Coventry Creations Blogs

Witches Union Spell Card October 2023

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October 2023 Witches Union Spell Card

It’s finally the best time of the year, all things spooky, all the time! Although we love dark and scary things this time of year, some things are unwanted. If you are feeling like you need a little extra protection, this Witch’s Bottle Protection Spell might be for you!

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5 Things Aunt Jacki Will Never Do After Being a Witch for 35 Years

Oct2023 Magic101 400px

For the past 36 years, Jacki Smith has immersed herself in the practice of witchcraft and magic, and she is ready to share some cautionary insights regarding the dos and don'ts of magic and manifesting.


  1. Curse people- We have all had someone in our life do something that left us feeling upset or hurt and our first thought was to get revenge.
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Candle Ritual to Protect Your Home

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New Moon in Libra on October 14, 2023 

Storm Cestavani recommends we only do protection and clearing work during a Solar Eclipse and while the New Moon is in Libra. We’ve given you a sweet little protection candle ritual to keep you grounded and out of harm's way during the solar eclipse.

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Stock up on Halloween treats!

Oct2023 Feature Retail 400

We are quickly approaching the day we wait all year for – Halloween! While candy is the most known treat during this time, we think our treats this year might be a little sweater. We have not one, but TWO Limited Edition Halloween candles.

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Candle Ritual for Staying Open-minded

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During this Full Moon, we have some exciting energies at play. Aries is a predominant figure and true to this sign, the energy is outgoing and forceful. Great for getting things started, but not so good when cooperation and seeing another’s point of view is what’s needed.

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Astro Magic Forecast for October 2023

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October Astro Magic 2023

Reptiles have always been associated with the sign of Scorpio. The symbolism of the snake shedding its skin reflects Scorpio's powers of transformation and its natural association with death and disintegration. And there is no better figure to represent the sign of the scorpion than the mythic Medusa.

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All That Glitters is Mine Spell - Witches Union September 2023

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September 2023 Witches Union Spell Card

Are you overwhelmed with not being able to decide on what to do with all of your wants and ideas? Then this spell is for you! Use the glittery and shiny energy to manifest all of those things you have floating around in your head.

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Candle ritual for landing your big idea

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Ideas and inspirations are the foundation of everything physical. Without our powerful minds, life would be very different. This is also true about our emotions, particularly passion which is the love child of drive and desire. This New Moon in Virgo on September 14, 2023, is enjoying a special relationship with the element Earth.

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Egg Cleansing

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Have you ever heard of an egg cleanse? Yeah, you read that right, cleansing yourself with an egg! It’s not as crazy as it sounds, we promise. Let’s get into it! 

Egg Cleansing

Egg cleansing is a great way to clear someone out of your life, or more specifically, any hooks that they have in you.

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All Treats, No Tricks!

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The air has shifted, the days are getting shorter, Fall is near, and Halloween is on our minds! Last year we offered our Limited Edition Witch’s Brew candles, but this year we have a little extra treat for you. Not only will those Witch’s Brew candles be back, but so will the Wicked Witch Mojo Limited Edition Halloween candles! 8 limited edition candles to choose from to get you ready for the upcoming spooky season.

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Astro Magic Forecast for September 2023

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Astro Magic September 2023

Libra is the sign of relationships, and on the practical level, it is. And although pop astrology focuses on love relationships, the sign of the scales governs all relationships, even relationships with our enemies.

But what is the undercurrent of the sign of the scales? 

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Candle ritual for successful manifesting

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A full moon in Pisces means accelerated psychic and intuitive activity. A perfect time to land that great idea and manifest it. Ideas are just ideas until you put them through a process that includes a few more important steps than letting the light bulb go on in your mind.

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August 2023 Witches Union Spell Card

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August 2023, Witches Union Spell Card

You have a deadline, a goal, and a small window of time, but your inspiration is missing from your winning formula. It’s time for the Creative Spark Spell to get your inspiration fired up!  

This personal ritual clears you of your creative blocks and invites in the ideas and clarity on how to execute.

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Candle Scribing 101

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When it comes to candle scribing, we get a lot of questions. “How do you scribe a candle? Do I have to write in a certain direction? Can I write on the bottom?”. If you’re also wondering about the answers to these questions, we’ve got you covered! 

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New Moon, new you.

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Every month, when the moon is new, the doors for new possibilities and opportunities open. On August 16th the New Moon is aglow with the dynamic energy of Leo the Lion, which means you are in the spotlight. Use this precious time to polish and shine yourself so your own inner light blazes through.

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Get ‘em While They’re Hot!

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August is here and it comes with some exciting news! The loved and so dearly missed HooDoo line is making a comeback, only this time, they will look a little different. The Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate and the Motor City HooDoos are joining forces to become Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate HooDoo! The 9 most popular products will be available in candles, oils, and sprays! 

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Astro Magic Forecast for August 2023

Aug2023 AstroMagic

Astro Magic For August 2023

August is here, and it's time to welcome Virgo season! In Kabbalah, this month of Elul is associated with the cosmic process of repentance (Teshuvah). This is where we take stock of our actions throughout the year, reflect on their root cause, make amends when necessary, and try to avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future.

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Candle Ritual for Breaking Through to the Good Life

Aug2023 FullMoon

Ah, the Aquarian Full Moon. A very special three days for breaking the bonds of the things and people that hold you back. If you find yourself needing to put the past behind you and create momentum in a new direction, here’s a candle ritual for you.

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Altar Setup Basics

July2023 Magic101

You’re ready to start your magical journey and get your altar set up, and we’re ready to help! If you didn’t know already, your altar can be anywhere you want it to be. In your car, an old tree stump in your backyard, the side table in your bedroom, anywhere! Once you pick a spot, follow these next steps to set up your altar! 

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Candle Ritual for Increasing Abundance

July2023 NewMoon

A New Moon in the sign of Cancer creates lots of opportunities to start a family, a home renovation project, heal family rifts and improve relationships. I don’t know about you, but when the moon says here’s your opportunity to grow something beautiful, I’m all for it.

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