Coventry Creations Blogs

Full Moon in Libra on March 28, 2021

It’s a rare person who gets through life without a broken or bruised heart. Thankfully we have a Full Moon in Libra, the sign of relationships, here and armed with ice cream anda box of tissues. Why is this so important right now? It’s because this Full Moon opposes Venus and Chiron and our need to release the effects of painful and destructive relationships is top of mind and heart.

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New Moon in Pisces on March 13, 2021

A new moon in Pisces is a great time to dig deep into the problem areas in your life and ‘seek’ higher meaning. Not just to find a reason for all that has happened, but also to accept, forgive, and release. When you keep reliving the past traumas, you re-traumatize yourself on every level.

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Creativity Helps Us Cope with the World Around Us

What if creativity was the end of your process and not the beginning? What if everything that you have been experiencing is to feed your creativity? What a freeing thought! Creating from what you know and have experienced is the hallmark of many epic classics of music, words, and paint.

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Full Moon in Virgo February 27, 2021

Gotta love a Full Moon in Virgo for making great strides in improving anything you set your mind to. During the New Moon on the 11th, you released the past and envisioned a better future. Now is the time to put your ideas into practice.

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New Moon in Aquarius February 11, 2021

During this New Moon, we desire to expand our sphere of influence and open to new experiences. Choose well, my friends. The thoughts and activities you indulge in today direct the course of your future. Look before you leap and assess who and what you let into your mind and life.

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Impeach Your Poor Habits

Share, don’t run with scissors, play nice and do your work before you get recess are basic social norms we learned in Kindergarten and that, as an adult, we need to be part of a healthy community. Cooperation is one of the first things we learn in school, yet, this is also something we can quickly forget when our boundaries, beliefs, and values are challenged.

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Full Moon in Leo January 28, 2021

On January 28th, we have a Full Moon in the sign of Leo. This time around Leo is loud and proud and wearing his indignities close to the surface. This is your opportunity to work with that side of your personality that is still very rough around the edges.

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New Moon in Capricorn January 13, 2021

There is a New Moon in Capricorn on January 13th. This is a very special New Moon as it contains all the magic, power, and stardust needed to help you get a new job, start a business, put sparkles on your reputation, or get a promotion.

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Making 2021 your pal

Dear 2021,

No pressure my friend. I know you are following two seriously messed up years and there are a lot of expectations for you. Please don’t worry, I’ll be here with you all year long. We will do this together, month by month.

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Full Moon in Cancer December 29, 2020

The Full Moon is in Cancer on December 29th. Cancer Full Moon’s are great for resolving family issues, strengthening family bonds, making changes to your house and home, and even doing a little cooking magic. This month’s candle ritual is all about creating a healing community or healing the community you live in.

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New Moon in Sagittarius, December 14, 2020

There will be a solar eclipse in Sagittarius during the New Moon in the same sign on December 14th. Sagittarian eclipses are about long-distance travel, big picture ideas, and higher education. This is a great time to do travel spells, vision boards, and spiritual activities.

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Only love enters

Only love may enter here! This is not an exclusion, but an inclusion. We already have lots of troubles, stresses, and worries, we don’t need to add to that pile. Right now, each one of us needs more love, compassion, connectedness, and community.

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Full Moon in Gemini November 30, 2020

On Monday, November 30th our Full Moon is also experiencing a lunar eclipse. This can seem like the truth is hiding from us. Alas, it’s still there, just masked and we need to dig deeper. The sign of the twins is about ideas and communication, so this is the perfect time to do verbal spells, affirmations, incantations, prayers, and petitions.

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New Moon in Scorpio November 15, 2020

The New Moon is in Scorpio on November 15, 2020. As always this is your opportunity for creating new beginnings. The sign of Scorpio makes it a perfect time for magic focusing on shared resources, loans, and reinventing yourself. This New Moon also forms a lovely sextile to Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn, which sets the stage for letting go of the old and starting a new cycle.

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Become present and feel the power in your words

The way you turn a phrase can turn your world topsy turvy or set it to rights. This is most notable in magic and intention work. Wishing for a good outcome is not even close to the same league as declaring your success at a specific date and time.

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Full Moon in Taurus, October 31, 2020

The Full Moon is one of, if not the best time to do magic. When the moon is in this phase, we are at our most creative and innovative, and things we are passionate about come bubbling to the surface. The October Full Moon is in Taurus and there is no stronger energy for money magic than this.

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New Moon in Libra October 16, 2020

The New Moon in Libra on October 16th is the perfect time to do a little moon magic around love. Let’s revisit a powerful spell from our Witches Union library to help you increase your commitment to having love in your life. Use this spell written by Jacki Smith to help you along.

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Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio - yes we can survive it.

October 13th is the last Mercury Retrograde for 2020 and we have a fresh Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer candle for you. This retrograde is in Scorpio and will affect us deep within our feels. Before you jump into the power struggle of hurt feelings, remember to stay in the facts.

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Full Moon in Aries, October 1, 2020

The full moon in Aries is energetic and forceful. We will really want our point of view listened to and followed as if it’s the only viewpoint in the room. We all know that leads to fights and hurt feelings. There isn’t a person in the world who enjoys getting their ideas and contributions stomped on.

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New Moon in Virgo, September 17, 2020

The Virgo New Moon is on September 17th and forms a lovely trine to Saturn in Capricorn. This will bring your focus to strengthening work relationships and building better rapport with your supervisors. The energy is also great for seeking a new job or a promotion.

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