Coventry Creations Blogs

Active Stillness breaks open big magic.

First up at the microphone, the 2-ton elephant in the room; Covid-19 product and shipping update.

Due to the 12 week shutdown and 3 week restart earlier this year, we are behind in restocking all of our candles. Our website shows the current stock level.

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Full Moon in Pisces September 2, 2020

If ever the moon was aligned for deep introspection it is this Pisces Full Moon. Not only is the Pisces moon calling us to induce a trance-like state of mind, but she also wants us to escape harsh realities and take a break. Unfortunately, this makes our emotions vulnerable to manipulation and gaslighting.

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New Moon in Leo August 19, 2020

Every month the new moon sets the stage for a new beginning. Not the “ta-da” part of new beginnings, but the part where we find ourselves underground in the dark, and following our instincts to the light. Even though there’s no evidence yet that we will be successful we are driven to continue.

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You are so amazing you deserve a hype man.

When you are this good, it’s time to sing your praises.

Everyone has their specialty, their superpower as it were. Especially right now with how much the world is catawampus, we have all tapped in inner power and honed it to forward our survival in body, mind, and spirit.

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Full Moon in Aquarius August 3, 2020

Oscar Wilde, poet and playwright, was quoted as saying, “Be yourself, everyone else is taken”. That really speaks volumes of this Aquarian full moon. On August 3rd it flows abundant charges of originality, imaginative and spontaneous creativity into our minds and hearts and blesses our delightfully unique souls with just the right amount of courage to bust out a rousing chorus of “I gotta be me”.

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New Moon in Cancer July 20, 2020

The New Moon graciously provides us with a long-needed respite from working the plan. Ordinarily, we would provide a candle ritual to get some magic going, but this time we are going to respect the energy and let it be. Why? Simply put, this New Moon opposes Saturn in Capricorn.

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Plan + action =magic

Work the plan...

Work the plan and trust the process. We will be riding the rollercoaster ride of retrogrades, eclipses, and cultural disruption all summer long. It will be easy to get distracted by the changing crisis of the day, but if you stay focused on your plan and the actions it involves you will create needed stability.

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Full Moon in Capricorn July 5, 2020

Our theme for this month is “work the plan”. Perfect for a Capricorn Full moon experiencing a lunar eclipse. One thing you can count on right now is an extra push to act on whatever you are hesitating over. Get your parachute on and enjoy the ride this July 4th weekend, as shocking as it may seem in the moment.

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New Moon in Cancer June 21, 2020

We have a powerful solar eclipse in the sign of Cancer and a New Moon in Cancer and it’s Father’s day! Ordinarily, the New Moon is a great time to begin new things, but, during a solar eclipse, it is not recommended. However, it is a good time to connect with spirit and meditate because this sign helps us deepen our sensitivity to the other side.

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Did Astrology Predict the Pandemic?

I am going to briefly discuss the novel Coronavirus that has become a pandemic with over 140 countries affected. Now, there are numerous blog posts that have blamed the Coronavirus on the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn that occurred in January and a few others that have correlated the discovery of the virus with the lunar nodes going through Cancer and Capricorn, and each of these astrological events may have something to do with it and every astrological school of thought may have something valuable to add to the discussion.

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Hold On, This Month is Going to Get Bumpy

June2020 FeatureRetailBe victorious in 2020 with the help of Coventry Creations candles, sprays, oils and water. Visit our website and social media for more information, instructions and inspiration.


June Features

Limited Edition Blessed Herbal Candle

Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer Candle - $17.50

Mercury goes retrograde on July 17th.

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Full Moon in Sagittarius June 5, 2020

This is a tricky full moon because of its eclipse. Normally a full moon in Sagittarius during a Gemini Sun would be about completing milestones of your life and celebrating them. That part hasn’t changed, but how you celebrate will. June 5th will not be the day you throw that party or have that commencement ceremony.

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New Moon in Gemini May 22, 2020

Our New Moon is visiting the sign of Gemini on May 22, 2020. The energy is all about starting something new or going to the next step, but we may find our minds flitting from one subject to another. It’s ok, this is the influence of a Gemini New Moon in action.

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Full Moon in Scorpio May 7, 2020

Our Full Moon is visiting the sign of Scorpio on May 7, 2020. This moon phase asks us to wrap things up and let the pain not only teach us but transform us. Scorpio energy sets the stage for lasting change because we have changed.

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Waking Up From the Unknown with a New Gratitude Filled Magic

May2020 FeatureRetailThank you. We are grateful for each and every customer that chooses Coventry products. We are with you and are ready to be back 100%, awake to a new reality and grateful for every breath we take.

May 4th is the date many of us were told we would start to get back to normal from our nationwide quarantine.

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New Moon in Taurus April 23, 2020

There is nothing quite like a New Moon in Taurus. It feels sweet, gentle and calm. I am reminded of Ferdinand the gentle bull who stayed true to himself in spite of all the teasing from the other bulls. He cherished a life of peace and he wandered off away from peer pressure to maintain it.

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Full Moon in Libra, April 8, 2020

The Libra full moon is about relationships and how we are influencing each other. On the plus side is a beautiful community where compassion reigns supreme. The flip side of that is power struggles, co-dependency, and other unsavory behaviors that leave us feeling manipulated and threatened.

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A splash is all you need to clear your energy and lighten your mind.

Spring really brings out the creativity at Coventry. The best smelling Wicked Good Florida water ever and our limited edition bejeweled Kyphi candles will put a giant smile on your face. These are just two of the new and exciting products coming out of the Coventry Factory this year.

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New Moon in Aries March 24, 2020

We love an Aries New moon. That means we’re going to get an energizing boost and have the kahunas to follow through. Use this energy combo to give new life to your projects. If you are anything like us, you’ve got too many irons in the fire to do any of them much justice.

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Full Moon in Virgo March 9, 2020

What a beautiful time for letting go of old habits, debunked projects, and habits that only complicate and confuse your life. A Full moon in Virgo fills us with the powers of organization, setting priorities, and a deep desire to dig in and put in the work to make sweeping changes.

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