Coventry Creations Blogs

Good boundaries begin with you

July Healing MagicMy journey, like so many of us, required me to understand who I am. Until that happened, I could not draw a line in the sand and find it still there in the morning. The ocean of life kept washing it away.

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  2030 Hits

Thank You Journeys of Life for Being a Part of the Coventry Family

Journeys of Life compositeJourneys of Life

810 Bellefonte Street

Pittsburgh, PA 15232


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It is hard to put in a few sentences 28 years of business. Journeys of Life began as a traditional 12 step store for people recovering from addiction and quickly became a place for people to find books and gifts with meaning that they would want to give and get.

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  1913 Hits

The Firecracker Candle: A Testimonial

Hey Jacki! I just wanted to thank you for making your Blockbuster candle. My husband has been out of work since the first of March. He has applied to so many jobs and I have done a variety of candles without success. Last Tuesday I started one if the Blockbusters and did prayer work. That candle burned quick and high. On Thursday he got a phone call from a company and did a phone interview, met in person with them on Friday, and today was offered and accepted the job. I am indebted to you for creating such an amazing candle.

Shelly, Maryland
We are so happy for you and your husband, and we are so grateful for your kind words! 
There are very few Firecracker Candles left! We expect to be out by the end of the month, so make sure you get one of our Ultimate Blockbusters and make some magic!
FireCrackerBlockBusterCandle Lifestyle 470sq
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  1700 Hits

New moon in Cancer on June 24, 2017

New Moon JuneCancer is the sign of nurturing, protecting and sustaining. This is exactly what we need when we are faced with a life change. It doesn’t matter if it was planned or completely unexpected, we all have our feelings about change. Like the crab, seek shelter when you’ve become overwhelmed with all the new information and feelings bombarding you.

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  1888 Hits

Not all transitions are alike

Healing Magic June Your TransitionEveryone knows that change is a part of life and it is undeniably a powerful teacher. We really can’t ignore the lessons that change and transition brings to us. Of course there are times we rail against them, shake our fist, pull our hair and pound on pillows because they are not what we want.

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Full moon in Sagittarius on June 9, 2017

Full Moon JuneTransition is the process in which something changes from one state to another. Our state of being is transitory. Rarely are we completely stagnant. Something about us is always in process. It could be as deep as a change of mind or as superficial as a change of clothes.

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  2122 Hits

CMO Reading - May 2017 - How do I take back my personal power while under attack?

May CMO Under AttackNothing depletes your personal power more than when your vulnerabilities are under attack. This attack doesn’t even need to be malicious to have a long lasting

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  1048 Hits

Witches do it easier

WU Retail FeatureThe Witches Union has been a resounding hit. In 2016 we introduced our Membership cards and Spell Caster Club cards and we continued to run out of them. This year we have a new line of witchy accessories to continue the excitement and show your Witches Union pride!

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  1661 Hits

Your Magical Story

Magical Story“You are magical; you are so magical that you could write your own epic tale of witchcraft and wonder. That is what each spell is, an epic tale of uncovering a deep secret that has been keeping you from attaining your full powers and overcoming that secret.

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  1673 Hits

Rediscovering your magic

rediscover your magicRemember when your spiritual journey was new? When every step was an amazing discovery? Remember when you felt tangible energy for the first time. You could sit in the yard and connect to the fair folk for the first time. When you met your spirit guides and had your first telepathic communication.

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  1973 Hits

Is feeling overwhelmed a choice? If it is, I am changing this mess!

April CMO2017 quickly became a year of overwhelming energy. From the long term astrological stressors to the unrest in the national political climate, everyone is feeling it. We are

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  1946 Hits

Spiritual remedy for a boiling pot

The pots is not only about to boil, it is boiling and you don’t feel you have the wherewithal to respond to it. When your cup is full, life takes on a completely different hue. It’s tempting to slide into your lowest common denominator when you know you can’t get it all done, or there are too many stressors, or too many bad things have happened.

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Just in time - Brigid and Greenman limited edition candles.

W GMWe’ve got help for those who are far too guilty of being swept into the madness that is our modern life. The beating pace of it all, the fear and anxiety, the brushes with hopelessness and lack of purpose can suck the life out of any mere mortal.

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Bills Be Gone--Prosperity From Every Angle

March 2017 Spellcaster card 1March’s Spell Caster card, included in every purchase this month, is all about shrinking your bills, managing the amount of money that leaves your house, and creating stability around your money. We all have bills to pay. They never seem to stop coming around every month, but watch how they shrink and maybe even disappear with this spell.

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  2097 Hits

Welcome Spring, Welcome Rebirth!!!

Welcome Spring!!!

March 2017 Feature

New beginnings, the start of the gardening cycle, longer days, shorter nights, and warmer weather is the perfect time to bring out Coventry Creations World Magic Candles. Be sure to fill your magical toolbox with:


Limited Edition World Magic Greenman and Brigid Candles

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  1758 Hits

Wealth comes from where you put your focus

March CoventryMagicOracleWill there be enough? March’s Coventry Magic Oracle reading taps into that ever present fear. I have interviewed many people, from the struggling, to the wealthy, to spiritual

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  1910 Hits

A Charmed Life -- The very best life has to offer

Feb 2017 Spell Caster Card Carmed LifeFebruary’s Spell Caster Card, included in every purchase this month, is all about creating the life your heart desires. We have the power within us to manifest all the things we want to have. But, this is not about keeping up with the Joneses.

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  1815 Hits

Bring on the charm

Feb 2017 Feature BLogProsperity, love, abundance, happiness, peace, or whatever you choose to have as the mainstay in your life Coventry Creations has the candle for that! 2017 is the year for new beginnings, and manifesting your intentions! Be sure to fill your magical toolbox with:

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  1841 Hits

A Charmed Life is only a flick of the bic away.

CoventryMagicOracleFeb2017What is it that some people have that makes it look like they are living a charmed life? They don’t have to sweat as many details as you do,

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  1648 Hits

Truth Spell- Cutting through the voices

JanSCCJanuary’s Spell Caster Card, included in every purchase this month, is all about the overwhelming information that we are all under siege with. Not only are we over informed, everyone around us is too and that can cause a lot of unclear voices rolling through your brain, muddying up the truth.

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  2419 Hits

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