Coventry Creations Blogs

Patty Shaw is the Vice President of Coventry Creations Ent. Inc. making spiritual products since 1992, author of the award-winning Healers Almanac, Wisdom of the 21st Century Goddesses 2008, Winding Road Publishing and co-author with Jacki Smith of award-winning DIY Akashic Wisdom, accessing the library of your soul 2013, Weiser Books. She is a certified Spiritual Counselor through UCM, CA since 1992 and uses the Akashic records, Reiki Master, Director of the CWS Reiki Healing Center. You can email Patty at [email protected].

New moon in Sagittarius December 7, 2018

New Moon in Sagittarius December 7 2018The love language of a Sagittarius new moon is one of direct statements, but still, good natured. During this new moon, you run the risk of inadvertently hurting your loved one's feelings because of the tendency to tell it like it is.

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Full Moon in Gemini, November 22, 2018

Full Moon in Gemini Nov 22 2018The full moon is in the sign of Gemini on November 22, 2018. We are solidly in the Elk moon according to Sun Bear’s Earth astrology. Like the snake energy of the new moon two weeks ago, Elk energy is also about high level thinking.

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Why puppies and kittens will save the world

HM why puppies and kittens will save the worldIt is by no accident that we are able to have wonderful relationships with our pets and many animals in the wild. What is good for animals is also good for us because we are all connected.

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New Moon in Scorpio November 7, 2018

New moon in Scorpio Nov 7 2018The moon is new in the sign of Scorpio on November 7, 2018. This is also snake energy according to Sun Bear in his book on earth astrology called The Medicine Wheel. Snake medicine in this new moon is inviting us to open our minds to a higher level of awareness.

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Full Moon in Taurus October 24, 2018

Full Moon in Taurus October 24 2018A Taurus full moon peaks our desire for luxury and all the pleasures of life. Remember two weeks ago when you were craving balance? If you did the work, there is less stress pressing down on you today, so now, you can relax and enjoy the security you’ve created for yourself.

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So you want to see auras?

HM So you want to see aurasI’ve been teaching psychic development for quite a while now and the funny thing is, I don’t see auras. I experience them. My third eye says, nope, we are not seeing that stuff. Not yet. The majority of my students come to class with the goal to learn how to “see” auras and I tell them, there is more than one way to see an aura and yes, if you don’t already, eventually you will be able to see the beautiful colors of the aura.

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New Moon in Libra October 8, 2018

New Moon in Libra October 8 2018Our new moon is hanging in the balance in the sign of Libra. She does not expect us to be the master already. Her job is to move us toward desiring more balance. She will expose the shadowy areas in our life where things are too heavily weighted in one direction or another.

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Full Moon in Libra September 24, 2018

Full moon in Libra sept 24 2018The three days of the full moon live in the energy of Libra, the scales of balance and justice. To be fair, the days and nights of a Libra full moon are about wrapping up any conflicts presently being traversed.

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The cure for psychic vampyr-itis

The cure for psychic vampyr itisAfter a visit with my dad at his new assisted living digs, I felt drained. I could barely drive home. This is awful and it takes the enjoyment out of seeing him. What the heck is going on? Am I fresh meat for these lovely people in their golden years? I hear a resounding yes!

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New Moon in Virgo Sept 9, 2018

New Moon in Virgo sept 9 2018What happens when you cross a new moon in Virgo with a Hand of God symbol? Kali perhaps? The energy of the virgin moon opens up our propensity to dig deep into details. Have you ever read a contract? It’s got a lot of details and in them is your protection or demise depending on what side of the contract you are on.

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Full Moon in Pisces August 26, 2018

Full Moon in Pisces August 262018What do you get when you mix the full moon energy with the Pisces energy? You get a timeout to think about where you are going in life. It’s not the worst thing that could happen. Being reflective can be very revealing.

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Three easy meditation styles

HM Three easy meditation stylesThree Easy meditation styles
For the most part we all know there are many benefits to having a meditation practice, but are we taking advantage of that? To see results you need to do it daily. My biggest challenge in my practice is making time to meditate consistently.

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New Moon in Leo August 11, 2018

New Moon in Leo August 11 2018How can you not love a moon in Leo? Warm like the sun and courageous like the lion. There is one more thing about the energy of Leo the lion; it brings out the desire to be very honest.

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Full moon in Aquarius July 27, 2018

ArticleFullMoonMagic 470sqThe energy of an Aquarian full moon may be rebellious and eccentric, but it has some practical aspects to it too. This energy is great for pushing us forward and looking to the future with originality and a healthy amount of scientific and logical thinking.

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Abundance is on loan

ArticleHealingMagic 470sqI am always learning more about money. Sometimes the lessons are in bookkeeping, other times they are lessons in gratitude. Not surprisingly, they are all about me. Is your life like that too? I hope so. Our life is all about us. There I said it and I don’t feel ashamed about it anymore.

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New moon in Cancer July 12, 2018

ArticleNewMoonMagic 470sqThank you Cancer new moon for giving us the opportunity to reflect on the past. We all need to do that from time to time. It will give us that 20/20 perspective on how it’s affecting our beliefs and attitudes. This month our focus will be on our relationship with money.

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Full Moon in Capricorn June 27, 2018

Full Moon in Capricorn June 27 2018We are under the influence of a Capricorn full moon. This means get to work! The energy of this moon is all about one step after the other all the way to the top (and without much rest either).

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Healing the Chakras

HM Healing the ChakrasAs a healer I work with the chakras. Whether I’m using Reiki, Pranic or any other healing modality, assessing the function of the chakra tells me a lot about the person and why they don’t feel well or their life is not what they imagined it could be.

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New Moon in Gemini June 13, 2018

New Moon in Gemini June 13 2018Heavenly bodies have so much to teach us. I have written years of Moon Magic blogs just from the wisdom of moon and her adventures through the zodiac constellations. Combine that with a theme and ta da, there is another layer of delicious thinking to enjoy.

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Full moon in Sagittarius on May 29, 2018

Full Moon in SagittariusPatty positively is my handle here at Coventry Creations. It was given to me years ago by Shelly. She saw me as the most positively inclined person she’d ever met. Sometimes she called me Patty Prozac, though funny, it’s not my favorite.

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