Coventry Creations Articles

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2 minutes reading time (431 words)

Become present and feel the power in your words

The way you turn a phrase can turn your world topsy turvy or set it to rights. This is most notable in magic and intention work. Wishing for a good outcome is not even close to the same league as declaring your success at a specific date and time.

We have studied this at Coventry and every blessing on every label has been deliberated over, tested, rewritten, and edited by the best of us. We have now created a new layer to turning your want into a magical declaration, candle holders!

4 sizes to fit every candle at Coventry

Votive - $5.00

Blessed Herbal - $7.50

Affirmation - $9.50

World / Witch’s Brew - $10.75

These clear glass holders are the perfect medium to glue on images, add stickers to declare your snark, use acrylic paints to be emotionally creative, china markers for names and sigils, or easiest yet...

Grab a candle holder and sharpie and let your intention take hold!

A black permanent marker on the outside of your glass candle holder comes off easily with water and elbow grease. Let your inner child come out to play, making big magic.

To get the best out of your candle holder follow these best practices:

  • For any glass candle holder; make sure the wick is in the center of the candle holder through the entire burn.
  • Don’t let the candle burn continuously until fully consumed as that will overheat the glass.
  • Be careful not to let the flame rest against the side of the glass.
  • Freezing the glass to get the last of the wax out will affect the structural integrity of the glass, instead, put it in hot (not boiling) water to soften the wax for removal.
  • Rotating your candle holders, giving them time between burns will give them a bit more longevity.

7 Day glass, mason jars, coffee cups, and candleholders from Coventry are all made from nontempered glass and are subject to the physics of fire. When nontempered glass is heated and cooled repeatedly it will eventually lose its integrity and crack. After 8-10 uses of any glass candle holder, it may crack.

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