Coventry Creations Blogs

‘Tis the season for holiday magic!

Dec2022 Magic101

Looking for some simple magic to try out this Holiday season? Have no fear, we have something for you! Mistletoe Magic is all about making your home a happy and safe place full of love and inviting protection for the upcoming year.

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December means focusing on the present (not just the presents).

Dec2022 Feature

Don’t put off until tomorrow what you should do today!

Out with the old and in with the new! But what will the new bring? That’s for you to decide and with Capricorn season on its way, it’s time to take charge, seize the day, and carve your own path.

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Grounding Your Ideas So They Stand the Test of Time

Dec2022 FullMoon

Full Moon in Gemini on December 7, 2022

Gemini energy is sparkly and inspiring and you may think you’ve hit the motherload of million-dollar ideas. Don’t let the Gemini Full Moon trick you into investing your time and hard-earned money into pie in the sky fantasies and unicorn dreams.

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Astro Magic Forecast for December 2022

Dec2022 AstroMagic

Astro Magic December 2022

The month of December brings us the beginning of Capricorn season, which begins on Winter Solstice (December 21) and continues until the Sun moves into Aquarius on January 19th.

Capricorn is an earth sign that is concerned with taking charge, being ambitious, striving for success, and focusing on things that matter.

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Creating Your Magic Altar

Nov2022 Magic101

 You’ve got everything you need to do spellwork and candle magic now what? It’s time to make an altar for yourself! 


What is a Magic Altar?

An altar is more than just where you place your candles. It’s a space where your magic manifests and you communicate with your spirits.

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For Best Results, Set Your Goals Now

Nov2022 FullMoon

 Full Moon in Sagittarius on November 8, 2022

It’s not too soon to start thinking about 2023, and a Sagittarius Full moon is the perfect time to put the right energy into your hopes and dreams for the future. The archer is more than happy to shoot his arrow straight into the heavens to deliver your goals and write them in the stars.

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Astro Magic Forecast for November 2022

Nov2022 AstroMagic


Astro Magic November 2022 

We begin November right where we left off with October. There is a battle in the heavens, and our lives will be impacted. So, you can expect the rest of Scorpio season to be like the intense energies that occurred during Leo season, as Saturn and Uranus continue their final face-off, all of which are intensified by the final eclipse of 2022 in the sign of Taurus.

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For Best Results in 2023, Set Your Goals Now

Nov2022 NewMoon

New Moon in Taurus on November 23, 2022

It’s not too soon to start thinking about 2023, and a Sagittarius New Moon is the perfect time to put the right energy into your hopes and dreams for the future. The archer is more than happy to shoot his arrow straight into the heavens to deliver your goals and write them in the stars.

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Back to the Basics

Oct2022 Magic101

We're Going Back to the Basics

Looking to get into candle magic and spells but not sure where or how to start? Don’t know if you have it in you to do spellwork? Don’t worry, the wonderful world of candle magic is one everybody can become part of.

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Virgo Season is Coming

Aug2022 Feature

Reflect on your past to improve your future

With Virgo season just around the bend, it's a great time to reflect on our missteps and transgressions. No need to dwell on them or beat ourselves up over them, just recognize the times when we were less than what we should have been and consider what we could have done differently.

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Candle Ritual for Dropping the Mean Girl Act

Oct2022 FullMoon


Full Moon in Aries on October 9, 2022

We are solidly in a two-week cycle for dropping bad attitudes and character flaws that get in the way of letting our soul light shine. Take full advantage of the powerfully cleansing vibration of this full moon and dive into the personal work it takes to morph, emerge, and evolve into who you are meant to be.

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Astro Magic Forecast for October 2022

Sep2022 AstroMagic

Astro Magic October 2022

I’m going to be blunt – it’s going to be a tough month. Perhaps, one of the toughest months of the year. Astrologically, we are building up to the final battle between Saturn (restrictions, limitations, isolation) and Uranus (freedom, rebellion) that come within 1 degree of orb this month.

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Witches Union Spell Card September 2022 - Embracing your Shadow Spell

Sep2022 WitchesUnion

September 2022 Witches Union Spell Card

Within the shadows, there is relief from the constant heat of the sun. When you work with the shadow side of your spirit you are gifted with an inner strength that you didn’t know existed.   Your shadow side holds those fears you don’t want to face, but also maintain the strength to face those fears.

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Candle ritual for a fresh start in your relationship

Sep2022 NewMoon

New Moon in Libra on September 25, 2022

We reach the heart of Libra season on September 25th, with the New Moon in the sign of the scales. Ordinarily, this would be an excellent time to draw a new relationship to you, but Mercury is currently 'wretched out,' and Venus (the ruler of Libra) is not at her best in Virgo.

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5 Ways to Simplify your Meditation and Grounding Practice

Sep2022 Magic101

“I don’t know how to meditate” is like saying “I don’t know how to relax.”  There are many ways to achieve relaxation and its definition will vary with every person you ask, yet it is pretty simple at its core. Meditation is the same; there are many explanations on how to do it, yet it is a very simple process of limiting input so you can slow your thoughts.

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Candle ritual for improving your focus

Sep2022 FullMoon

Full Moon in Pisces on September 10, 2022

The Full Moon on September 10th is in the sign of Pisces. Your intuitive faculties will be at their peak. What would you do if you were feeling like Harry Potter when he drank the Liquid Luck potion? That’s what this moon will do for you.

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Astro Magic Forecast for September 2022

Sep2022 AstroMagic

September Astro Magic 2022 

Libra is the sign of relationships, and on the practical level, it is. And although pop astrology focuses on love relationships, the sign of the scales governs all relationships, even relationships with our enemies. 

But what is the undercurrent of the sign of the scales? 

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Back in the Saddle Spell - August 2022 Witches Union Spell Card

Aug2022 WitchesUnion

August 2022 Witches Union Spell Caster Club Card

You have not been your true self lately. It's okay. If you are ready to get back on track, shake off what held you back, and get the spiritual help you need to recover, August's spell is what you need.

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Candle Ritual for Believing in Yourself

Aug2022 NewMoon

New Moon in Virgo on August 27, 2022 

Have you read a self-help or self-empowerment book? They are pretty good at reminding you to love yourself, believe in yourself, and go for what you want in life. They drip with empowerment strategies, worthiness exercises, and encouragement speeches.

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5 Quick Ways to Kindle Your Magic Spark

Aug2022 Magic101

Beginner or long-term mystic, there are moments when that magic spark eludes us. If this is you today, have a sit-down and give yourself a long hug because you need it and there is nothing wrong with you. Every spiritual and creative person runs their well dry and feels like their magic is gone.

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