, then Scorpio season is the time to work on these issues, release energies, and purify your soul. 

    Recommended Candles: Saturn (GTFO, Get the F Out)Saturn (GTFO, Get the F Out), Spiritual Cleansing (Blessed Herbal)

  5. Healing:  Do you have health problems or psychological issues that need healing?  Well, there is no better month than this one to do it. The power of Scorpio season gives us the ability to transform energies, even those that ail us. 

    Recommended Candles: Sun (Curse Breaker), Healing (Blessed Herbal), Guardian Protector (Affirmation)

Lunar Magic

Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2, 2024

A solar eclipse in Libra is like the universe hitting the reset button on your relationships and sense of balance. Think of it as cosmic spring cleaning for your love life, friendships, and anything tipping the scales. It's a time to tidy up those messy connections, embrace fairness, and maybe even redecorate while you’re at it. But don’t be surprised if a few tough conversations pop up—Libra’s all about diplomacy, but since the solar eclipse squares feisty Mars, Mars might sneak in some drama. So, stay calm, channel your inner diplomat, and let the beauty of balance guide you through the cosmic shake-up!  I do not recommend any aggressive spells during a solar eclipse, instead focusing on cleansing and inner transformational magic.

Recommended: Curse Breaker (The Sun – Astro Magic), Reversing (Aunt Jacki’s Hoodoo), Needed Change/Banishing (Blessed Herbal), Tornado Alley (Wicked Witch Mojo)

Full Moon in Aries on October 17, 2024

The Full Moon in Aries is like a cosmic nudge to clean out your mental closet. It’s time to toss out those outdated fears, doubts, and hesitations that have been cramping your style. Aries energy is bold, fiery, and a bit impulsive, so channel it into taking action on things you’ve been avoiding. But, hold up! Before you charge ahead, think twice about acting on every wild idea—Aries loves a good adventure, but don’t let it lead you off a cliff. This Full Moon is about releasing what’s holding you back and stepping into your power with confidence and flair.

Recommended: Let It Go (Full Moon – Astro Magic), Emotional Balance (Blessed Herbal), Energy and Will (Blessed Herbal)

Weekly Breakdown

September 30, 2024 – October 6, 2024

This week, our newsmaker is the solar eclipse in Libra, and since the Lady of the Eclipse is Venus, she becomes our VIP.  However, before you get too excited, remember that Venus is in detriment.  When Venus is in detriment, it’s like trying to be the life of the gathering in shoes that pinch. Relationships might get intense, finances could play hard to get, and your sense of style might lean towards the edgy. But hey, challenges build character—and maybe a killer wardrobe too!

Monday, September 30, 2024

Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces -- When Mars trines Saturn, it's like getting the green light to be a responsible badass. Think of it as the universe saying, "Work hard, play smart." Your energy is turbocharged, but with a side of discipline—like having a shot of espresso and immediately tackling your to-do list. This is the perfect time to focus on long-term goals, put in the work, and watch as you start building something seriously impressive.

RecommendedIDGAF (Mars – Astro Magic)

The Sun conjoins Mercury in Libra -- When the Sun and Mercury team up in the sky, it's like your brain gets a turbo boost. Suddenly, you're a communication ninja—quick with the comebacks, sharp with the ideas, and ready to share your genius with the world. Just watch out for getting too wrapped up in your own brilliance. Remember, others have ideas too! It's a perfect time to speak your truth, write that masterpiece, or just impress everyone with your wit.

RecommendedTruth and Justice (Blessed Herbal)

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The Moon in Virgo – On Tuesday, the Moon moves through earthy Virgo. When the Moon’s in Virgo, it’s time to get your life together, one to-do list at a time. Start by organizing that chaotic desk, then perfecting your health routine—hello, green smoothies! This transit is all about precision, so tackle those projects needing extra detail. Don’t forget to lend a helping hand, and maybe swap that pizza for a salad. Virgos got you covered, as long as you’re willing to get a little practical.

RecommendedStability (Blessed Herbal)


Wednesday, October 2, 2024 – Thursday, October 3, 2024 

The Moon in Libra – Besides the solar eclipse that occurs on Wednesday afternoon, the Moon moves through Libra on Wednesday and Thursday. When the Moon swings through Libra, it's all about finding balance, harmony, and a little bit of style. Think of it as the universe giving you a nudge to smooth over relationships, weigh your options (without getting lost in indecision), and maybe redecorate your space. It's also prime time for networking and clearing up any misunderstandings with a touch of diplomacy. So, channel your inner diplomat, make things pretty, and keep everything in balance.

RecommendedInner Balance (Blessed Herbal)

Friday, October 4, 2024

Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces -- When Venus trines Saturn, it’s like finding the perfect balance between romance and responsibility. Relationships get a boost of maturity—think of it as love with a solid foundation. Financially, you’re more likely to choose saving over splurging (Saturn’s a tough cookie!). It’s also a time when your inner artist might trade wild creativity for classic elegance. So, focus on quality, plan wisely, and embrace the beauty of practical decisions!

RecommendedEverything and then Some (Wicked Witch Mojo)

Saturday, October 5, 2024

The Moon in Scorpio -- So, the Moon’s in Scorpio—brace yourself for some deep dives! It's the perfect time to tackle those buried emotions, declutter your life, and maybe even have some intense heart-to-heart chats. Get ready to transform like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon (just with more attitude). Oh, and don't forget to check your finances while you’re at it and try to take a step towards reducing debt.  Scorpio’s all about digging deep and coming out stronger, so lean into the intensity!

RecommendedDo You!  (The Moon – Astro Magic)

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Mercury in Libra square Mars in Cancer -- When Mercury squares Mars, it's like your brain and temper are trying to outdo each other. Expect sharp words, quick tempers, and maybe a little foot-in-mouth syndrome. The energy's high, but so is the risk of arguments. Slow down, think before you speak, and maybe hit the gym instead of sending on that fiery text. Use this time to tackle tough tasks—just don't tackle anyone literally!

RecommendedEmotional Balance (Blessed Herbal)

October 7, 2024 – October 13, 2024

Although Mars lurks mainly behind the scenes, he is this week’s VIP.  Mars is like your cosmic personal trainer—pushing you to take action, set goals, and stand up for yourself. But don’t let it turn you into a bulldozer! Balance its fiery energy with a bit of self-discipline, clear communication, and maybe a calming meditation to keep things from getting too intense.  

Monday, October 7, 2024

The Moon in Sagittarius – We start with the week, with the Moon moving through fiery Sagittarius.  When the Moon cruises through Sagittarius, life takes on a fun, adventurous twist. You might feel a sudden urge to ditch the usual routine, book a spontaneous trip, or dive into that book you’ve been meaning to read. Honesty is the name of the game—just be careful not to blurt out too much! Expect some restlessness, but use it as fuel to explore new ideas, try something different, or just enjoy the ride.

RecommendedEnergy and Will (Blessed Herbal)

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Cosmically speaking, Tuesday is a busy day with three major astrological aspects.  Let’s dive in:

Venus in Scorpio trine Mars in Cancer – We start the day off on Tuesday, with Venus forming a lovely trine to Mars in Cancer.  When Venus trines Mars, it's like the universe is setting the mood with candlelight and good music. Love life? Smooth and spicy. Creative projects? Flowing like a river of genius. You'll be oozing charm, and people will be drawn to you like cats to a sunbeam. Feeling energized? Time to move, groove, and enjoy life's pleasures. Basically, it's your time to shine, flirt, and create with passion—go get 'em!

RecommendedForever Mine (Wicked Witch Mojo)

Mercury in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini – Before Jupiter goes retrograde on Wednesday, he forms a lovely trine to Mercury.  When Mercury trines Jupiter, it's like your brain gets a VIP pass to the "ideas and opportunities" lounge. Communication flows like a breeze, and you're suddenly the most interesting person in the room. Learning feels like discovering hidden treasure, and optimism is your new best friend. Expect doors to open effortlessly, whether you're planning a trip or just chatting with friends. It's a great time to explore, expand, and shine bright!

RecommendedCrown of Success (Aunt Jacki’s Hoodoo)

Mercury in Libra opposing Chiron in Aries – Finally on Tuesday, Mercury opposes Chiron in Aries. When Mercury faces Chiron, expect a cosmic showdown of the mind and heart. Old wounds might pop up like an unwanted email, especially ones tied to communication. It’s a perfect time for those awkward but necessary talks. You might find yourself saying, “Did I really just say that?” But fear not—this transit is all about healing through words. So, grab your favorite journal and start scribbling your way to clarity!

RecommendedHealing Rx (Aunt Jacki’s Hoodoo)

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Jupiter Rx in Gemini – On Wednesday, Jupiter turns retrograde in Gemini. When Jupiter goes retrograde in chatty Gemini, it's like hitting rewind on your brain's playlist. Suddenly, you're revisiting old ideas, questioning everything you thought you knew, and maybe even realizing your "genius" idea from last year wasn’t so genius after all. Expect to rethink your beliefs, fix past communication blunders, and dive into self-reflection mode. Just go with the flow—flexibility is your new best friend during this cosmic brain twist.

RecommendedLucky Star (Jupiter – Astro Magic)

Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Moon in Capricorn – When the Moon's in Capricorn, it's time to get your life together! Think of it as "adulting" with cosmic backup. Set those goals, tackle that to-do list, and channel your inner CEO. It’s perfect for career plotting, financial planning, and showing off your self-discipline. Just remember, this isn’t the moment for daydreaming—keep it practical and grounded. Think long-term, stay patient, and impress your future self!

RecommendedStability (Blessed Herbal)

Friday, October 11, 2024 – Saturday, October 12, 2024

The Moon in Aquarius – On Friday and Saturday, the Moon moves through airy Aquarius.  As the Moon chills in Aquarius, it's time to channel your inner rebel genius! Dive into new ideas, geek out with some tech, and join forces with like-minded folks on a mission to save the world—or at least make it cooler. Embrace your independence, reconnect with old friends, and start planning your future world dominance (or just that project you’ve been putting off). Grab some funky crystals and let your quirky brilliance shine!

RecommendedDo You!  (The Moon – Astro Magic)

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sunday is the biggest day of the week, cosmically speaking.  We have four major astrological aspects (Mercury square Pluto, Mars squares Chiron, the Sun opposes Chiron, and the Sun trines Jupiter) and Mercury moves out of Libra and into Scorpio.

Buckle your seatbelt, and let’s get the show on the road.

Mercury in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn -- When Mercury squares Pluto in Capricorn, brace yourself for intense convos and mental deep-dives. Think of it as a cosmic interrogation where secrets are spilled, power struggles ignite, and obsessive thoughts run wild. It’s like your brain’s stuck in a loop, analyzing everything – over, over, and over again! Avoid trying to outsmart everyone or getting caught in drama. Instead, channel that energy into some serious self-reflection and maybe—just maybe—discover something new about yourself.

RecommendedUncrossing (Aunt Jacki’s Hoodoo)

Mercury in Scorpio – During the mid-afternoon hours on Sunday, Mercury moves out of Libra and into Scorpio. As Mercury moves into Scorpio, dig deep! This isn’t small talk territory—it’s more like detective mode. Use this time to unravel mysteries, have those heart-to-heart chats, and maybe even dive into some spooky, occult vibes. Your intuition is on point, so trust those gut feelings. Oh, and don’t forget to purge those mental cobwebs while you’re at it. It’s all about transformation, so embrace the intensity and let the magic happen!

RecommendedTruth Serum (Mercury – Astro Magic)

Mars in Cancer square Chiron in Aries -- When Mars squares Chiron, it's like trying to run a marathon with a pebble in your shoe. You’re fired up to take action, but old wounds and insecurities pop up like uninvited guests, slowing you down. It's time to face those issues head-on, even if they’re frustrating. Healing might involve a bit of discomfort, but think of it as a cosmic tune-up. Just remember: slow and steady wins the race!

RecommendedIDGAF (Mars – Astro Magic)

The Sun in Libra opposes Chiron in Aries -- As the Sun in Libra faces off with Chiron in Aries, it's like trying to keep everyone happy while secretly battling your inner superhero's wounded ego. You're caught between wanting to play nice and needing to stand up for yourself. Relationships might feel like a balancing act, where your quest for peace meets your need to assert yourself. It's a cosmic nudge to heal those old self-worth wounds without losing your chill.

RecommendedOuta’ My Way (Wicked Witch Mojo)

The Sun in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini – We close the week with an extremely positive aspect, as the Sun forms a lovely and harmonious trine with Jupiter in Gemini. Get ready for a cosmic high-five! With the Sun trine Jupiter, life’s handing you a golden ticket to good vibes and growth. Feeling lucky? You should! Opportunities are practically throwing themselves at you, and your charms dialed up to max. Dive into new adventures, learn something cool, or just bask in the glory of being awesome. Generosity’s your superpower now—share the love and watch the universe smile back at you.

RecommendedLucky Star (Jupiter – Astro Magic)

October 14, 2024 – October 20, 2024

This week, our VIP (Very Important Planet) is Venus.  However, we have to remember that the love goddess is out of her league, as she is in detriment in Scorpio. When Venus is in detriment, she’s like that friend who shows up to brunch in a mood. She’s a little out of her comfort zone, so love and relationships can get tricky. Expect some impulsive decisions, a dash of stubbornness, and maybe even a bit of drama. She’s not as smooth as usual, more like a wild card, making love life feel like an adventure you didn't sign up for—but hey, it’s never boring!

Monday, October 14, 2024

The Sun in Libra squares Mars in Cancer – We begin the week with the Sun squaring Mercury, so get ready for some fiery vibes! When the Sun squares off with Mars, it’s like caffeine meets chaos. You’re fired up and ready to go, but watch out—you might charge in like a bull in a China shop. Frustration can flare up, and conflicts might pop out of nowhere. The key? Take a breather before diving headfirst into any drama. Channel that fiery energy into something productive—like a workout or finally tackling that to-do list!

RecommendedCurse Breaker (The Sun – Astro Magic)

Venus in Virgo opposes Uranus in Taurus -- When Venus opposes Uranus, expect love and finances to get a little wild. Relationships might feel like they’re on a rollercoaster—sudden twists, unexpected turns, and a dash of excitement. You might find yourself attracted to the quirky and unconventional, but be careful not to go too far off the deep end. And with money, watch out for surprise expenses or risky opportunities. Buckle up and enjoy the ride, but don’t forget your seatbelt!

RecommendedNeeded Change/Banishing (Blessed Herbal)

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces -- Picture this: Venus and Neptune are in cosmic cahoots, sprinkling your love life and creativity with a bit of fairy dust. You’re suddenly the poet, the artist, and the romantic all rolled into one. Everything feels dreamy and magical, like walking on a cloud. Just watch out for those rose-colored glasses—reality might be a bit blurrier than usual. So, dive into your art, savor the love vibes, but keep one foot on the ground!

RecommendedLove’s Enchantment (Blessed Herbal)

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Moon in Aries -- When the Moon’s in Aries, it’s like someone’s hit the gas pedal! Time to kickstart new projects, focus on your goals, and maybe take that risk you've been pondering. Channel all that fiery energy into something physical—exercise, adventure, or even a bold creative project. Just remember, assert yourself, but don’t bulldoze anyone. Clear out the old, trust your instincts, and embrace your inner action hero. Who needs patience when you've got Aries energy?

RecommendedEnergy/Will (Blessed Herbal)

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn – In addition to the Full Moon in Aries, which also occurs on Thursday morning, Venus forms a lovely sextile to Pluto. When Venus sextiles Pluto, get ready for some serious emotional depth and magnetic attraction. Your relationships might plunge into deep, meaningful waters, where superficial chit-chat just won’t cut it. You could discover hidden financial opportunities or unleash your creative genius. It’s all about transformation, so let go of outdated beliefs and embrace the new. Just watch out for getting a bit too obsessed—intensity is great, but let's keep it fun!

RecommendedRed Stilettos (Wicked Witch Mojo)

Venus in Sagittarius -- Venus in Sagittarius is like a cosmic passport to adventure, urging you to explore new places, try new things, and expand your horizons. Relationships thrive on freedom and fun, creativity takes a wild turn, and your social life gets a boost with deep conversations. Invest in experiences over stuff, and keep an open mind—you never know where this optimistic energy might take you. It's all about growth, laughter, and a bit of philosophical musing!

RecommendedThat Bitch!  (Venus – Astro Magic)

Friday, October 18, 2024 – Saturday, October 19, 2024

The Moon in Taurus -- The Moon in Taurus is your cue to slow down and enjoy life’s little luxuries. Think of it as a cosmic reminder to balance your checkbook, spruce up your space, and indulge in some seriously good food. Get cozy with your routines, savor the pleasures of the senses, and maybe even tackle that DIY project you’ve been putting off. It’s a time to build, beautify, and bask in the simple joys of stability.  Later Saturday afternoon, the Moon moves into social Gemini.  It’s excellent for spending a night out on the town!

RecommendedDo You!  (The Moon – Astro Magic)

Sunday, October 20, 2024

The Moon in Gemini -- When the Moon's chilling in Gemini, it’s time to get chatty, curious, and a little bit restless. Dive into a new book, juggle those never-ending to-do lists, and maybe even solve a puzzle or two. Keep your conversations lively, and don’t be surprised if you are debating everything from pizza toppings to the meaning of life. Oh, and if the travel bug bites, a quick getaway or a spontaneous city adventure could be exactly what you need!

RecommendedTruth Serum (Mercury – Astro Magic)

October 21, 2024 – October 28, 2024

This week’s VIP (Very Important Planet) is the Sun. The transiting Sun in astrology highlights the current energy and focus in your life. It shines a light on specific areas, helping you become more aware of what needs attention or growth. As it moves, the Sun influences your vitality and personal expression, making you more conscious of your identity and goals.

Monday, October 21, 2024

The Moon in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces -- When the Moon squares off with Neptune, it’s like your emotions just put on a pair of foggy glasses. You might find yourself lost in daydreams, unsure if your feelings are real or just wishful thinking. It’s a great time to get creative, but maybe double-check your brilliant ideas in the daylight. Stay grounded, avoid escapist rabbit holes, and keep an eye out for any sneaky self-deception lurking in the shadows.

RecommendedEmotional Balance (Blessed Herbal)

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Mercury in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces -- Picture this: Mercury and Saturn are teaming up, and it's like your brain just got a serious upgrade. Suddenly, you're nailing those to-do lists, organizing your life like a pro, and having deep, no-nonsense conversations. It's a fantastic time to make big decisions and map out your future—without breaking a sweat. Just be careful not to get too caught up in the details; remember, even perfectionists need a break!  This might just be the needed energy to help you through the day, because later the Sun will form a difficult square to Pluto. 

RecommendedStability (Blessed Herbal)

Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn -- When the Sun squares Pluto, it's like cosmic boot camp. Power struggles? Check. Intense emotions? Absolutely. You're pushed to confront hidden fears and take a good, hard look at your shadow side. This is the universe's way of saying, "Time to level up!" But don't worry—embrace the chaos, set boundaries, and remember: change is your friend. It’s a cosmic pressure cooker, but what emerges is a stronger, more empowered you.

RecommendedEvil Eye (Witches Brew)

Sun in Scorpio -- As the Sun moves into Scorpio, it’s time to dive deep! Think of this as the season to channel your inner Phoenix: embrace transformation, do some emotional decluttering, and focus like a laser on your goals. Explore the mystical side of life, strengthen your relationships (or set some much-needed boundaries), and give your finances a serious once-over. Finally, reclaim your personal power—Scorpio’s here to help you level up in all the best ways!

RecommendedCurse Breaker (The Sun – Astro Magic)

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

The Moon in Cancer -- When the Moon is in Cancer, it's time to cozy up, folks! Start with some serious self-care—bubble baths and fuzzy socks are mandatory. Check in with the fam, maybe even whip up a homemade meal. Declutter your space; it’s all about creating that homey vibe. Trust your gut—dreams might just drop some hints. And hey, get creative! Paint, write, or dance like no one’s watching. Lastly, be kind to yourself, you sensitive soul!

RecommendedHome/Peace/Serenity (Blessed Herbal)

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus -- Get ready for a jolt of energy! Mars is teaming up with Uranus, and it's like turbocharging your action plans with a splash of rebellious creativity. Expect to feel more daring, ready to try something new, and eager to shake things up. Think of it as your cosmic permission slip to break the mold and do things your way. Just remember, being spontaneous is great—just don’t surprise yourself too much!

RecommendedSuccess (Affirmation)

Friday, October 25, 2024

The Moon in Leo -- The Moon in Leo is all about unleashing your inner superstar. First, tap into your creative side—think bold colors and loud ideas. Next, pump up your confidence with some self-love and maybe a killer outfit. Don’t forget to play—channel your inner kid with some fun activities. Feel like leading? Go for it; you're the boss now. And hey, love yourself a little extra—whether it’s a hot date or just a solo self-care session.

RecommendedCrown of Success (Aunt Jacki’s Hoodoo)

Saturday, October 26, 2024 – Sunday, October 27, 2024

The Moon in Virgo -- When the Moon's in Virgo, it's time to channel your inner Marie Kondo and get things in order. Tidy up that messy closet, clean out your inbox, and finally tackle that budget you’ve been avoiding. Virgo loves detail, so dive into those little tasks with laser focus. It’s also a perfect moment to pamper your body with some healthy habits. Bonus points if you throw in a random act of kindness. Happy organizing!

RecommendedDo You! (The Moon – Astro Magic)


October 28, 2024 – November 3, 2024

This week’s VIP is Mercury, the communication planet. When Mercury's is the week’s VIP, your brain gets a turbo boost! Expect a surge in chatty texts, random curiosity, and a sudden urge to organize that junk drawer. But beware—Mercury’s tricky. One moment you're a genius, the next you're tongue-tied. So, buckle up for a mental rollercoaster!

This is going to be one heck of a busy week – so be prepared.

Monday, October 28, 2024

Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces -- When Mars trines Neptune, your inner artist gets a boost, which is fitting for the Halloween season. You'll feel like the universe just handed you a paintbrush and said, "Create!" Your intuition's on fire, and you're suddenly the guru of good vibes. Aggression? Nah, you’re too busy being zen. But, keep one foot on the ground—Neptune might tempt you to chase dreams that are more cotton candy than concrete.

RecommendedAncestor (Blessed Herbal)

Venus in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces -- Picture Venus, the planet of love and luxury, trying to flirt with Saturn, the planet of rules and responsibilities. It’s like trying to woo a strict teacher with a bouquet of overdue assignments—awkward and a bit tense. Expect relationship hiccups, budget tightening, and a few confidence wobbles. Saturn's here to remind you that maturity isn’t just about aging—it’s about facing the music, even if it’s not the tune you wanted.

Recommended: Love Me (Aunt Jacki’s Hodoo)

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

The Moon in Libra -- When the Moon's in Libra, it’s time to channel your inner diplomat! Focus on smoothing over any relationship wrinkles, and dive into creative projects like redecorating or picking out that perfect outfit. Balance is key, so don’t forget to pamper yourself with some well-deserved self-care. Feeling indecisive? Take your time, weigh those pros and cons, and embrace the art of compromise. Oh, and don’t be shy—get out there and mingle!

RecommendedInner Beauty (Affirmations)

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Mercury in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus -- When Mercury opposes Uranus, expect the unexpected! Communication gets quirky—think blurting out things you might later wish you hadn't. Your brain's a bit hyper, with brilliant ideas popping up like popcorn, but focusing? Not so easy. Tech might go on strike, and you'll feel a rebellious streak against anything boring or conventional. Embrace the chaos, but maybe think twice before sending that impulsive text!

RecommendedProtection (Blessed Herbal)

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces -- Imagine this: Mercury and Neptune are throwing a magical Halloween soirée in the sky, and you're invited! Expect some serious psychic vibes, creative spells, and ghostly whispers of intuition. It's the perfect time to brew up some magic potions or dive into those mystical dreams. But beware—Neptune's fog can be tricky, so don’t get lost in the mist. Keep your wits about you, and enjoy the enchantment with a dash of reality.

RecommendedIntuition (Affirmation)

Friday, November 1, 2024

The Moon in Scorpio -- The Moon's in Scorpio, so get ready for some serious introspection. It's the perfect time to dive deep into your emotions, do some shadow work, and maybe even embrace a bit of healthy obsession. Strengthen those bonds, get cozy with your secrets, and perhaps indulge in a little financial strategizing. Remember, Scorpio's all about transformation—so whether you're letting go, setting boundaries, or uncovering hidden truths, expect a powerful shift in your life.

RecommendedLet it Grow (New Moon – Astro Magic)

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Mercury in Scorpio trine Mars in Cancer -- When Mercury trines Mars, it’s like your brain chugged a double shot of espresso. Expect quick thinking, sharp wit, and the confidence to say what you mean. You’ll be tackling tasks with the enthusiasm of a dog chasing a squirrel—focused, driven, and unstoppable. It’s also the perfect time to solve problems, learn something new, and channel any simmering frustration into productive action. In short, you’ll be killing it!

RecommendedEnergy and Will (Blessed Herbal)

Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn -- Before Mercury can slide into Sagittarius, he forms a harmonious sextile to Pluto in Capricorn. Get ready to dive deep! Mercury sextile Pluto is like turning on your mental X-ray vision. Conversations aren't just chit-chat; they're more like epic quests for hidden truths. Your persuasion skills? On fire—use them wisely! It's a great time for deep dives into research or life’s mysteries. Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility, especially when your words can cut through to the core. Happy investigating!

RecommendedTruth Serum (Mercury – Astro Magic)

Mercury in Sagittarius -- When Mercury’s in Sagittarius, it’s time to think big, speak your truth, and embrace the thrill of new ideas. Whether you’re philosophizing over a cup of coffee or planning your next grand adventure, this is the moment to expand your horizons. Just don’t get too caught up in the details—Sagittarius is all about the big picture! So grab your map, dive into some new knowledge, and let your inner optimist shine.

RecommendedTruth and Justice (Blessed Herbal)

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Mars in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn -- Mars opposing Pluto brings intense energy that can lead to power struggles and deep transformation. This aspect might stir up conflicts, drive you to assert yourself, and bring repressed emotions to the surface. It's a powerful time for personal growth, but it requires careful handling. Channel the intensity into positive outlets like exercise or creative projects. Be mindful of how you engage with others, aiming for transformation rather than domination.

RecommendedFiery Wall of Protection (Aunt Jacki’s Hoodoo)

Venus in Sagittarius opposes Jupiter in Gemini -- When Venus opposes Jupiter, it’s like a cosmic tug-of-war between indulgence and reality. You might feel like splurging on everything shiny or diving headfirst into a new romance, but beware—what looks amazing now could leave you with a metaphorical (or literal) hangover. Relationships might feel extra intense, with drama over who's giving more. Keep your feet on the ground, and remember: sometimes, less is more. Balance is your best friend!

RecommendedEmotional Balance (Blessed Herbal)

Mars in Leo -- When Mars struts into Leo, it's like putting on your flashiest outfit and owning the room. This transit amps up your creativity, boosts your confidence, and turns up the romance dial to 11. You’re ready to lead, love, and maybe show off a little. Just be careful not to let your inner diva take over—no one likes a drama king or queen. It’s your time to shine, so go ahead and bask in the spotlight!

RecommendedIDGAF (Mars – Astro Magic)


Meet Storm at Storm Cestavani combines astrology with psychology, mythology, and Kabbalistic studies in his Transformational Astrology approach. A session with Storm is a journey towards self-awareness, healing, and optimal timing.

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