Coventry Creations Blogs

Jacki Smith this the founder, enchantress and visionary of Coventry Creations. She started Coventy in 1992 and with her sister and business partner, Patty Shaw, they have taken if from the kitchen stove to an international company. Author, teacher, presenter, radio host, reader and healer, Jacki has dedicated her entire life to the mission of normalizing the words “Witch” and “Magic.”

Five Spiritual lessons from my trainer

Copy of Blog LiveTheMagic 470sqI have been working with a trainer for about a year now and it has changed the way I deal with the challenges in life. When I started this new routine, the last thing I expected was reinforcement in my spiritual philosophies and a few new ones that I was lacking.

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© 2019-06-18 13:52:58

  5844 Hits

Get your tools for the Magic maker in you, right here.

Feature Retail BlogNew! Limited Edition Blessed Herbal Candles

Five new candles perfect for the times

Calamity Calmer, Code Red, Lilith, Mercury Retrograde, Triple Crown

$17.50 each. We have lots in stock and available while supplies last.

During July and August, we offer five brand new limited edition Blessed Herbal candles.

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© 2019-06-18 13:52:58

  703 Hits

Life is better with happy chakras.

Feature Retail blog 470sqLife is not a destination but a journey. Don’t press pause in the game of life by inadvertently shutting down your drive and desire because there’s junk in your chakras. Reclaim the game by shifting the quality of the energy in your chakras with a Chakra Magic candle or spray.

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© 2019-06-18 13:52:58

  704 Hits

Try a little Hoo Doo to wake up your life

Feature blog Retail 470sqWe bring the magic of Hoo Doo to your door. All is left for you to do is choose to be empowered. Remember to practice magic responsibly, karma is a bitch! No matter what your problem, we have the conjure for that.

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© 2019-06-18 13:52:58

  723 Hits

Top five uses for anointing oils

Top 5 uses for anointing oils LTMAre you on team candle or on team oil? I find that many of my customers favor one team over the other. One group is committed to using the Coventry candles in their spiritual practice, but don’t yet know how to use the oils.

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© 2019-06-18 13:52:58

  1615 Hits

Wicked Good products 15% off

Wicked Good products 15 off Retail featureHave you ever found yourself in a situation where burning a candle is just not an option? We totally get that. That’s why we developed our Wicked Good Sprays and Wicked Good Energetic oils. They are there for you and all your spiritual and magical needs and no flame no smoke to contend with.

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© 2019-06-18 13:52:58

  655 Hits

Blessings on your day

Blessings on your day FeatureRetailOur World Magic candles connect us with the world’s cultures. They show us there are so many ways to heal, grow spiritually and show that we are all united as one at our very core. Coventry Creations World Magic Candles and Oils are perfect for sending your wishes to heaven for attention and fulfillment.

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© 2019-06-18 13:52:58

  712 Hits

Do We really work in a Sacred Space?

Do we really work in a sacred space Evergreen blogIt has always made sense for us to work in a sacred space because we are very aware of how energy carries feelings and ideas. So we wanted to make sure we were making the candles you will burn for love, prosperity, protection and spiritual enlightenment in a space that just oozes joy, hope, love, safety, and worthiness.

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© 2019-06-18 13:52:58

  898 Hits

Own your creativity and think outside the box

Own your creativity and think outside the box. Live The Magic BlogHow much of your magical teaching is relevant in the 21st century? How many of you can pee in a jar and put it under your front stoop for protection? Not as many as you think, so what does the 21st century witch do in such cases? They become the creator of their own magical tradition.

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© 2019-06-18 13:52:58

  1050 Hits

The Extreme Bad Ass is back, with a side of Hot Damn

Feature blog RetailAnother 15% off Wicked Witch Mojo candles and oil sale. Plus limited edition Dorothy Morrison candles are here. Now who’s your favorite witch? If it aint’ Dorothy Morrison or Jacki Smith, we’re going to spank you. These two women make being a witch the best idea since grilled cheese sandwiches.

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© 2019-06-18 13:52:58

  3261 Hits

Something for your magical tool kit

Retail Feature BlogWhen you can’t decide between all your options, do them all. That is why we put all Coventry pillar candles on sale this month. Making your magic happen just got more affordable. Stock up on your favorite Coventry candles and get your mojo on.

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© 2019-06-18 13:52:58

  825 Hits

Creating endless love starts with you.

LTM Creating endless love starts with you‘Self-care’ is a buzzword in the conscious living circle. It’s a reminder that after we leave the nest our health and happiness is all on us. But, what does self-care look like? How do you know when you’re doing it? How do you know you’re doing it right? Let me tell you a little secret: Self-care seems like it’s HARD work, yet it doesn’t have to be.

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© 2019-06-18 13:52:58

  60376 Hits

Affirmation candles 15% off

Affirmations 15 Off Retail FeatureGet ready to say goodbye to 2018, and hello to 2019! Here at Coventry Creations, we believe that the end of the year should go out the way you want the new year to arrive!

Affirmation Pillar candles 15% off

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© 2019-06-18 13:52:58

  755 Hits

Steps to finding your magical familiar

LTM Steps to finding your magical familiarWe hear the terms: witch’s familiar, magical familiar, spiritual familiar, which all relate to an animal who you are esoterically connected to, but what we need to understand is that your magical familiar, or whatever term you identify with, is an actual living animal.

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© 2019-06-18 13:52:58

  1028 Hits

Getting the psychic engine running

LTM Getting the psychic engine runningOctober, how I love thee! It’s not just the boots I get to wear, or the Halloween decorations I get to put or and wear. It’s that my job, my passion gets so much easier. The witches say that in this season the veil between the worlds gets thinner, meaning psychic energies are stronger and spirit communication is easier.

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© 2019-06-18 13:52:58

  1133 Hits

Got the Astro-Blues?

Got the Astro Blues CMO 470sqWe are on a serious roller coaster ride astrologically speaking and it’s hitting us right in the gut or emotional center. We are being invited,

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  930 Hits

Hand of God, the ultimate protection spell

Hand of god the ultimate protection spell sccc.retailProtection comes in many Layers. You can have security cameras and an alarm system to protect your possessions. You can have vaccinations, body guards and umbrellas to protect your physical body, and you can have blessings, evil eyes and Hamsa’s to protect your soul.

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  1014 Hits

When it’s not safe to be yourself, do this.

When its not safe to be yourself do thisI’m writing this article inside out this time, products first, then the problem and the spell. Here’s why. We don’t have time these days to wait to get to the point. It’s not feeling so safe out there and we need answers today.

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© 2019-06-18 13:52:58

  976 Hits

Dorothy Morrison’s Wicked Witch Halloween

Dorothy Morrisons Wicked Witch Halloween FeatureRetail 470sqWho have you been missing? We know, it’s Dorothy Morrison and her wildly witty charming candles and oils. This month her Wicked Witch Mojo candles and oils are on sale.

Wicked Witch Mojo candles 15% off

reg. - $13.75, sale price - $11.75

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© 2019-06-18 13:52:58

  1006 Hits

Mind over Anything Spell

SCCC Mind over anythingYour mind is very powerful. So powerful, it creates the circumstances of the life you live. Freaky. This is why everyone who talks about anything that has to do with metaphysics, manifestation, visioning, wishing and spell work starts with your thoughts. You are asked to become aware of what are you thinking, where your focus is and what you believe in.

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  1785 Hits

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