Coventry Creations Blogs

We Love Alchemy Arts

Alchemy Arts CompositeAlchemy Arts

1203 W. Bryn Mawr Ave

Chicago, IL 60660



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things that Ken said, This may not be appropriate for all audiences)

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Full Moon in Cancer January 1, 2018

Full Moon in CancerWe start the year in a beautiful way. Refreshing our connections with our community. The Cancer moon supports this on so many levels, we feel very inclined to gather with friends and people of like minds and hearts and do something positive for our parish, neighborhood, local school or town.

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  1701 Hits

Shut the front door

Healing MagicSometimes closure is hard because we don’t know we haven’t done it. We stand there saying goodbye without ever closing the door and walking away. Talk about mixed messages. Each one of us are responsible for our own part of letting good bye mean this is over.

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  1878 Hits

New moon in Sagittarius on December 17, 2017

New Moon in SagitariusWe wrap up 2017 with the theme of cutting cords or if you prefer, closure. As the new moon travels through flirty Sagittarius, we too will want to leave on a good note. I hear it many times over, always leave them laughing or wanting more.

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  1905 Hits

Goals are a moving target

Live The Magic“How can it be December when my to-do list is still so full? I have goals I tell ya! I have things I committed to doing in 2017 and I just can’t do it. “


This is the December panic every year.

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  1959 Hits

Thank You MagikCraft for Being a Part of the Coventry Family

Magik Craft compositeMagikCraft - A Unique Shoppe

1916 Perry Street (right next to Ninth Street and Wholefoods)

Durham, NC 27705





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After dreaming of opening a brick and mortar store for many years Lynn and Tom opened MagikCraft in August 2016.

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  1944 Hits

Full moon in Gemini on December 3, 2017

FullMoon Dec GeminiClosure is one of the most sought after practices once the final curtain is upon us or the situation. We all need to “call it” for ourselves, so we can stop thinking we can resurrect the situation. For me, it’s about self-preservation, moving on and letting the past be where it belongs, in my past.

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  2016 Hits

Nine ways to increase quality time with ghosts

Nov healing magic imageAll month we’ve been swimming in the astral sea of ancestors and spirit guides because the thin veil has made it possible to make those special connections. I hope you were able to rekindle fond memories and quiet conversations with loved ones who’ve passed.

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  2158 Hits

New moon in Scorpio on November 18, 2017

NewMoon Nov ScorpioThe moon is going dark in the sign of Scorpio on November 18th. When this happens, you have very little choice but to go within and do some soul searching. If you do it with the right attitude, you may come out with a fresh perspective on life and your role in it.

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  1975 Hits

Divine Allies Spell - Guidance, protection, and clarity

SpellCasterClub Divine Allies imageHow do you know your divine allies will be there when you need them? You create a relationship with them now.


Communicating with the spirits who guide and protect you takes a little practice and a place to connect with them.

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  926 Hits

Weaving your web of peace

live the magicLet me start this article by saying, I do not have any answers or advice for you. I just know that a large percentage of my friends, customers and family are feeling the stress and anxiety of our social climate right now. I am setting aside all political issues, race issue, sex and orientation issues and I want to get down to the core feeling that I see driving the bus on our collective anxiety.

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  2005 Hits

What can I do to improve my connection with my spirit guides?

We are designed to be connected with spirit and all the beauty it has to offer. It is the only way we will keep moving up the

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  1125 Hits

Thank You Scarlet Sage Herb Company for Being a Part of the Coventry Family

Scarlet Sage Herb CoThe Scarlet Sage Herb Company

1193 Valencia Street

San Francisco, CA 94110


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The Scarlet Sage Herb Company was founded in San Francisco's Mission District in 1995 by two revolutionary herbalist women, Dino and Lisa.

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  1840 Hits

DIY Spirit Communication

GC SECommunicating with the other side can be frightening, after all it is a realm we know very little about, and popular culture hasn’t exactly given this practice a good reputation. We’ve all lost a good night’s sleep over a suspenseful seance scene filled with flickering lights, scratching, airborne objects, and creepy, cryptic messages.

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  1559 Hits

The search for God in our Ancestors

Healing Magic extra imageThe veil between the worlds thins every year as October gives way to November. I was raised a catholic and we call this transition, All Saints Day. A time when the saints came to bless us and we honored them for their courage and faith.

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  1858 Hits

Full moon in Taurus on November 3, 2017

Nov 3 full moon image.smallWe’ve just experienced the veil thinning and I hope you were able to feel the love your spirit guides and ancestors have for you. They are the tireless cheer leading squad that sings, when you fall down, just get up again, we believe in you.

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  2036 Hits

The many magical traditions of Coventry

LTM Many TraditionsBeing an eclectic witch is the inspiration behind Coventry, more specifically, why the word Coventry was chosen 25 years ago as our company name. When I first looked up in word in an old 1980’s dictionary the definition I got was “A gathering place of witches”.

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  1886 Hits

New moon in Libra on October 19, 2017

New Moon October

Yay, the new moon is upon us and in the sign of Libra. Balance is the secret of a successful life, for it’s when we live life in balance we are able to endure the journey. It’s a long and hard road at times and if we burn out, game over before we’ve accomplished something.

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  2257 Hits

Magic without passion is just posturing

October HMThe power behind your thought is passion. When you’re positively passionate about your work, it’s beautiful. When you are negatively passionate about your work it’s tragic. It’s still beautiful, even though its beauty comes through surviving pain. If you don’t have any passion your thoughts don’t go anywhere.

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  2117 Hits

How can I strengthen my magic?

CMO OctoberOctober is here and all the witches rejoice! This is the ideal time to add some oomph to your spell casting and improve upon and understand your magic, while

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  1292 Hits

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