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Embracing your Inner Witch

CMOAugustWitches are healers and magic makers. It’s really as simple as that. When we are making magic or manifesting our desires into reality, we are working with our inner witch.

CMOAugustWitches are healers and magic makers. It’s really as simple as that. When we are making magic or manifesting our desires into reality, we are working with our inner witch.

It’s not scary, it is empowering and it’s time to take back that word in every way and re-empower our inner witch, own the magic and take authority over our lives.

Healing = Magic and Magic = Healing. This month we are going to use the Coventry Magic Oracle reading to heal and embrace our inner witch. Then watch as more of our personal power unlocks to enhance our magic. Using the General Message Spread, I asked the question:

“How can the Coventry candles help our customers open up to embrace their inner witch?”

Illuminate: - Scales of Justice Motor City Hoo Doo Candle“Weight the scales of justice on your favor. Make all figures of authority sympathetic to your side.” This candle brings to you the understanding that you legitimize your own beliefs. If you believe you will be judged and shunned, you will be. If you believe that you can stand in your own power as a witch, then you will.

Heal:Recover Lost Money Motor City Hoo Doo Candle “Heal the stress that your financial crisis is causing.” This candle confused me at first until I understood this is a “recover what has been lost to you” line of magic. You lost the connection to your power and your inner witch, it went undercover and you are uncovering it. The stress of not having it has caused your diminished magical energy and now it is time to heal and recover from that limitation.

Clear:Ganesha World Magic Candle – “Ganesha is the remover of obstacles, clearing the way for the divine to bring blessings into your life.” This is the energy that will get the job done. Ganesha is ready to help you remove the obstacles or blocks to your inner witch cachet. Well played Ganesha, well played.

Turn this collection of candles into a powerful ritual to start you on your journey to your inner witch identity. Start by gathering the candles, a picture of you at your happiest, and a list of blocks or fears that stop you from feeling powerful.

Put the candles in appropriate candle holders and arrange them on your altar (work space) as your intuition guides you. Light all the candles telling them what you want them to do for you.

Place your picture in front of the Scales of Justice Candle. Place the list between the Recover Lost Money and Ganesha candles. Pick one item on your list and allow yourself to unravel the story around that block or fear. Write the story down if you need to. Ask your inner witch to re-write the conclusion of that story to one that empowers you, where you learn and grow and embrace this new idea about your personal power. Think about one issue at a time and allow your mind, body and spirit to process this healing and clearing. Write what you learned and place it under your picture in front of the Scales of Justice candle.

Do this again every day as you move thru the list of issues. Watch as your reaction to the world evolves into a place of power.

Want to draw your own cards to get a custom reading? Go to Choose the Clearing question and Spread 1 and see what magic is perfect for you.

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