Coventry Creations Blogs

Mercury Rx brings healing opportunities

Mercury Rx keeping it positive HealingMagicBy the time you finish reading this, you will already be under the influence of the first of three times Mercury goes retrograde this year. I’m going to share with you the way I turned Mercury Retrograde into an opportunity rather than a hostage to its shenanigans.

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Blessings on your day

Blessings on your day FeatureRetailOur World Magic candles connect us with the world’s cultures. They show us there are so many ways to heal, grow spiritually and show that we are all united as one at our very core. Coventry Creations World Magic Candles and Oils are perfect for sending your wishes to heaven for attention and fulfillment.

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New Moon in Pisces March 6, 2019

New Moon in Pisces March 6 2109webA new moon in Pisces puts us squarely in our dream state and deeply desiring to disconnect from a reality we don’t like. Whether it’s painful, too challenging or just plain boring, if it’s not inspiring us, we are checking out.

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The Full Moon in Virgo on February 19th

Full Moon in Virgo Feb 19 2019. Moon Magic blogDuring a full moon you’ll want to end or release the things in your life that are beyond their shelf life or sell date. The full moon in Virgo on February 19th focuses on practical matters of your everyday life and you may find yourself cleaning closets and giving away or selling a bunch of your possessions.

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Do We really work in a Sacred Space?

Do we really work in a sacred space Evergreen blogIt has always made sense for us to work in a sacred space because we are very aware of how energy carries feelings and ideas. So we wanted to make sure we were making the candles you will burn for love, prosperity, protection and spiritual enlightenment in a space that just oozes joy, hope, love, safety, and worthiness.

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Own your creativity and think outside the box

Own your creativity and think outside the box. Live The Magic BlogHow much of your magical teaching is relevant in the 21st century? How many of you can pee in a jar and put it under your front stoop for protection? Not as many as you think, so what does the 21st century witch do in such cases? They become the creator of their own magical tradition.

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New Moon in Aquarius on February 4th

New Moon in Aquarius Feb 4 2019. Moon magic blogA new moon in Aquarius gets us desiring to connect to larger groups of people on social issues. There certainly are plenty to choose from. It will do your soul good to join an outreach program and activate your generous heart.

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The Extreme Bad Ass is back, with a side of Hot Damn

Feature blog RetailAnother 15% off Wicked Witch Mojo candles and oil sale. Plus limited edition Dorothy Morrison candles are here. Now who’s your favorite witch? If it aint’ Dorothy Morrison or Jacki Smith, we’re going to spank you. These two women make being a witch the best idea since grilled cheese sandwiches.

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Full Moon in Leo on January 20, 2019

Full moon in Leo January 20 2019We got a lunar eclipse in Leo, this month so our egos may need to be put on a leash. Our tendency for drama could cause a lot melodrama because the eclipse will bring out the shadow side of Leo.

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New moon in Capricorn January 5, 2019

New Moon in CapricornA Solar eclipse in Leo throws a shadow on our plans. Even though a New moon in Capricorn is a powerful time to begin new projects, this eclipse may affect our confidence and ambition to a greater degree than we are comfortable with.

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Something for your magical tool kit

Retail Feature BlogWhen you can’t decide between all your options, do them all. That is why we put all Coventry pillar candles on sale this month. Making your magic happen just got more affordable. Stock up on your favorite Coventry candles and get your mojo on.

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Full Moon in Cancer, December 22, 2018

Full Moon in Cancer December 22 2018Cancers in love are like a hot cup of cocoa, a roaring fire, and thick socks on a cold wintery afternoon. All comfy and cozy with warm smiles and secret crushes. This is the emotional atmosphere you can expect in the love department during a Full moon in Cancer.

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Divine love fixes everything

HM Divine love fixes everythingThere is no higher love than divine love. When the chips are down and you need support, calling upon divine love is your ticket. It doesn’t matter if you are in need of a change of thought, your emotions need balancing or you need a reset with your physical condition, the power of love is real and can work miracles in your life.

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Creating endless love starts with you.

LTM Creating endless love starts with you‘Self-care’ is a buzzword in the conscious living circle. It’s a reminder that after we leave the nest our health and happiness is all on us. But, what does self-care look like? How do you know when you’re doing it? How do you know you’re doing it right? Let me tell you a little secret: Self-care seems like it’s HARD work, yet it doesn’t have to be.

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Affirmation candles 15% off

Affirmations 15 Off Retail FeatureGet ready to say goodbye to 2018, and hello to 2019! Here at Coventry Creations, we believe that the end of the year should go out the way you want the new year to arrive!

Affirmation Pillar candles 15% off

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New moon in Sagittarius December 7, 2018

New Moon in Sagittarius December 7 2018The love language of a Sagittarius new moon is one of direct statements, but still, good natured. During this new moon, you run the risk of inadvertently hurting your loved one's feelings because of the tendency to tell it like it is.

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Full Moon in Gemini, November 22, 2018

Full Moon in Gemini Nov 22 2018The full moon is in the sign of Gemini on November 22, 2018. We are solidly in the Elk moon according to Sun Bear’s Earth astrology. Like the snake energy of the new moon two weeks ago, Elk energy is also about high level thinking.

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Why puppies and kittens will save the world

HM why puppies and kittens will save the worldIt is by no accident that we are able to have wonderful relationships with our pets and many animals in the wild. What is good for animals is also good for us because we are all connected.

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Steps to finding your magical familiar

LTM Steps to finding your magical familiarWe hear the terms: witch’s familiar, magical familiar, spiritual familiar, which all relate to an animal who you are esoterically connected to, but what we need to understand is that your magical familiar, or whatever term you identify with, is an actual living animal.

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New Moon in Scorpio November 7, 2018

New moon in Scorpio Nov 7 2018The moon is new in the sign of Scorpio on November 7, 2018. This is also snake energy according to Sun Bear in his book on earth astrology called The Medicine Wheel. Snake medicine in this new moon is inviting us to open our minds to a higher level of awareness.

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