Coventry Creations Blogs

Out With the Old, In With the New

Jan2023 Magic101

The New Year is the perfect time to clean house and start fresh. Out with the old, in with the new. New year, new me. However you want to say it, this quick and easy ceremony will help you get rid of all of last year's baggage and help you start the New Year off on the right foot.

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  628 Hits

‘Tis the season for holiday magic!

Dec2022 Magic101

Looking for some simple magic to try out this Holiday season? Have no fear, we have something for you! Mistletoe Magic is all about making your home a happy and safe place full of love and inviting protection for the upcoming year.

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  607 Hits

Creating Your Magic Altar

Nov2022 Magic101

 You’ve got everything you need to do spellwork and candle magic now what? It’s time to make an altar for yourself! 


What is a Magic Altar?

An altar is more than just where you place your candles. It’s a space where your magic manifests and you communicate with your spirits.

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  283 Hits

Back to the Basics

Oct2022 Magic101

We're Going Back to the Basics

Looking to get into candle magic and spells but not sure where or how to start? Don’t know if you have it in you to do spellwork? Don’t worry, the wonderful world of candle magic is one everybody can become part of.

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  589 Hits

5 Ways to Simplify your Meditation and Grounding Practice

Sep2022 Magic101

“I don’t know how to meditate” is like saying “I don’t know how to relax.”  There are many ways to achieve relaxation and its definition will vary with every person you ask, yet it is pretty simple at its core. Meditation is the same; there are many explanations on how to do it, yet it is a very simple process of limiting input so you can slow your thoughts.

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  638 Hits

5 Quick Ways to Kindle Your Magic Spark

Aug2022 Magic101

Beginner or long-term mystic, there are moments when that magic spark eludes us. If this is you today, have a sit-down and give yourself a long hug because you need it and there is nothing wrong with you. Every spiritual and creative person runs their well dry and feels like their magic is gone.

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How to Build a Protection Candle and Stone Grid for Your Home

July2022 Magic101

We all want to feel safe and secure in our homes. We have locks on our doors and windows and sometimes we purchase home security systems. Do you protect the energy in your home too? Crystal grids are a great way to set up an energetic boundary that keeps out unwanted or negative vibrations from the neighbors or anyone who means harm.

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  633 Hits

How long does it take for my spell to work?

June2022 Magic101

How long does it take for my spell to work? Right after I help someone build the candle spell to tackle their big problem, this is the very first question asked, like there is a pop-up turkey timer to tell them when the spell is fully cooked.

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  238 Hits

Healing Spells in Times of Crisis

May2022 Magic101

Healing magic is not glamorous and is usually not what brings people to the world of spell crafting. Yet, healing spells are what will help you keep it together in times of crisis or help put yourself back together after major trauma.

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© 2022-04-16 04:32:45

  318 Hits

What is candle magic?

April2022 Magic101

Ironically, this is a difficult question for me to answer as candle magic is part of my DNA. It is like asking me what air is. I immediately jump into the science and history of magic with big explanations when, really, we can start with the obvious of answers:

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© 2022-04-16 04:32:45

  747 Hits

What helper spirits do…

March2022 Magic101

When you combine your intent, spell ingredients, and ritual you have a spell. The final push of that spell, or the big magic, is supported by your helper spirits. We all have spirits around us, a spiritual court as it were, that is made up of our ancestors, spirit guides, and the divine beings that we have either called to us or who are drawn to us.

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© 2022-04-16 04:32:45

  578 Hits

Magic Mastery is Practice, Practice, Practice


Beginner's luck is when there are no expectations, no worries about rules or winning, and a lack of judgment of your own expertise. You are relaxed and open to anything and that is ripe for magical manifestation. Attempt that same thing a second time and you now have an expectation that chips away at the magic of innocence.

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© 2022-04-16 04:32:45

  733 Hits

What has changed with Magic in the last 20 years?

20 years ago, the turn of the 21st century may as well have been the turn of the 20th century at the speed of change in today’s world. We quickly forget how life was a quick 10 and 20 years ago; the need to memorize a phone number and actually dial it, the need to look up directions on a map and slow down to read street signs, addressing an envelope to mail a bill payment, or even hand writing a note (legibly).

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© 2022-04-16 04:32:45

  719 Hits

Love Magic Hacks

Romance is the tip of the iceberg with love magic. Love as a brand of magic encompasses all relationships; romantic, family, business, friendship, community, and even your mortal enemy. Any interaction you have with another person can be influenced by love magic, yet is that the best course of action or the path that avoids emotional vulnerability.

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© 2022-04-16 04:32:45

  659 Hits

Five Spiritual lessons from my trainer

Copy of Blog LiveTheMagic 470sqI have been working with a trainer for about a year now and it has changed the way I deal with the challenges in life. When I started this new routine, the last thing I expected was reinforcement in my spiritual philosophies and a few new ones that I was lacking.

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© 2022-04-16 04:32:45

  5856 Hits

Top five uses for anointing oils

Top 5 uses for anointing oils LTMAre you on team candle or on team oil? I find that many of my customers favor one team over the other. One group is committed to using the Coventry candles in their spiritual practice, but don’t yet know how to use the oils.

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© 2022-04-16 04:32:45

  1627 Hits

Own your creativity and think outside the box

Own your creativity and think outside the box. Live The Magic BlogHow much of your magical teaching is relevant in the 21st century? How many of you can pee in a jar and put it under your front stoop for protection? Not as many as you think, so what does the 21st century witch do in such cases? They become the creator of their own magical tradition.

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© 2022-04-16 04:32:45

  1063 Hits

Creating endless love starts with you.

LTM Creating endless love starts with you‘Self-care’ is a buzzword in the conscious living circle. It’s a reminder that after we leave the nest our health and happiness is all on us. But, what does self-care look like? How do you know when you’re doing it? How do you know you’re doing it right? Let me tell you a little secret: Self-care seems like it’s HARD work, yet it doesn’t have to be.

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© 2022-04-16 04:32:45

  60395 Hits

Steps to finding your magical familiar

LTM Steps to finding your magical familiarWe hear the terms: witch’s familiar, magical familiar, spiritual familiar, which all relate to an animal who you are esoterically connected to, but what we need to understand is that your magical familiar, or whatever term you identify with, is an actual living animal.

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© 2022-04-16 04:32:45

  1042 Hits

Getting the psychic engine running

LTM Getting the psychic engine runningOctober, how I love thee! It’s not just the boots I get to wear, or the Halloween decorations I get to put or and wear. It’s that my job, my passion gets so much easier. The witches say that in this season the veil between the worlds gets thinner, meaning psychic energies are stronger and spirit communication is easier.

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© 2022-04-16 04:32:45

  1150 Hits

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