Coventry Creations Blogs

Container Candles Now Available

Container Candles are now available at  Magic on the go!  This is the phrase that inspired us to look for a new way to display our candles and grow the Coventry Family.   We had toyed around with the idea of making glass container candles for some time now,  and we are very excited to announce that we are now offering select Blessed Herbal, World and Witches Brew in a portable magic container. The Container candles are a 50 hour burning candles and come in a rock class that includes a pack wooden matches making this candle ideal for a gift of all occasions! 


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  1977 Hits

30 Days of Miracles: Write out what you are going to do....

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day30.jpgWrite out what you are going to do to create a 5 minute miracle for the next 6 days. Repeat this every 7th day.


- Jacki Smith

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  1895 Hits

30 Days of Miracles: Spiritually cleanse this morning before you face the day.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day29.jpgSpiritually cleanse this morning before you face the day. Smudge, use a salt scrub, oils, bathe with tea-bags, anything that you normally do to cleanse, but do it in a very focused way. How much different was your day?


- Jacki Smith

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  2028 Hits

30 Days of Miracles: When you get home from work today, instead of lying down or sitting down, shake yourself up.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day28.jpgWhen you get home from work today, instead of lying down or sitting down, shake yourself up. Shake all the excess energy or unwelcome energy off of your body. Shake your head, arms, trunk, butt, legs and feet. Now yell a little while you shake. What mood were you in before you shook and after you shook?


- Jacki Smith

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  1816 Hits

30 Days of Miracles: Put your hand on your heart and on your solar plexus ....

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day27.jpgPut your hand on your heart and on your solar plexus and visualize the energy cycling between those two Chakras. How does that feel to you? Are you feeling any discordant energy? If you do, let the energy flow until it feels smoother.


- Jacki Smith

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  1706 Hits

30 Days of Miracles: Touch your toes and hang that way for a full 60 seconds.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day26.jpgTouch your toes and hang that way for a full 60 seconds. Even if you have to bend your knees, touch your toes. Lift you arms high, look up and slightly arch your back. Hold that for 60 seconds. Bring your arms out to the side for 60 seconds, making yourself a giant “t”. Now hug yourself for as long as you can. What thoughts came to you in each position. 1 – What you need to relax from, 2 – What do you need guidance on, 3 – what in your life are you open to, 4 – What in your life are you embracing.


- Jacki Smith

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  2026 Hits

30 Days of Miracles: Get up and take a brisk walk in the world for five minutes....

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day25.jpgGet up and take a brisk walk in the world for five minutes or jog in place for 3 minutes. How different do you feel in your energy center? Do you have a better outlook on your day?


- Jacki Smith

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  1697 Hits

30 Days of Miracles: Touch a tree today. Feel with your physical and spiritual hands how strong it is.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day24.jpgTouch a tree today. Feel with your physical and spiritual hands how strong it is. How it is solid yet it has a living energy. Feel how the energy of the tree comes from deep within the earth. Bring that energy into your body and allow your roots to grow deep. The tree has a message for you, open up to receive it. What was your message?


- Jacki Smith

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  1736 Hits

30 Days of Miracles: Go outside (no matter what the weather) and take three deep breaths.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day23.jpgGo outside (no matter what the weather) and take three deep breaths. Bring into you the big wide world in all its glory and feel energized. How does this change your perspective?


- Jacki Smith

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  3190 Hits

30 Days of Miracles: Say 5 nice things about your body in less than one minute.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day22.jpgSay 5 nice things about your body in less than one minute. Keep trying until you can do it without thinking anything negative about yourself.


- Jacki Smith

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  1811 Hits

30 Days of Miracles: Think about some of your worst mistakes and look at them from the outside in,

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day21.jpgThink about some of your worst mistakes and look at them from the outside in, as if you were looking at someone else’s life. Would you forgive the mistakes? How would you counsel that person? Now look from the inside - out and forgive yourself. What does it feel like to let go of those past mistakes?


- Jacki Smith

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  2681 Hits

30 Days of Miracles: Take a moment and contemplate your nose.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day20.jpgTake a moment and contemplate your nose. This is the center point of your face and the first thing people see when they meet you. Think about how many people tell you that you are lovely, pretty, handsome, sweet, kind, etc. Imagine you are them, looking at your face and see what they see. See the kindness, beauty and glory that they see in you. Now look in the mirror and see how amazing you are. Describe with people see in you.


- Jacki Smith

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  1864 Hits

30 Days of Miracles: Think of one issue that has been plaguing you and ask yourself, “Why is that?”

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day19.jpgThink of one issue that has been plaguing you and ask yourself, “Why is that?” The first split second answer you get is the truth. Now dig a little deeper and ask yourself again, “Why is that?” Think about those two answers and what they tell you about the real problem.


- Jacki Smith

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  4345 Hits

30 Days of Miracles: If you were Alice and your life was Wonderland ....

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day18.jpgIf you were Alice and your life was Wonderland what is the first adventure you would want to have? What fear would you conquer?


- Jacki Smith

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  1706 Hits

30 Days of Miracles: What do you fear the most?

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day17.jpgWhat do you fear the most? How does this fear affect your life? What is one small thing you can do to conquer your fear?


- Jacki Smith

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  1657 Hits

30 Days of Miracles: Close your eyes and visualize yourself as a child.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day16.jpgClose your eyes and visualize yourself as a child. Imagine what would happen if you were able to give your younger self exactly what they needed and wanted. Now live your life as if you had gotten that gift from your older self. What did you give your younger self?


- Jacki Smith

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  1782 Hits

30 Days of Miracles: Breathe into your heart, take a deep breath and...

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day15.jpgBreathe into your heart, take a deep breath and imagine that when you exhale a flower blossoms upon your chest. As you breathe, fell your pulse beating throughout your body. This is your life force and you are tuned into it. What does it tell you?


- Jacki Smith

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  2013 Hits

30 Days of Miracles: Using 5 words, describe you without titles like mother, banker, brother, etc.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day14.jpgUsing 5 words, describe you without titles like mother, banker, brother, etc. Do you like that description? What would you change, remove or add?


- Jacki Smith

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  1994 Hits

30 Days of Miracles: Listen for messages today.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day13.jpgListen for messages today. Turn on the radio for a quick moment and off again, what words did you hear, what message was there for you.


- Jacki Smith

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  1799 Hits

30 Days of Miracles: For 5 minutes sit in silence and think about all the things you like about yourself.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day12.jpgFor 5 minutes sit in silence and think about all the things you like about yourself. No negativity or comparisons to others is allowed. If you can’t get through the 5 minutes without criticizing yourself try it again and again until you are able to.


- Jacki Smith

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  2072 Hits

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