Coventry Creations Blogs

New Moon in Aries April 15, 2018

New moon in AriesWe live by themes at Coventry. We’ve been doing it for years. It’s our way of teaching how to use our products. This is not exclusively about selling you products. Mostly we want to help you reach your goals and change your life for the better.

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Dreams really do come true

HM dreams really do come trueIf we are responsible for creating our own reality, why do I have so many issues, or any issues at all? Fair enough questions for a short sighted bloke like me. What I’ve learned about life so far is, our reality was created yesterday.

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Getting good at creating your own reality

CMO getting good at creating realityYou put a lot of effort into creating your own reality. Remnants of spells and candle rituals decorate your altar. Your vision board is up

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I believe in magic

LTM I believe in magicI love being a witch! I love believing in magic and magic believing in me. I love walking into a room of business executives and telling them that I help them awaken their inner magic. I love that I embrace my challenges with a mix of practicality and witchy-ness.

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Full Moon in Libra March 31, 2018

Full moon in libraThe Libra full moon is the essence of Inner Balance. It is impossible to be vulnerable when the scales are equally weighted because everyone has what they need. When this kind of fortifying is necessary, call down the energy of the Libra moon.

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Deal with your fear and feel invincible

HM Deal with your fear and feel invincibleEvery now and again I get a flurry of inquiries about psychic protection. Are you teaching a class? What crystals should I carry? Which candle do I need for my situation? I was told I need a spiritual cleansing, what’s that? These questions often come from people just learning about energy.

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New Moon in Pisces March 17, 2018

New moon in PiscesDear Pisces Moon, ignite my intuition so I may be more aware of my surroundings. Teach me your mysterious ways of knowing and seeing beyond the obvious. Being in tune with a new moon in Pisces will show us the ninja side of protection.

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Spell Caster Club card for Protection Magic

Spell Caster club card for protection magicHave you been cleaning your local witchy store out of protection tools lately? Have you noticed you keep feeling attacked or your “bad luck” is constantly sourced in something around you? It’s always our mission to create products that inspire our fellow humans to think outside the box and empower themselves.

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  872 Hits

Don’t know how to energetically protect yourself?

LTM Dont know how to energetically protect yourself You may not want to hear it, but once you need protection, the damage has taken root and you are in crisis management. We certainly have a candle (or 5) for that and it works fast, but what if you could avoid having to spend time in recovery? What if you could avoid the attack in the first place?

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Protection lies in your ability to rise above your anxiety

CMO Protection lies in your ability to rise above your anxietyWe do a lot to make sure we are safe. Then something happens anyway. Why is that? It’s because we

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Full moon in Virgo March 1, 2018

MM Full moon in virgoA full moon in Virgo on March 1 during Coventry’s month of protection magic gives me pause. The Virgo energy is known for its panache for detail and being perfectionist, but I don’t see the momma bear here. Perhaps I need to dig deeper in Virgos abilities, which there are many.

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Everyone has the capacity to heal

HM Everyone has the capacity to healBack in 2008 I published the Healers Almanac and within its pages I shared many different modalities and therapies available. Each in their own way, alleviate the many symptoms we suffer from by bringing the body, mind and emotions back into balance.

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New moon in Aquarius February 15, 2018

MM New moon An Aquarian moon is a trip The new moon stands alone in February. While the full moon hangs off the end of January and ushers in March the February new moon is holding down the fort and basking in the delightful energy of Aquarius.

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Spell Caster Club Card for Healing Magic

Retail SCCC for February healingThe reason we feel crappy is always below the surface just out of our conscious understanding. This is why finding the root cause or core issue is so helpful. Healers understand this and that is why they ask so many questions and test us in so many different ways.

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5 ways to use Energetic oils in your daily life

LTM 5 ways to use energetic oilsAre you on team candle or on team oil? I find that many of my customers are committed to using the Coventry candles in their spiritual practice and don’t get how to use the oils, or they are masters of the magical oil and don’t feel the same connection with the candles.

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Breaking through blocks to health

CMO breaking through the blocks to healA dear friend of mine who is working to overcome pancreatic cancer said, “I wish you all a healthy New Year, it really is

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Full Moon in Leo January 31, 2018

118MM its good to be the queen fullmoonWe are wrapping up this month of community with the moon in Leo. Oh it’s good to be queen, but, note that each hive has only one queen and many queens in training for when she dies. In business we have a saying.

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What is so healing about belonging to a community?

118HM Alone I can go fast but together we go farI recently attended a weekend workshop with a group of about 160 people who I’ve been taking online classes with for the last 4 years. The weekend culminated in a ceremony to celebrate our accomplishments.

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New moon in Capricorn January 16, 2018

118MM feeling lonely reach outIt’s a Capricorn new moon on January 16th, and that means our hard working practical side is coming center stage. Since this sign is so socially oriented, we will all be empowered to reach out with more ease and grace to our unique community of like minded folks.

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People of like mind are actively looking for each other

118LTM Finding your hive is also about trial and errorWelcome to 2018 – the year of the collective power. There is going to be a strength in numbers this year as you will find your tribe or hive faster than ever before. People of like mind are actively looking for each other because we know that together we go farther.

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