Coventry Creations Blogs

Candle Ritual for Creating Focus

April2022 NewMoon

New Moon in Aries on April 1, 2022

We are in the heart of Aries season, the one full of bluster, action, and potential crashing. Aries in a new moon makes it nearly impossible to not start something. The trick is to be thoughtful and look before you leap.

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Oracle of Delphi - March 2022 Witches Union Spell Card

March2022 WitchesUnion

March 2022 Witches Union Spell Card

When you are ready to dive deep into the psychic realm, the Oracle of Delphi spell will help you gain clarity on what you see and understand what it means in your life. Take it slow and easy and repeat this spell as many times as you need to get the clarity you seek.

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What helper spirits do…

March2022 Magic101

When you combine your intent, spell ingredients, and ritual you have a spell. The final push of that spell, or the big magic, is supported by your helper spirits. We all have spirits around us, a spiritual court as it were, that is made up of our ancestors, spirit guides, and the divine beings that we have either called to us or who are drawn to us.

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Candle Ritual for Growing Your Spiritual Practice

March2022 FullMoon

Full Moon in Virgo March 18, 2022

Enter, the cycle-breaking moon. Procrastination is the biggest buster toward your success and if you really want to change that, this full Moon in Virgo has the power to shift you from couch potato to action Annie.

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Coventry Creations Introduces Limited Edition Candles for Women’s History Month with a Donation to Planned Parenthood

World renowned intention candle maker, Coventry Creations, has introduced the Awakening Goddess candles. Hitting shelves just in time for Women’s History Month, these 5 candles will only be available for a limited time and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to Planned Parenthood.


Like other Coventry Creations products, the Awakening Goddess candles are each designed to help meet a specific challenge, overcome a particular problem, or bring about a positive personal change. What makes these candles special is that they do so with a focus on female empowerment.


The candles, Inner Justice, Unbounded Joy, Liberation, Financial Freedom, and Empower, are handmade with specially curated scents, colors, and herbs. Each is wrapped with an inspirational inscription and comes tied with a beautiful gemstone pendant. And, in the spirit of helping and empowering women, Coventry Creations will donate a portion of the proceeds from each Awakening Goddess candle to Planned Parenthood.


“Not only are we a women-owned business, our target audience is primarily women,” said Jacki Smith, President of Coventry Creations. “To us, products like these just make sense. Especially during March, when we celebrate the accomplishments of so many great women throughout history, it’s important to acknowledge the challenges that women are still facing and there is more work to be done.”


“The donation to Planned Parenthood is our way of making sure financial support is available to where it is needed most,” added Patty Shaw, VP and General Manager. “We care deeply about women’s rights and feel it’s important to support organizations that help promote and defend those rights.”


Awakening Goddess candles can be found on while supplies last.

About Coventry Creations


Coventry Creations is the most well-known and respected intention candle maker in the world. For nearly 30 years, people have used our candles, oils, sprays, and other magical products as alternative solutions to everyday problems. Located in Ferndale, MI, we make all of our candles by hand using our own expertly formulated recipes and all-natural ingredients. At Coventry Creations, our motto is: No matter your need or challenge, we have a candle for that.

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Astro Magic Forecast for March 2022

March2022 AstroMagic

Astro Magic March 2022

The bulk of the month is beginning the process of preparing for the astrological New Year, as the Sun moves into the sign of Aries on March 20th (11:33 AM EST/8:33 AM PST)

After a long and challenging winter, seeds will begin to sprout, the air will start to warm up, and the promise of a fresh start is on the way.

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Candle Ritual for Heightening Your Intuition


New Moon in Pisces March 2, 2022

This is an excellent New Moon for getting into the healing consciousness. Invite in your spiritual Allies during your candle ritual to help let go of whatever ails you. Part of feeling healthy and strong is finding meaning and joy in your life.

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BFF Spell - February 2022 Witches Union Spell Card


BFF Spell - February 2022 Witches Union Spell Card

When it’s time to call a BFF into your life, this spell will help you align your energy and personality to find someone you are compatible with for the long haul. This spell may even draw a circle of friends to you so get ready to feel and return the love.

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Magic Mastery is Practice, Practice, Practice


Beginner's luck is when there are no expectations, no worries about rules or winning, and a lack of judgment of your own expertise. You are relaxed and open to anything and that is ripe for magical manifestation. Attempt that same thing a second time and you now have an expectation that chips away at the magic of innocence.

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Candle Ritual for Forgiving Yourself


Full Moon in Leo February 16, 2022

It’s hard to admit you’ve made a mistake, especially when you were so sure you were right. If you find yourself in a place where you’ve come to terms with your faux pas or worse a blunder of major proportion that was not only embarrassing but hurt someone, now’s the time for you.

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Take Advantage of the February Calm


A Much-Needed Break to Make Much-Needed Changes

February ushers in a relative period of calm after the flurry of activity and energy of the previous months. While it might be tempting to simply sit back, relax, and let fate take you where it may, it’s actually the perfect time to work on yourself.

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Candle Maker Coventry Creations Stays Course in the Face of Increasing Inflation

FERNDALE, MICHIGAN, UNITED STATES, February 15, 2022 – Coventry Creations, the world’s leading intention candle maker, continues to keep prices in check and customers happy as inflation tears through the industry. With rising costs throughout the supply chain, many vendors and suppliers are adjusting prices accordingly. As a result, Coventry Creations has made some organizational and creative cost-saving measures to weather the storm.


As part of its record-breaking growth in 2021, the 30 year old company added key pieces to its leadership team. One of the most impactful additions was Operations Manager and lean manufacturing and quality expert, Charlie Lumley.


Lumley, a manufacturing veteran from the fast-paced and efficiency-obsessed automotive industry, brings much-needed experience in streamlining processes for increased productivity, lower costs, and less waste. Introducing kanban and other system improvements, he has enabled Coventry Creations to keep profit margins steady even as material costs continue to increase.


“The timing worked out perfectly,” said Mr. Lumley. “Coventry Creations was having great success and growing fast. They needed to bring people on to help them better manage that success. I came on board and started reworking our manufacturing process just as inflation started to affect our supply chain. So far our improvements have enabled us to stay several steps ahead.”


“We’re running faster and smoother than ever before,” added Jacki Smith, President and Co-Owner of Coventry Creations. “The changes we’ve made have allowed us to successfully navigate COVID, the global shipping crisis, and now this lingering inflation. Not only have we been able to maintain a healthy bottom line for ourselves, we’ve also been able to help our customers keep their costs down by keeping our prices at or near their pre-pandemic levels.”

About Coventry Creations


Coventry Creations is the most well-known and respected intention candle maker in the world. For nearly 30 years, people have used our candles, oils, sprays, and other magical products as alternative solutions to everyday problems. Located in Ferndale, MI, we make all of our candles by hand using our own expertly formulated recipes and all-natural ingredients. At Coventry Creations, our motto is: No matter your need or challenge, we have a candle for that.

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Astro Magic Forecast for February 2022

Feb2022 AstroMagic

Astro Magic February 2022

February is a cosmically strange month because there is little going on. Mercury goes direct early in the month. In addition, there is a lovely conjunction between Venus and Mars in Capricorn, and an opportunity to break free from the stagnant energy of the past two years, with Jupiter in Pisces forming a beneficial sextile to Uranus in Taurus.

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Candle Ritual for Getting in Front of the Right People


New Moon in Aquarius February 1, 2022

A thought-provoking statement – “there is no I in team” – finds a home with February’s Aquarius New Moon as we feel the influence of this party animal in our lives. There are quite a few ways to let this energy play out.

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Ready, Set, Manifest! Spell - January 2021 Witches Union Spell Card

Ready, Set, Manifest! Spell - January 2021 Witches Union Spell Card


Before you can manifest what you really want, you have to let go of the inner fears, stagnant energy, and outside barriers that would block it’s arrival. This Witches Union spell takes you through the ritual of letting go of your limits and opening the door to greater possibilities with ways to sustainably manifest it.

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  700 Hits

What has changed with Magic in the last 20 years?

20 years ago, the turn of the 21st century may as well have been the turn of the 20th century at the speed of change in today’s world. We quickly forget how life was a quick 10 and 20 years ago; the need to memorize a phone number and actually dial it, the need to look up directions on a map and slow down to read street signs, addressing an envelope to mail a bill payment, or even hand writing a note (legibly).

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Candle Ritual for Healing the Family

Full Moon in Cancer on January 17, 2022

Drama, drama, drama. This full moon is locked and loaded for lots of it. A Cancer full moon is one of the most emotionally packed moons in the zodiac. Add an opposition to Pluto and Capricorn and you have the Osbournes vs the Kardasians on steroids.

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Astro Magic Forecast for January 2022

January 2022 Astro Magic

Happy New Year!

After November and December, January will be a piece of cake. Of course, there are some hiccups – the Sun conjoins Pluto and squares Uranus, Mars forms a problematic aspect to Neptune, and both Venus and Mercury are retrograde.

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Want to get the most of 2022? Time to get to work!

Don’t put off until tomorrow what you should do today!

Out with the old and in with the new! But what will the new bring? That’s for you to decide and with Capricorn season upon us, it’s time to take charge, seize the day, and carve your own path.

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Candle Maker Coventry Creations Still Feeling Positive Effects of the Pandemic

Entering the 3rd year of the COVID 19 pandemic, Coventry Creations and others in the self-help and metaphysical industry are still riding a wave of increased consumer interest. Skyrocketing growth and record sales have become par for the course as people seek new ways to navigate the new normal. 


In 2021 Coventry Creations saw a 300% increase in profits by way of an eye-popping 75% improvement in sales. Both set records for the nearly 30 year old company and were realized during the peak of the pandemic and all of the obstacles that came with it, including a global shipping crisis. Two weeks into 2022 finds the organization on the same trajectory with no slowdown in sight.


“The pandemic has been horrible,” said Jacki Smith, president of Coventry Creations. “When you consider all the sickness and the people that have passed away, it’s hard to find a silver lining. Our team here at Coventry Creations has certainly felt the effects. Many of our employees and their family members have tested positive over the past two plus years. The biggest bright spot for us is that everyone has made a full recovery. A second bright spot, however, has been our incredible growth during this time.”


Smith says that it’s not uncommon for businesses in her space to see upticks during challenging times. Coventry Creations has seen spikes after natural disasters, high profile tragedies, and even during presidential elections.


“People want some degree of control over their lives and the world around them.” said Vice President, Patty Shaw. “When times are tough and traditional spiritual and faith-based systems aren’t providing the help they need, people often turn to alternative methods for inspiration, empowerment, and healing.”


2022 is already shaping up to be a good year for Coventry Creations as this summer will mark their 30th anniversary. It’s another in a long list of milestones for the most respected and well-known intention candle maker in the world.


About Coventry Creations


Coventry Creations is the most well-known and respected intention candle maker in the world. For nearly 30 years, people have used our candles, oils, sprays, and other magical products as alternative solutions to everyday problems. Located in Ferndale, MI, we make all of our candles by hand using our own expertly formulated recipes and all-natural ingredients. At Coventry Creations, our motto is: No matter your need or challenge, we have a candle for that.

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