Coventry Creations Blogs

The No-Sweat Guide to Spiritual Spring Cleaning

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Today, we're diving into the ancient art of spiritual cleansing, but don’t worry, there’s no heavy lifting required. This practice has been around since the Flintstones decided they needed a bit more zen in their lives, and it's all about kicking those bad vibes to the curb and rolling out the red carpet for the good stuff.

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Full Moon in Virgo, February 24, 2024

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Full Moon in Virgo on February 24, 2024

Enter, the cycle-breaking moon. Procrastination is the biggest buster toward your success and if you really want to change that, this full Moon in Virgo has the power to shift you from couch potato to action Annie.

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Unveil the Magic: February's "All That Glitters Is Mine" Spell

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Embrace the Sparkle: February's "All That Glitters Is Mine" Spell from Coventry Creations

February, a month traditionally linked with love and renewal, presents an ideal time to channel energies toward magnetizing happiness, prosperity, and affection. This month, Coventry Creations' Spell Caster Club proudly reintroduces a spell embodying the essence of magnetism and manifestation: "All That Glitters is Mine.

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Unveiling Inner Happiness and Beauty

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Discovering Your Inner Happiness and Beauty

Today, we invite you on a transformative journey, one that is deeply personal and incredibly powerful. This isn't just any journey—it's a transformative exploration into the realms of your own spirit, a quest to unearth the essence of joy and beauty that lies dormant within you.

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New Moon in Aquarius February 9, 2024

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New Moon in Aquarius on February 9, 2024

Storm says, on February 9, 2024, we reach the heart of Aquarius season with the New Moon. This is an extremely social New Moon that’s excellent for building your network and circle of friends.

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The Lasting Allure of Lavender in Love Magic

Jan2024 HerbMagic

The Lasting Allure of Lavender in Love Magic

TL;DR: Lavender's legacy in love magic is as enduring as it is enchanting. From ancient baths to modern bedrooms, its role in kindling and nurturing love has remained unchallenged. The captivating scent and the deep-rooted history of lavender continue to make it an essential element in the pursuit of love and romance.

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Astro Magic Forecast for February 2024

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Astro Magic February 2024
As we enter February, we step into the Pisces season. Pisces, often misunderstood, ranges from spiritual highs to challenging lows. Following the realistic focus of Capricorn season and the communal mindset of Aquarius, Pisces season urges us to seek deeper, more meaningful experiences.

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Illuminate Your 2024 with Affirmation Candles & Aunt Jacki's Hoodoo Magic

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Welcome to a Radiant New Year!

Take a bold step into the crisp and promising dawn of 2024 and make the perfect intention, embrace those positive energies, and embark on a journey of self-discovery. What better way to initiate a radiant year than by taking charge of your destiny with our magical candles? Make January the month to spotlight your dreams with Affirmation Candles and Aunt Jacki's Ultimate Hoodoo candles, oils, and sprays.

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Friendship and the Muse Within

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Writing is a collaborative event. We think we’re writing all by ourselves only to realize there is someone whispering in our ear. It happens when we pause to laugh at a funny thought or wipe away tears created by a touching inspiration.

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Dreams Come True- Witches Unions December 2023

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December 2023 Witches Union Spell Card

The New Year is quickly approaching, and what better time to focus on making dreams come true!? You need a vision, hard work, and of course a spell to manifest your dreams. We took care of the spell part, the rest is up to you! 

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Away With the Winter Blues!

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December is here and we all know what that means… Cold weather, short days, gloomy skies, and the winter blues. Some of us are born loving the winter months, while others struggle to be cheery and bright. If you’re part of that latter group, give our Winter Blues Lifter spell a shot.

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Get Ready for The New Year!

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Are you looking for something that can help you take on the New Year? Our Affirmations line has something for everyone. From Healing and Inner Beauty to Love and Success, and everything in between. Start the New Year off on the right foot!

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Candle Ritual for Crystal Clear Cognition

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During this Full Moon, we are juggling two major influences. The Full Moon in Gemini and Mercury square Neptune. We will need a little extra candle magic to get through the potential shenanigans.


When Mercury squares Neptune, miscommunication is likely because dreamy Neptune can inadvertently scramble our minds and cause confusion.

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Astro Magic Forecast for December 2023

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Astro Magic December 2023

The month of December brings us Capricorn season, which begins on Winter Solstice (December 21) and continues until the Sun moves into Aquarius on January 19th.

Capricorn is an earth sign that is concerned with taking charge, being ambitious, striving for success, and focusing on things that matter.

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Witches Union Spell Card November 2023

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November 2023 Witches Union Spell Card

The Holiday season is upon us, and there is no better time to make sure our homes are ready for all of the festivities! This is the perfect spell to clear out the negative and chaotic energy and allow the positive and cheery energy in! 

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It’s the season of gratitude!

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Spooky season has come and gone, and now it’s time for the season of giving! Whether you are giving thanks or giving back, we are constantly being reminded to be grateful and thankful. Did you know that there’s even a thing called gratitude magic? Well, if you didn’t, keep reading!

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Candle Ritual for Fruitful Introspection

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Our friend Scorpio is back and has filled this New Moon with its powerful vibrations of transformation and rebirth. It’s an open invitation to take a journey to explore your inner landscapes and deal with what you find there. When the moon is new, it’s dark because it’s not reflecting any light.

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Christmas is Here a Little Early!

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The countdown is on, and the hustle and bustle of the holiday season is underway! Our Limited Edition Krampus and Kringle candles are back, so make sure you stock up. Whether you want to bring in the cheer and celebrate the season’s greatest ambassador, Kringle, or counter the sickeningly saccharine air of the Holidays with Krampus, we’ve got you covered! 

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Astro Magic Forecast for November 2023

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Astro Magic November 2023

Out of the Phoenix's ashes, the archer rises and points his arrow into the eternal heavens. It’s a drastic shift in energies from the discomfort we faced during Scorpio season. Scorpio season is about facing our fears, phobias, and working on our dysfunctions (and yes, we all have them); whereas Sagittarius season is about looking to the future -- onward and upward.

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Candle Ritual to Increase Self-Love

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Full Moon in Taurus on October 28, 2023

“Keep calm and carry on” is our mantra for this Full Moon. Not because it’s in Taurus, but because of its lunar eclipse and the bonus features of being conjunct with Jupiter and Uranus.

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