Coventry Creations Blogs

Full Moon is in Capricorn June 21, 2024 - Candle Ritual for Some Serious Confidence

June2024 FullMoonOn June 21, 2024 the Full Moon is in Capricorn, the sign of the sea goat. When the Full Moon is in Capricorn, it's a great time to get your ducks in a row and focus on your long-term goals. Start by clarifying what you want to achieve and make sure your goals are realistic and well-defined. Take a moment to review your progress and adjust your plans if needed. Capricorn's energy is perfect for setting up a detailed plan, so break down your big goals into smaller steps that are easier to manage. It’s also a good time to update your professional image and seek advice from mentors. Lastly, don't forget to let go of anything that's holding you back and incorporate practical self-care into your routine. This is all about getting serious and making real progress.


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New Moon in Gemini June 6, 2024 - Candle Ritual for Taking Charge of Your Mind

June2024 NewMoonOn June 6, 2024, the New Moon for the month occurs in social Gemini. The New Moon in Gemini is a perfect time to boost your communication skills and connect with others. Consider kicking off a writing project like starting a blog or journaling your thoughts. It’s also a great time to learn something new by picking up a book or joining a workshop. If you’re feeling social, reaching out to make new connections or catching up with old friends can be really rewarding. If you're up for a little adventure, even a short trip can refresh your perspective. Lastly, tidying up your space can help clear your mind, making room for all those new ideas Gemini brings.

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Astro Magic Forecast for June 2024

June2024 AstroMagic

The month of June brings the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and we find ourselves swimming in the healing waters of the sign of Cancer. Cancer is known for its nurturing qualities and is the sign associated with mothers and motherhood. So, while we are in the sign of the crab, our focus will be on self-care, caring for our families, family and tribal bonds, and comfort and security.

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Harnessing the Power of Your Midheaven: A Guide to Astrological Magic

May2024 AdvancedMagic

Astrology is a powerful instrument you can use to shape your destiny. And not in the newspaper horoscope kind of way.

One of the most important aspects of astrology that often gets overlooked is the Midheaven or Medium Coeli, shorthanded as MC in natal charts. This blog post explores the Midheaven and how you can use it in magic.

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Dittany of Crete : Rediscovering An Ancient Herb

May2024 HerbMagic

What is Dittany of Crete?

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Astro Magic Forecast for May 2024

May2024 AstroMagic

Can you believe it’s already May? This year is rapidly passing us by, and the month of May could be the month when we turn the curve completely and begin to do what we can to improve our lives after a few years of upheaval.

And, for many, this couldn’t come any sooner. Feel free to breathe a sigh of relief, and welcome to the new normal. Although Gemini season is about ideas, exchange, and learning about new things, it’s also about having some fun and enjoying ourselves. In psychology, Gemini is connected to the Puer Aeternus (Eternal Youth), and during this season it's helpful to let our inner child play and enjoy life – at least a little bit.

So, let’s dive into all the magical ways that we can tap into Gemini season.

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Full Moon in Sagittarius May 23, 2024 - Candle Ritual for Grounding Ideas

May2024 FullMoon

The Full Moon in Sagittarius occurs on May 23, 2024. Under the Sagittarius Full Moon, we're basically invited to a cosmic party without the confetti. Picture yourself armed with an explorer's hat and a philosophical book, itching to ditch the daily snooze fest for something wild. This lunar bash is about shooting your shots - ambitions and dreams set to "epic" mode. But keep your feet on the ground; too much enthusiasm might have you accidentally enrolling in a course to learn Klingon. It's a time for truth bombs and travel dreams.

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Easy Does It: How to keep stress from disrupting your magic

May2024 Magic101

Where does the magic happen? In the universe of course! Without the universe, we could not create. It is like a garden ready to be planted with your ideas and desires and what you plant will grow exponentially. Plus, it’s very important that you are clear and purposeful with your visualizations, words, and tone (the way you say your words).

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New Moon in Taurus May 7, 2024 - Candle Ritual for Me Time

May2024 NewMoon

The New Moon in Taurus occurs on May 7, 2024. When the New Moon happens in Taurus, it's like the universe is handing us a chill pill. Think of it as a nudge to stop and smell the roses, or in true Taurean style, to actually take the time to grow the roses you’ll smell later. It’s all about indulging in the finer things in life, like a good meal or a comfy couch marathon. This phase is your green light to embrace your inner luxury lover—just make sure you’re not splurging your entire paycheck on fancy things.

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April Showers Bring Magic Flowers


It's the rainy season again! Spring is the time of renewal, aided mostly by the heavy rainfalls we receive in the upper hemisphere. Rainwater is used in magic in many parts of the world. We will examine many of these in detail. If you know any we’ve missed, please leave a comment!

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Astro Magic Forecast for April 2024

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Welcome to the month of April. We have the biggest aspect of the year, as Jupiter conjoins Uranus in Taurus and a massive Solar Eclipse in Aries. We also have Mercury retrograde, which begins the month on April Fool’s Day.

Let’s dive into all the magical goodies this month has to offer.

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New Moon in Aries April 8, 2024

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Both the New and Full moons this month harness the power of spiritual deep cleaning and transformation. The secret to your metamorphosis will be turning your pain into strength. Storm Cestavani points out that the Sun, Moon, and our friend Chiron will align to open the door to personal insights that could lead your soul to liberation, and closer to reaching your potential.

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Spring Growth Spell

April2024 WitchesUnion

Springtime is a season of renewal and rebirth, a perfect time to infuse our lives with fresh energy and new beginnings. Whether you're looking to cultivate personal growth, embark on a new venture, or simply bring more balance and joy into your daily existence, a Spring Growth Spell can be a powerful tool.

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Basil, the Ultimate Guide to a Classic Magical Herb

April2024 HerbMagic 400px

Basil. It’s not just a good name for sheep. When you think of basil, it’s likely your brain jumps to food. The Italian and Thai peoples in particular, make extensive use of this most aromatic of herbs. Considered a royal herb, Basil’s Latin name, Basileus means “king” and its Greek name, Basilikon, aligns it to the Basilisk.

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Full Moon in Scorpio April 23, 2024

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With the moon coming into its fullness in the sign of Scorpio on April 23, 2024, we will feel its sting go straight to our self-image. Don’t judge Scorpio, she is a healer and she didn’t put those dark thoughts in our heads, she’s just reminding us that they are still there.

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How Candle Rituals and Intentions Can Transform Your Life

April2024 Magic101 400px

In the realm of personal growth and spiritual practices, the use of candles paired with intentions stands out as a profoundly transformative ritual. This simple, yet powerful, tradition transcends cultures and ages, tapping into the elemental force of fire to symbolize illumination, warmth, and renewal.

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Astro Magic Forecast for March 2024

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Astro Magic for March 2024

The bulk of the month is beginning the process of preparing for the astrological New Year, as the Sun moves into the sign of Aries on March 20th (5:24 PM EST/2:24 PM AM PST). 

After two months of relative astrological ease, the seeds you planted will sprout, the air will start to warm up, and the promise of a fresh start is on the way.

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Full Moon in Libra March 25, 2024

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This month, the Full Moon is in the sign of Libra on March 25, 2024. Since there is also a lunar eclipse, Storm cautions us against doing any aggressive magic. Instead, he recommends we focus on protection spells. Libra is one of the signs that governs legal matters which makes this an auspicious time for resolving legal hassles.

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The Peace Candle: Lighting the Way Within and Beyond

March2024 Feature 800px

In a world often consumed by strife and discord, the desire for peace resonates deep within each of us. The Peace Candle, crafted to ignite tranquility and unity, offers a tangible reminder that cultivating inner peace is the cornerstone of creating a more harmonious world.

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New Moon in Pisces, March 10, 2024

March2024 NewMoon 400px

New moons always represent new beginnings, even if it is starting the next chapter in a book or turning over a new leaf. To make it even more exciting, this month the new moon is in the sign of Pisces. That means the veil between you and inspiration is thinner which makes it so much easier to listen to your muse.

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