Coventry Creations Blogs

Full moon in Aquarius July 27, 2018

ArticleFullMoonMagic 470sqThe energy of an Aquarian full moon may be rebellious and eccentric, but it has some practical aspects to it too. This energy is great for pushing us forward and looking to the future with originality and a healthy amount of scientific and logical thinking.

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Spell Caster Club - Cord Cutting Spell

SCCCordCuttingFeeling tired and don’t know why? It’s possible you’re being psychically hooked and drained by someone. Most of the time they don’t realize they are doing it. This spell will clear the hooks and drains off you and cut those cords.


Cord Cutting Spell - Getting rid of hooks and drains of others

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Spell Caster Club Spell, Money from Nuthin’

SpellCardLifestyle 470sqOh it would be so nice to have what I need when I need it. That is life on auto -pilot. Sadly, that is also a fantasy. Everything in our life, was put in motion by us, days and weeks and even years ago.

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Abundance is on loan

ArticleHealingMagic 470sqI am always learning more about money. Sometimes the lessons are in bookkeeping, other times they are lessons in gratitude. Not surprisingly, they are all about me. Is your life like that too? I hope so. Our life is all about us. There I said it and I don’t feel ashamed about it anymore.

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What blocks my prosperity?

ArticleCMO 470sqWe talk about money a lot. We wonder where it’s coming from, if it’s enough, how do we help it grow and how do we hang on to it?

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New moon in Cancer July 12, 2018

ArticleNewMoonMagic 470sqThank you Cancer new moon for giving us the opportunity to reflect on the past. We all need to do that from time to time. It will give us that 20/20 perspective on how it’s affecting our beliefs and attitudes. This month our focus will be on our relationship with money.

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Magic, Witches and Paganism - A Venn Diagram

ArticleLiveTheMagic 470sqI read a random question on social media, “Are Pagans addicted to magic?” I found that a fascinating question because it assumes so many things. It assumes that all magical practitioners are pagan, and all pagans practice magic. The comments went to referencing witchcraft and magic and paganism all as the same thing.

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Full Moon in Capricorn June 27, 2018

Full Moon in Capricorn June 27 2018We are under the influence of a Capricorn full moon. This means get to work! The energy of this moon is all about one step after the other all the way to the top (and without much rest either).

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Healing the Chakras

HM Healing the ChakrasAs a healer I work with the chakras. Whether I’m using Reiki, Pranic or any other healing modality, assessing the function of the chakra tells me a lot about the person and why they don’t feel well or their life is not what they imagined it could be.

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New Moon in Gemini June 13, 2018

New Moon in Gemini June 13 2018Heavenly bodies have so much to teach us. I have written years of Moon Magic blogs just from the wisdom of moon and her adventures through the zodiac constellations. Combine that with a theme and ta da, there is another layer of delicious thinking to enjoy.

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You’ll always be guided home

LTM Youll always be guided homeI think we are all much more scared than we admit to. We have fears that have hidden themselves in intellectual reasoning. We have fears that mask themselves as common sense (only common to ourselves). We have fears that look like failure or inadequacy.

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How the divine guides our safety

CMO How the divine guides our safety

They don’t call it divine intervention for nothing. There are times we really need spirit to step in and make the course correction

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Spell Caster Club – June’s spell

Retail sccc Spell Caster Club Junes spellOpening to Divine Guidance

Listening to our guidance takes discipline. Like all relationships, it also requires us to be present. The divine is patient, but if we keep putting off those precious conversations, our connection will get weak and we will feel the distance growing.

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Full moon in Sagittarius on May 29, 2018

Full Moon in SagittariusPatty positively is my handle here at Coventry Creations. It was given to me years ago by Shelly. She saw me as the most positively inclined person she’d ever met. Sometimes she called me Patty Prozac, though funny, it’s not my favorite.

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Heading for Easy Street

HM Heading for easy streetHealing our fear of success or failure as the case may be, will pave the way to easy street. Even hard work will feel rewarding when we have put the anxiety around taking a risk and going for something to rest.

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New moon in Taurus on May 15, 2018

New Moon in TaurusThat’s bull. There is nothing in the character of this zodiac sign that instills falseness or intent to mislead. The Taurean personality is one of loyalty, sentimentality and hardworking and secretly desires to lavish in bubble baths and Godiva chocolates for a job well done.

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Wear your Crown of Glory

LTM Wear your crown of glory“Crown of Glory” seems such a self-explanatory title. It gives a sense of being fully vested in your power and reveling in it. “Crown of Success” is equally self-explanatory; giving the sense of activating that power and knocking your goals out of the park.

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Supernatural Success in 3 steps

CMO Supernatural successWhat do they have that you don’t? Moxie? A sugar daddy? Whatever it is, you can create your own version of it with the products suggested with this

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Full moon in Scorpio April 29, 2018

Full moon in ScorpioA full moon in Scorpio bring to mind a powerful woman who knows how to influence her world. This tremendously helpful energy uplifts and supports our efforts in manifesting a meaningful life. During the new moon, April 15th, we put in motion a clearing of any fear that is holding us back from taking a leap of faith into a new experience.

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Spell Caster Club Spell, awakening or enhancing my gifts

SCC spell awakening my giftsHello all you beautiful and adventurous magic makers. This month’s Witches Union spell caster club card teaches how to awaken your magical and spiritual gifts. Whether it’s for the first time or going to a deeper level, you will feel an immediate difference.

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