Coventry Creations Blogs

When it’s not safe to be yourself, do this.

When its not safe to be yourself do thisI’m writing this article inside out this time, products first, then the problem and the spell. Here’s why. We don’t have time these days to wait to get to the point. It’s not feeling so safe out there and we need answers today.

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© 2018-08-25 10:29:46

  990 Hits

Going within to conquer the retrogrades

LTM Going within to conquer the retrogradesThese planetary shenanigans are getting to me. We are dealing with 7 planets in retrograde; Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron. At first glance this is worthy of a minor freak out and a loose plan to take a month-long sabbatical, but before you book your flight to Tahiti, let’s take a look at what a retrograde really means.

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© 2018-08-25 10:29:46

  1125 Hits

Magic, Witches and Paganism - A Venn Diagram

ArticleLiveTheMagic 470sqI read a random question on social media, “Are Pagans addicted to magic?” I found that a fascinating question because it assumes so many things. It assumes that all magical practitioners are pagan, and all pagans practice magic. The comments went to referencing witchcraft and magic and paganism all as the same thing.

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© 2018-08-25 10:29:46

  1376 Hits

You’ll always be guided home

LTM Youll always be guided homeI think we are all much more scared than we admit to. We have fears that have hidden themselves in intellectual reasoning. We have fears that mask themselves as common sense (only common to ourselves). We have fears that look like failure or inadequacy.

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© 2018-08-25 10:29:46

  1232 Hits

Wear your Crown of Glory

LTM Wear your crown of glory“Crown of Glory” seems such a self-explanatory title. It gives a sense of being fully vested in your power and reveling in it. “Crown of Success” is equally self-explanatory; giving the sense of activating that power and knocking your goals out of the park.

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© 2018-08-25 10:29:46

  2005 Hits

I believe in magic

LTM I believe in magicI love being a witch! I love believing in magic and magic believing in me. I love walking into a room of business executives and telling them that I help them awaken their inner magic. I love that I embrace my challenges with a mix of practicality and witchy-ness.

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© 2018-08-25 10:29:46

  1830 Hits

Don’t know how to energetically protect yourself?

LTM Dont know how to energetically protect yourself You may not want to hear it, but once you need protection, the damage has taken root and you are in crisis management. We certainly have a candle (or 5) for that and it works fast, but what if you could avoid having to spend time in recovery? What if you could avoid the attack in the first place?

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© 2018-08-25 10:29:46

  1708 Hits

5 ways to use Energetic oils in your daily life

LTM 5 ways to use energetic oilsAre you on team candle or on team oil? I find that many of my customers are committed to using the Coventry candles in their spiritual practice and don’t get how to use the oils, or they are masters of the magical oil and don’t feel the same connection with the candles.

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© 2018-08-25 10:29:46

  2099 Hits

People of like mind are actively looking for each other

118LTM Finding your hive is also about trial and errorWelcome to 2018 – the year of the collective power. There is going to be a strength in numbers this year as you will find your tribe or hive faster than ever before. People of like mind are actively looking for each other because we know that together we go farther.

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© 2018-08-25 10:29:46

  2049 Hits

Goals are a moving target

Live The Magic“How can it be December when my to-do list is still so full? I have goals I tell ya! I have things I committed to doing in 2017 and I just can’t do it. “


This is the December panic every year.

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© 2018-08-25 10:29:46

  1954 Hits

Weaving your web of peace

live the magicLet me start this article by saying, I do not have any answers or advice for you. I just know that a large percentage of my friends, customers and family are feeling the stress and anxiety of our social climate right now. I am setting aside all political issues, race issue, sex and orientation issues and I want to get down to the core feeling that I see driving the bus on our collective anxiety.

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© 2018-08-25 10:29:46

  2003 Hits

The many magical traditions of Coventry

LTM Many TraditionsBeing an eclectic witch is the inspiration behind Coventry, more specifically, why the word Coventry was chosen 25 years ago as our company name. When I first looked up in word in an old 1980’s dictionary the definition I got was “A gathering place of witches”.

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© 2018-08-25 10:29:46

  1883 Hits

Be the decider of your own magical tradition

LTM Spet Tradition EvolutionHow much of your magical teaching is relevant in the 21st century? How many of you can pee in a jar and put it under your front stoop for protection? Not as many as you think, so what does the 21st century witch do in such cases? They become the creator of their own magical tradition.






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© 2018-08-25 10:29:46

  2054 Hits

25 Ways Coventry Has Changed Lives

Ding, ding, ding, ding!!!! Thus begins our 25th year in business. It’s humbling to think of how many candles we have made and more importantly, how many lives we have touched. Over the years we have gotten life changing stories from our staff and our customers – both their lives and our lives have been changed by them.

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© 2018-08-25 10:29:46

  2089 Hits

3 Effective ways to drain your personal power

May 2017 LTM Personal PowerBefore you start looking for who has taken a bite out of your empowerment, or who you may have given away your power to, you may want to make sure you are not the source of your own power drain. Have you become part of the culture of negativity? It’s a sneaky one and it can take hold without you even realizing.

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© 2018-08-25 10:29:46

  223 Hits

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