Coventry Creations Blogs

Astro Magic Forecast for April 2023

April2023 AstroMagic

Astro Magic for April 2023

Welcome to the month of April. This month, we do not have any significant sign changes. However, we do have the beginning of eclipse season, and the initial shift of eclipses from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra. Additionally, Mercury is in retrograde later in the month.

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Lifetime of Love Spell - March 2023 Witches Union Spell Card

March2023 WitchesUnion

A lifetime of Love Witches Union Spell Card

Every single person wants to love and be loved back by someone. But what if you haven’t found your person yet? Give this month’s Witches Union Spell Caster Club card a shot to help you find your other half! Keep an open mind and you may be surprised.

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Spring Cleaning

March2023 Magic101

Spring is just a few weeks away, even if the weather hasn’t gotten the memo yet. It’s time to clear out all of the winter blues and get ready for the breath of fresh air that Spring brings. While you may be thinking about cleaning out your garage or fixing up your landscaping, we’re thinking of something a little more magical.

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Aunt Jacki Thinks You Deserve a Fresh Start

March2023 Feature

As we enter into Aries season, we are also heading towards a fresh start. The air will get warmer, and the seeds you planted will start sprouting. It’s time to start living our best lives and creating paths to make that happen.

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Candle Ritual for Digging Deep to Find Your Soul’s Voice

March2023 FullMoon

Enter, the cycle-breaking moon. Procrastination is the biggest buster toward your success and if you really want to change, this full Moon in Virgo has the power to shift you from couch potato to action Annie. Oh, what joy you will feel when your ideas become your reality! Along with this Full moon in Virgo, Saturn moves out of Aquarius and dives into the deep waters of Pisces.

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Astro Magic Forecast for March 2023

March2023 AstroMagic

March Astro Magic 2023

The bulk of the month is beginning the process of preparing for the astrological New Year, as the Sun moves into the sign of Aries on March 20th (5:24 PM EST/2:24 PM AM PST).


After two months of relative astrological ease, the seeds you planted will sprout, the air will start to warm up, and the promise of a fresh start is on the way.

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Charmed Life Spell Spell - February 2023 Witches Union Spell Card

Feb2023 WitchesUnion

Charmed Life Spell Witches Union Spell Card

Part of human nature is always wanting more and only being satiated for a small amount of time. Is it possible to appreciate what we have and build upon it? Absolutely! Multiply your blessings with this month’s Witches Union spell caster club card.

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Love Spell Essentials

Feb2023 Magic101

We all know love is in the air during the month of February. Fancy dinner dates, heart-shaped everything, flowers, and chocolates, build hopes of a romantic encounter. Whether you are in a relationship and want to spice it up, or single and looking for the one, we have picked our top six favorite flowers, herbs/spices, and roots that are essential to any love spell.

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Joy is the Magic you Seek

Feb2023 NewMoon

The New Moon in Pisces on February 20, 2023, opens the door to a better you and a better life because of its strong intuitive powers. Be still with this New Moon and let it expand your connection to your own intuition and discover what brings you joy.

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Take Action this Month with Limited Edition Wicked Witch Mojo Candles

Feb2023 Feature

Release the Old, Make Room for the New

The cosmos continue to give us a bit of a break from the chaos. Are you taking advantage of it? During the month of February, we enter into Pisces season. During Capricorn season, the realities of the real world made themselves known and Aquarius season had us navigating the landscape of group speak.

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Change is Going to Do You Good

Feb2023 FullMoon

We are at that place again where the lunar energy reminds us change is inevitable and it can be a good thing. Leo, the lion’s power comes from knowing who he is and what he’s here for. When we are weak in this area, a Full Moon in Leo will give us the motivation needed to figure it out.

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Astro Magic Forecast for February 2023

Feb2023 AstroMagic

February 2023 Astro Magic 

Are you taking advantage of the cosmic energy this year? I know, I am! After three years of a bunch of “ugh”, I am enjoying the ride. And, like January, February is easy, breezy, beautiful – okay, it’s not Covergirl, but you get the point.

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Do-Over Spell - January 2023 Witches Union Spell Card

Jan2023 WitchesUnion

January 2023 - Do-Over Spell Witches Union Spell Card

Oops - that went horribly wrong and you need a do-over to reclaim your integrity, identity, or intention. The Do-Over spell clears away the emotions and energy that keep you hooked into a mistake and allow you to rise above to see the larger picture, the wisdom, and a new path forward from this moment on.

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Candle Ritual for Attracting a Family of Choice

Jan2023 NewMoon

During the Full Moon on January 6th, we offered a candle ritual to release unhealthy family dynamics and heal your wounded inner child. Now that the New Moon is in the sign of social Aquarius I’m sensing it’s a great time to consider cultivating a second-chance family of choice.

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Out With the Old, In With the New

Jan2023 Magic101

The New Year is the perfect time to clean house and start fresh. Out with the old, in with the new. New year, new me. However you want to say it, this quick and easy ceremony will help you get rid of all of last year's baggage and help you start the New Year off on the right foot.

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2023 is here and Aquarius Season is coming!

Jan2023 Feature


We can work together for a better year.

Moving from one year to the next brings about all kinds of hopeful sayings and cliches. We hear how we can “turn over a new leaf” or “get a fresh start.” People talk about how it’s “out with the old and in with the new.

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Candle Ritual to Change the Family Dynamic Within

Jan2023 FullMoon

Storm Cestavani wisely interpreted this Full Moon in the sign of Cancer as a time to evaluate our ideas about our family dynamic. Since we are still in the Capricorn season, “doing magic” as opposed to “wish magic” will be the most effective way to make changes, if any are needed.

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Astro Magic Forecast for January 2023

Jan2023 AstroMagic

Astro Magic for January 2023 

For the past three years, we have gone through intense astrological energies. First, Saturn conjoined Pluto in 2020, followed by Jupiter conjoining Saturn in Aquarius. Then, in 2021, we began a two-year cycle of Saturn square Uranus in Taurus.

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Dreams Come True Spell - December 2022 Witches Union Spell Card

Dec2022 WitchesUnion

December 2022 Witches Union Spell Card

Manifesting your dreams is one part vision, one part hard work, and one part spell. We have the perfect spell for you to help you make your dreams come true. 

Dreams Come True Spell


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Va Va Voom your Abundance!

Dec2022 NewMoon

New Moon in Capricorn on December 23, 2022

Forget the party, forget the last-minute shopping, drop everything, except showing up for work on December 23rd and do this candle ritual. It will make a big difference for you in 2023. This is the best time to do candle magic around getting a new job, a raise, a promotion, starting a new business, and putting fresh new energy into an existing business.

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