Coventry Creations Blogs

Jacki Smith this the founder, enchantress and visionary of Coventry Creations. She started Coventy in 1992 and with her sister and business partner, Patty Shaw, they have taken if from the kitchen stove to an international company. Author, teacher, presenter, radio host, reader and healer, Jacki has dedicated her entire life to the mission of normalizing the words “Witch” and “Magic.”

Spell Caster Club Card for Healing Magic

Retail SCCC for February healingThe reason we feel crappy is always below the surface just out of our conscious understanding. This is why finding the root cause or core issue is so helpful. Healers understand this and that is why they ask so many questions and test us in so many different ways.

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© 2018-01-20 08:43:17

  937 Hits

5 ways to use Energetic oils in your daily life

LTM 5 ways to use energetic oilsAre you on team candle or on team oil? I find that many of my customers are committed to using the Coventry candles in their spiritual practice and don’t get how to use the oils, or they are masters of the magical oil and don’t feel the same connection with the candles.

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© 2018-01-20 08:43:17

  2085 Hits

Breaking through blocks to health

CMO breaking through the blocks to healA dear friend of mine who is working to overcome pancreatic cancer said, “I wish you all a healthy New Year, it really is

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  897 Hits

It’s time to get wicked, Wicked Good that is.

Wicked isn’t always bad. Sometimes it’s good, really good. Let’s be good together with this special on both our room sprays and single scent packaged oils. Both are a must have for your magical practice, for uplifting your life or for taking care of your body temple.

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© 2018-01-20 08:43:17

  1497 Hits

People of like mind are actively looking for each other

118LTM Finding your hive is also about trial and errorWelcome to 2018 – the year of the collective power. There is going to be a strength in numbers this year as you will find your tribe or hive faster than ever before. People of like mind are actively looking for each other because we know that together we go farther.

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© 2018-01-20 08:43:17

  2031 Hits

Stocked up on your magical supplies?

118 making magic just got easier Retail Feature ArticleWe just couldn’t decide so we put all coventry pillar candles on sale this month. Making your magic happen just got more affordable. Stock up on your favorite coventry candle and get your mojo on. The year is brand new and there are so many possibilities waiting for you.

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© 2018-01-20 08:43:17

  1550 Hits

Goals are a moving target

Live The Magic“How can it be December when my to-do list is still so full? I have goals I tell ya! I have things I committed to doing in 2017 and I just can’t do it. “


This is the December panic every year.

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© 2018-01-20 08:43:17

  1941 Hits

Divine Allies Spell - Guidance, protection, and clarity

SpellCasterClub Divine Allies imageHow do you know your divine allies will be there when you need them? You create a relationship with them now.


Communicating with the spirits who guide and protect you takes a little practice and a place to connect with them.

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© 2018-01-20 08:43:17

  913 Hits

Weaving your web of peace

live the magicLet me start this article by saying, I do not have any answers or advice for you. I just know that a large percentage of my friends, customers and family are feeling the stress and anxiety of our social climate right now. I am setting aside all political issues, race issue, sex and orientation issues and I want to get down to the core feeling that I see driving the bus on our collective anxiety.

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© 2018-01-20 08:43:17

  1991 Hits

What can I do to improve my connection with my spirit guides?

We are designed to be connected with spirit and all the beauty it has to offer. It is the only way we will keep moving up the

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  1110 Hits

DIY Spirit Communication

GC SECommunicating with the other side can be frightening, after all it is a realm we know very little about, and popular culture hasn’t exactly given this practice a good reputation. We’ve all lost a good night’s sleep over a suspenseful seance scene filled with flickering lights, scratching, airborne objects, and creepy, cryptic messages.

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© 2018-01-20 08:43:17

  1545 Hits

The many magical traditions of Coventry

LTM Many TraditionsBeing an eclectic witch is the inspiration behind Coventry, more specifically, why the word Coventry was chosen 25 years ago as our company name. When I first looked up in word in an old 1980’s dictionary the definition I got was “A gathering place of witches”.

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© 2018-01-20 08:43:17

  1870 Hits

How can I strengthen my magic?

CMO OctoberOctober is here and all the witches rejoice! This is the ideal time to add some oomph to your spell casting and improve upon and understand your magic, while

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  1278 Hits

Be the decider of your own magical tradition

LTM Spet Tradition EvolutionHow much of your magical teaching is relevant in the 21st century? How many of you can pee in a jar and put it under your front stoop for protection? Not as many as you think, so what does the 21st century witch do in such cases? They become the creator of their own magical tradition.






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© 2018-01-20 08:43:17

  2040 Hits

Dreams Come True Spell - Channel Your Unconscious

October SCCDreams don’t have to remain unattainable. These dreams don’t just have to go on when you close your eyes! Every moment you’re awake, doesn’t have to be further away. Okay, I’ll stop with the Heart references, but you get what I’m saying. This month’s spell card is meant to help you bring those dreams to fruition.

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© 2018-01-20 08:43:17

  1328 Hits

Fall Cleanup

GC HCBDoes your home feel more like a haunted mansion than a safe living space? Do you experience strange, unnatural occurrences or feel a negative funk hanging over your space? Sounds like it’s time for a good fall clearing.


During the months of September and October the veil between the spirit world and ours becomes thinner, meaning the natural barrier becomes more malleable and there is a meeting of the natural and spirit realms.

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© 2018-01-20 08:43:17

  1524 Hits

How do I start my magical journey on the right foot?

CMO SeptemberThere are traditions that are passed down, and traditions that we create. Before finding what works for us, witches especially, we research and have our arduous journey. There are

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  871 Hits

Creative Energy Spell - Knock down creative road blocks

September SCCCreative road blocks happen to all of us, and overcoming them is a strenuous process – that is why this month’s spell card has been crafted to knock those blockages down! Remind yourself to start with a small project and let the inspirational energy in.

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© 2018-01-20 08:43:17

  1100 Hits

Who is the Man at the Crossroads?

Man at the CrossroadsThe Crossroads candle is back along with a key designed by Jacki Smith herself! Find out what wisdom deep within this key will unlock. Then call upon the Man at the Crossroads. He will ask you, “what is halting your personal progress”? “Which path is the right one for you”? Yes, he will be your escort through this trek in your personal Crossroad and he’ll also trick you into finding your own answers every step of the way.

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© 2018-01-20 08:43:17

  1745 Hits

Learn how to activate the Dewey Decimal system of your Akashic Records with Jacki Smith


Dragon3 CopyIt’s a big vast Akashic record room to search through, but Jacki knows the system to access the information you are looking for.   In this class,  Jacki will show you a repeatable method of using your records as a m It’s a big vast Akashic record room to search through, but Jacki knows the system to access the information you are looking for.   In this class,  Jacki will show you a repeatable method of using your records as a magical tool to step into, get the information from, heal and  make magic happen in your daily life.agical tool to step into, get the information from, heal and  make magic happen in your daily life.


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  1628 Hits

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