Coventry Creations Blogs

It’s never too early to grab that Limited Edition Halloween

Last month we focused on finding our destiny. This month it's all about putting that plan into action. This moment of building is not only about building your future or professional desires but building selfcare into your life. We make time for the things that are important, now it's time to make yourself important! After a year and a half of panic, refocus your attention on yourself, your inner peace, and building new habits to sustain that peace.

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Full Moon in Aquarius on August 22, 2021

Full Moon in Aquarius on August 22, 2021

We are doing it again, we’ve got a Full Moon in Aquarius. Just like last month the energy is excellent for breaking through stagnant situations, developing better friendships, expanding your social circle, and opening yourself up to new experiences.

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New Moon in Leo on August 8, 2021

New Moon in Leo on August 8, 2021

Leo brings in the deep desire to be uniquely ourselves. This is another invitation to throw off the masks and personalities we’ve taken in life and try again to be fully self-actualized. For some, it will be a welcome breath of fresh air because being anyone but ourselves is oppressive.

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Create a New Pathways Beyond Your Personal Challenges

August Astro Magic 2021

I have to admit that I may be a little biased this month being a Leo, but I hope my exuberance over the sign can be a catalyst for inner change, transformation, and some good ole’ magic.

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Find Your Destiny with World Magic

What do you want to be when you grow up? This question is as nerve-racking at the age of 5 as it is at the age of 35, and really, who totally grows up? With this month in energetic Leo, discovering your destiny is powered up by your sense of self-worth.

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Full Moon in Aquarius, July 24, 2021

Full Moon in Aquarius on July 24, 2021

This Full Moon cycle is excellent for breaking through and opening yourself up to new experiences. This may feel right on point for you or you may need to do some introspection work first.

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Transformation Through Your Havoc

Last month, Saturn formed a square (90-degree angle) to Uranus for the second time. Saturn and Uranus move slowly, they remain in technical orb for long periods and trigger easily by faster moving planets. This month the agitators will be Mars and Venus.

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New Moon in Cancer, July 9, 2021

New Moon in Cancer on July 9, 2021

The New Moon in Cancer on July 9, 2021, is here to help us with a new beginning in the home. The home is where we demonstrate our ability to create beauty, comfort, safety, security, abundance, and family.

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5 Magical Ways to Use Cancer Season to Your Benefit

As we enter the month of July, we find ourselves swimming in the healing waters of the sign of Cancer. Cancer is known for its nurturing qualities and is the sign associated with mothers and motherhood. While we are in the sign of the crab, our focus will be on self-care, caring for our families, familial and tribal bonds, and comfort and security.

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30 Looks Good on Us

It’s ok, it’s only evolution. Things are starting to look a little different at Coventry, our Blessed Herbal candles are getting a new party dress! Next year will be Coventry’s 30th year of making magic and we are showing the love to our cornerstone product by celebrating everything that made it so powerful.

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Full Moon in Capricorn June 24, 2021

The Full Moon in Capricorn on June 24, 2021 will do everything in its power to put you on a path to success. Bonus, Jupiter, the planet of expansion will take your big idea and make it even bigger. Storm Cestavani says to go for the brass ring and do everything you can to put a fire under your career’s butt.

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Tips and Tricks to Wrangling Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Rx Dirty Dozen! Tips and Tricks to Wrangling the Trickster God

1. Make sure you go over anything contractual thoroughly. Make sure all the i’s are dotted, and all the t’s are crossed. If you can get away with it, wait until after the retrograde is over (June 22) to sign on the dotted line.

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New Moon in Gemini June 10, 2021

The New Moon in Gemini on June 10, 2021, is nothing to play around with. This poor gal is aligned with a solar eclipse that is in conflict with Saturn and Mercury in retrograde. Storm Cestavani highly recommends we keep our nose clean and our head under the covers.

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Make the Healing Shift with Chakra Magic

Life is better with happy chakras! Knowing this is why Patty and Jacki created the Chakra Magic line of candles, sprays, stickers, and now jewelry. Too often we repeat “OMG, something is wrong.” When you hear yourself saying that over again, it’s time for a chakra shift from miserable to happy.

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Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 26, 2021

The Full Moon is in Sagittarius on May 26, 2021, and is also experiencing a lunar eclipse. The funny thing about this eclipse, which is also in the south node, is that it compels us to let go of beliefs that used to be precious to us but are now the source of our pain.

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New Moon in Taurus May 11, 2021

This New Moon is aligned beautifully to help you put your money issues to rest. With your cooperation, the financial boo-boos of the past can be resolved along with the painful poor self-image that goes along with it. Bonus, luck can be your lady and she could pad your wallet with some cash.

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Modified as Mighty as Ever - Motor City Hoo Doo

May2021 FeatureRetailYou may notice a few changes at Coventry Creations. We are coming out of the life-changing events of 2020 and celebrating with a refresh of our core product lines. Starting with the Motor City Hoo Doo products, there is a new exciting label that is inspired by the way you use our products.

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Full Moon in Scorpio April 26, 2021

The Full Moon in Scorpio on April 26th swirls our subconscious and brings to the surface what still needs to be understood and healed. As old traumas, giant mistakes, and sins of the fathers come calling, do this candle ritual and release the past forever.

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New Moon in Aries on April 11, 2021

The New Moon in Aries occurs on April 11th. The Aries New Moon urges you to climb higher fearlessly and go after what you want. Yet, if you are still stuck at the bottom of your mountain, Aries wants you to know that determination and courage are what you need to break through what is holding you back.

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Power in Daily Declarations

I AM is a very powerful beginning to any statement and is the superpower of Aries season. With your I AM statement you are declaring your story and your future, use this power wisely or you may end up creating a future that is not ideal.

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