Coventry Creations Blogs

Jacki Smith this the founder, enchantress and visionary of Coventry Creations. She started Coventy in 1992 and with her sister and business partner, Patty Shaw, they have taken if from the kitchen stove to an international company. Author, teacher, presenter, radio host, reader and healer, Jacki has dedicated her entire life to the mission of normalizing the words “Witch” and “Magic.”

Jinx Removing - A Witches Union Spell Caster’s Club Card

The root of the word jinx stems from the wryneck bird, a crafty little creature who spins its neck nearly 180 degrees and hisses like a snake.  No matter which way its prey goes it manages to follow, keeping its gaze fixed on its goal.  Whether a malediction from an outside influence or a negative self fulfilling prophesy, a hex can be hard to shake.  


Change bad luck to good with the Jinx Removing Spell Caster Club Card.  


SCC JR470A hex or jinx acts as an attractant for bad luck and accumulates negative energy around the afflicted.  Carrying a cloud of curses can upset the most stable and balanced; throwing off all attempts at progress.  


The Witches Union Jinx Removing Spell uses everyday objects and Coventry Creations candles and oils to allow you to change your luck and remove negative influences.  Crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith, this spell is sure to act quickly and effectively.

An Added Bonus: Spellcaster Club Cards


We are centered on changing the course of energy in June.  Our limited edition Spellcaster Club Cards will help you solve some common issues and are included at no charge with your June order.  We are looking forward to sharing the magic with our Jinx Removing and Lucky Cat Spellcaster Club Cards.

Join the Witches Union and Share Your Magic

Create your own spell box pairings and add a little magic of your own!  Post pictures on our Facebook page of your combination of Coventry Creations products that you use to increase prosperity, get the ball rolling on projects, and draw abundance to your life.  We’ll share the magic right back with a 10% off coupon.  We’ll select the best of the best and award that lucky witch with a $100 Coventry Creations gift basket.  

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  3138 Hits

Turn Troubles into Bubbles

BHC SC470Past traumas, old beliefs, negative patterns, and self sabotage add up to spiritual limitations that shackle the soul.  With stunted growth, stagnation sets in and it can stop even the most stalwart. Shed unwanted weight and set your spirit free with this cleansing ritual from the Witches Union Local No. 13 using Aunt Jacki’s quick fix herbal bath and the Spiritual Cleansing Blessed Herbal Candle.



Peppermint tea

Black tea



Healing Blessed Herbal Oil

Spiritual Cleansing Blessed Herbal Candle

Towel (preferably white)


First, set aside some time for self care.  Twenty minutes will do it, but it’s best not to have to rush. Gather your ingredients and fill the bathtub with warm water.  If you don’t have a lovely clawfoot, don’t lament, a bucket full of water and a shower will do just fine.  Add the peppermint, black tea, milk and salt.  


Vigorously move your hand back and forth in the water three times, creating choppy waves and upsetting the surface.  Whisper to the water, “My soul has been a ship on a stormy sea, be calm for me, bring clarity and purity.”  


Shed your clothes and visualize all of your accumulated negativity dropping off of you.  Anoint your body with the Healing Blessed Herbal Oil.  In a safe place, light the Spiritual Cleansing Blessed Herbal Candle.  Sink into the bath or step into the shower.  Cup your hands and pour the water over your head nine times.  Soak as long as you like.  When you are finished step out of the tub and spit into the drain three times to finish purging all that pent up energy.  Dry yourself from head to toe with the white towel and toss it in the laundry as soon as possible.   

Spring Cleaning for Your Soul


The Spiritual Cleansing Blessed Herbal Candle is a blend of several scents crafted to cleanse the spirit and removes limits to inner peace.  Purify, open psychic centers and increase awareness with lemongrass.  Sage provides a powerful healing energy, enhances wisdom, and reveals problems so that they may be seen clearly.  Cypress, named for Apollo’s beloved Cyparissus who turned into a tree because of his unending grief.  It reminds that this life is fleeting and inconsequential, and like all things, it too shall pass.  Regain your brilliance with the Spiritual Cleansing Candle.


Use coupon code BHC1516 for 15% off

Blessed Herbal Candles in June


Coventry Creations has taken the guesswork out of selecting the right candle by putting together the perfect combination of oils, colors, and then crafting them with a purpose.  For over twenty years, the Blessed Herbal Candles have been hand poured when the moon is right, in a sacred space and with added blessings.  The 17 unique blends are our top selling products and have brought magic into the lives of many people.

Join the Witches Union and Share Your Magic


Create your own spell box pairings and add a little magic of your own!  Post pictures on our Facebook page of a combination of Coventry Creations products that you use to remove obstacles, change old patterns and fix mistakes.  We’ll share the magic right back with a 10% off coupon.  We’ll select the best of the best and award that lucky witch with a $100 Coventry Creations gift basket.  

An Added Bonus: Spellcaster Club Cards

We are centered on changing the course of energy in June.  Our limited edition Spellcaster Club Cards will help you solve some common issues and are included at no charge with your June order.  We are looking forward to sharing the magic with our Jinx Removing and Lucky Cat Spellcaster Club Cards.

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  1277 Hits

Crafting a Classic - Blessed Herbal Candles

BHC feature470Pull in quick cash.  Attract the love of your life.  Heal body, mind, and spirit.  Move into the flow of universal abundance.  All these desires are more attainable than you may believe and we have the magic to make it happen.


For over twenty years, the Blessed Herbal Candles have been hand poured when the moon is right, in a sacred space, and with added blessings.  Coventry Creations has taken the guesswork out of selecting the right candle by putting together the perfect combination of oils, colors, and then crafting them with a purpose. The 17 unique blends are our top selling products and have brought magic into the lives of many people.  


Use coupon code BHC1516 for 15% off

Blessed Herbal Candles in June

Shake Trouble Loose - Witches Union Hot Foot Spell Box


The Hot Foot Spell Box is a last, not a first resort.  If you have exhausted all other non-magical actions to resolve a situation and nothing has worked, this was made for you.   The Needed Changes Blessed Herbal Candle, Fiery Wall of Protection Motor City Hoo Doo Candle, and the Motor City Hoo Doo Uncrossing Oil are included in this month’s Witches Union Hot Foot Spell Box along with a spell crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith.  Get rid of that person who is making your life miserable, there is no reason to wait any longer.

An Added Bonus: Spellcaster Club Cards


We are centered on changing the course of energy in June.  Our limited edition Spellcaster Club Cards will help you solve some common issues and are included at no charge with your June order.  We are looking forward to sharing the magic with our Jinx Removing and Lucky Cat Spellcaster Club Cards.

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  2601 Hits

Bring Home the Bacon - Recovering Lost Money

hdc rl470Losing money can leave a sickening pit your stomach.  Whether you are the victim of a crime, lent money to the wrong person, or made some unwise investments our Motor City Hoo Doo Recovering Lost Money Candle can help you bring home the bacon.  Putting trust into the world and having it thrown back at you can be painful, but it’s time to strengthen your will and call the cash back to you.


The Motor City Hoo Doo Recovering Lost Money Candle has a sweet citrus scent and a spicy pumpkin color. The recipe was crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith, to return what belongs to you.   


When you need what was taken, remember, we have a candle for that and a simple spell to help you through.  Write your name, the amount of money, and how you lost it on a piece of paper. While chanting "Return to Me", place a dollar bill on the candle label and fold them both towards you. Turn the label ninety degrees clockwise and fold again. Repeat one more time. Place the folded paper under your candleholder and burn the Recovering Lost Money Candle every day until your money returns.


Use coupon code HDC1516 for 15% off all

Motor City Hoo Doo Candles and Oils in May


Get in touch with your “roots” with our Motor City Hoo DooCandles and Oils.   This is the perfect time to expand your spheres of influence with this powerful line of Coventry Creations’Candles and Oils.


An Added Bonus: Spellcaster Club Cards

We are centered on right livelihood in May and there are times that needs a little push in the right direction.  Our limited edition Spellcaster Club Cards will help you  solve some common issues and are included at no charge with your May order.  We are looking forward to sharing the magic with our Boss Fix and Golden Sales Spellcaster Club Cards.

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  1464 Hits

Released from Debt - A Witches Union Mojo Bag

May is Motor City Hoo Doo Month


release from debt470Our theme this month has been on careers, wealth and abundance so the Witches Union Local has put together a series of mojo bags which combine the powers of some of our favorite Motor City Hoo Doo Candles and Oils with an assortment of rootwork elements.  


Get in touch with your “roots” with our Motor City Hoo DooCandles and Oils.   This is the perfect time to expand your spheres of influence with this powerful line of Coventry Creations’Candles and Oils.


Use coupon code HDC1516 for 15% off all Motor City Hoo Doo Candles and Oils in May.


Motor City Hoo Doo Helping Hand Candle


Solve a problem, get through an issue, or overcome adversity using a little helping hand with this rich, dark blue candle with an earthy bergamot and frankincense blend.  Our Motor City Hoo Doo Helping Hand Candle provides a powerful push from the universe.   This candle taps into strong forces that will move mountains and offers a way out of unhealthy habits and seemingly insurmountable challenges.  By clearing the way forward, it lifts upward, pulling towards freedom.


Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van Oil


Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van Oil is based on a traditional hoodoo all purpose recipe.   Truly an amazing catch all that protects against evil and magical attack, brings good luck and truth, opens paths to new opportunities, and reverses the effect of Mercury retrograde.  Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van Oil is perfect for the frugal among us who need one oil with a multitude of uses.  Our balanced lemongrass blend was patterned on the traditional Chinese Five Grasses Oil and delivers a bright, crisp scent.


Released from Debt - The Witches Union Mojo Bag


This mojo bag was crafted by our Witches Union Local to stop the water’s rise and clear the way to a more prosperous future.  Motor City Hoo Doo Helping Hand Candle frees the ties that bind us to debt.  Meanwhile, that multi tool, Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van Oil brings a change in fortune and encourages growth while protecting from negative outside influences.  Combined with an assortment of common objects this conjure bag acts faster than the repo man.




Motor City Hoo Doo Helping Hand Candle


Orange cloth, black thread, and a needle


An orange bag large enough to hold the following items:

(3) Black eyed peas

(3) Coins (preferably a nickel, dime, and a quarter)

Rum or red wine

A photo of the person in need of help


Motor City Hoo DooVan Van Oil


We always leave room in the magic for your personal touch.  Keep in mind that hoodoo is kitchen witchery; if a piece of the puzzle doesn’t feel right, substitute it.  What is important is that you use thirteen items in the creation of the bag to move this spell quickly and efficiently.  


Make the Magic


Assemble your ingredients, set up a personal sacred space, and ask your ancestors for their intercession on your behalf.  Take the photograph and write the name and birthdate of the recipient and place it beneath your candle holder.   Inscribe “St. Michael” on your candle with the needle to petition for help with forces you cannot control.


Dress the Motor City Hoo Doo Helping Hand Candle with a small amount of the Van Van Oil and light the candle. Place the items on the cloth and double it over to cover them.  Sew up the edges with the thread.  It doesn’t have to be pretty but it does need to hold the contents together.  


Wake up your mojo bag by blowing tobacco smoke on it or sprinkling a small amount on the Helping Hand Candle.  Conjure and cajole to draw in the power of spirit to fill it with life and will.  


Givevoice to your desires.  Sound has power and naming a thing is a way of manifesting it.  Create your own mantra or use the spells provided on the labels of our products.  Connect yourself to the conjure by spraying the rum or red wine on the bag.  


Seal your bag by sewing up the top.  Burn the candle each day until it is finished and anoint both the bag and yourself with the Motor City Hoo DooVan Van Oil.  Place your Witches Union Local Mojo Bag in your wallet, checkbook or purse.   

This mojo bag is designed to be an enduring spell for long term.  It feeds off the energy of the Motor City Hoo Doo Helping Hand Candle to pull you up from the edge of the cliff while the Van Van Oil sustains a steady stream of happy coincidences and opening doors.  Reinforce the added influence of St. Michael and thank him by creating an altar in his honor.  Learn more about creating a space to honor ancestors and affinity spirits in upcoming blogs.

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  1803 Hits

Protecting Investments

Use coupon code HDC1516 for 15% off all

Motor City Hoo Doo Candles and Oils in May


Get in touch with your “roots” with our Motor City Hoo DooCandles and Oils.   This is the perfect time to expand your spheres of influence with this powerful line of Coventry Creations’Candles and Oils.


Protect Your Investments - The Witches Union Mojo Bag


Some things require an investment of money, time, or resources but all of them require energy.  Keeping what you already have is always good practice.  Protect what you have with this Witches Union Local Protecting Investments Mojo Bag.




Motor City Hoo Doo Fiery Wall of Protection Candle

Red, preferably flannel cloth, black thread, and a needle


A bag large enough to hold the following items

Three pennies

Clear quartz crystal

Jet (black amber)

Wicked Good Easy St. -  Money Draw Room Spray  


We always leave room in the magic for your personal touch.  Keep in mind that hoodoo is kitchen witchery; if a piece of the puzzle doesn’t feel right, substitute it.   What is important is that you use seven items in the bag’s creation to reinforce good luck.


Make the Magic


Assemble your ingredients, set up a personal sacred space, and ask your ancestors for their intercession on your behalf.  


With a pin or nail, inscribe your full birth name on the side of the candle and an upright hand.  A simple stick figure style will work just fine.  Light the Motor City Hoo Doo Fiery Wall of Protection Candle.


Place the items on the cloth and double it over to cover them.  Sew up the edges with the thread.  It doesn’t have to be pretty but it does need to hold the contents together.  Spray the room, yourself and the bag with Wicked Good Easy St. Spray.


protect your investments470Givevoice to your desires.  Sound has power and naming a thing is a way of manifesting it.  Create your own chant or use the spells provided on the labels of our products.  Wake up your mojo bag with your own breath.  Conjure and cajole to draw in the power of spirit to fill it with life and will.  


Seal your bag by sewing up the top.  Burn the candle each day until it is finished and spray the bag, your home and workplace with the Wicked Good Easy St. Spray.  Place your Witches Union Local Mojo Bag in your purse, briefcase, or office and protect the wealth you already have.  


This mojo bag is designed to be an enduring spell for long term security.  It feeds off the energy of the Wicked Good Easy St. Spray for continued prosperity and smooth sailing.


Join the Witches Union and Share Your Magic

Create your own spell box pairings and add a little magic of your own!  Post pictures on our Facebook page of your combination of Coventry Creations products that you use to increase prosperity, get the ball rolling on projects, and draw abundance to your life.  We’ll share the magic right back with a 10% off coupon.  We’ll select the best of the best and award that lucky witch with a $100 Coventry Creations gift basket.  

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  1251 Hits

Feeding the Magic

hdo hj470In our Casting the Dice article this month we crafted the Witches Union Local Gamblers’ Luck Mojo Bag.  Rootworkers feed their mojo bags to reinforce the magic and refresh it with new energy.  To keep your mojo moving, periodically anoint your bag with Motor City Hoo Doo High John Oil and whisper your desires for continued luck in wealth.  Connect your spirit to the work by breathing life into it again.  


Hoodoo is a very practical and root based magic that digs deep into your core. The results are fast, profound, and healing.  Conjure is folk magic for the folks; adaptable and wild.  Deeply empowered by the forces of nature and the support of ancestors, hoodoo can be used to clear obstacles, and draw in wealth.  Candles, oils, herbs, stones, charms, and talismans play a large part and this month’s blogs will explore some of the options in this intuitive magical system.  Look for further posts this month relating to the practice of hoodoo including information on the care, rejuvenation, and discarding of mojo bags.


Motor City Hoo Doo High John Oil


High John the Conquer represents an unstoppable will and steadfast determination.  Awaken the drive to accomplish your goals.  Use Motor City Hoo Doo High John Oil to empower spells with an amazing endurance in the face of insurmountable odds.  High John refuses to be broken and pushes on when you need it most.  Problems and blocks to your success dissolve when High John joins the team.  


Get in touch with your “roots” with our Motor City Hoo DooCandles and Oils.   This is the perfect time to expand your spheres of influence with this powerful line of Coventry Creations’Candles and Oils.


Use coupon code HDC1516 for 15% off all Motor City Hoo Doo Candles and Oils in May.  


Making Changes with May’s New Job Spell Box


Get the job you are dreaming of with May’s New Job Spell Box including the Motor City Hoo DooQuerent Caller and Money DrawCandles, Crown of Glory Oil, and a spell crafted by our in house enchantress, Jacki Smith. In today’s economy who doesn’t need a little extra magic when seeking new work?  These spell boxes are only available in May, order yours today, and clear your path to the perfect career.


In the News

Career and work are the themes for this month’s blogs and articles.  We will touch on some of the best sellers in the Motor City Hoo Doo line including Come to Me, Van Van, and Road Opener that will assist in financial matters.  Look for insights on drawing abundance, wealth, and prosperity into your life.  

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  1208 Hits

Casting the Dice - The Witches Union Mojo Bag for Gamblers’ Luck

Casting the Dice470Sometimes life requires risk.  You may be playing the slots, the stock market, or looking for a new job but in any case a little luck doesn’t hurt the gambler in all of us.  Call it hoodoo, rootwork, or conjure this practice often involves mojo bags and our Witches Union Local whipped up this bag to make the cards run in your favor.  Remember, if there is no risk there is no reward but no one said you couldn’t stack the deck in your favor.   




Motor City Hoo Doo Money Draw Candle

Motor City Hoo Doo Black Cat Candle

Well worn clothes of the person in need of cash, green thread, and a needle


A green bag large enough to hold the following items

$2 bill or an Indian head penny

Pair of dice

St. Joseph medal for steady work and prosperity or St. Joseph’s beans, (aka fava beans or mojo beans)


Motor City Hoo DooHigh John Oil


We always leave room in the magic for your personal touch.  Keep in mind that hoodoo is kitchen witchery; if a piece of the puzzle doesn’t feel right, substitute it.   What is important is that you use seven items in addition to the conjure bag to reinforce good luck.


Make the Magic


Assemble your ingredients, set up a personal sacred space, and ask your ancestors for their intercession on your behalf.  Anoint the Motor City Hoo Doo Money Draw and Black Cat Candles with the High John Oil and light the candles. Place the items on the cloth and double it over to cover them.  Sew up the edges with the green thread.  It doesn’t have to be pretty but it does need to hold the contents together.  


Givevoice to your desires.  Sound has power and naming a thing is a way of manifesting it.  Create your own chant or use the spells provided on the labels of our products.  Wake up your mojo bag with your own breath.  Conjure and cajole to draw in the power of spirit to fill it with life and will.  


Seal your bag by sewing up the top.  Burn the candles and anoint the bag each day for seven days with the Motor City Hoo DooHigh John Oil and then place your Witched Union Local Gamblers’ Luck Mojo Bag in your purse, briefcase, or cash register and watch your coffers being filled.  


This mojo bag is designed for quick cash and fortune in financial matters.  It feeds off the energy of the Motor City Hoo Doo Money Draw and Black Cat Candles for immediate resultsbut settles into a steady stream of luck with the added influence of the other ingredients.  Sustain the magic for even longer by simply anointing the mojo bag with Motor City Hoo DooHigh John Oil when it feels like the energy is stagnating


Hoodoo is a very practical and root based magic that digs deep into your core. The results are fast, profound, and healing.  Conjure is folk magic for the folks; adaptable and wild.  Deeply empowered by the forces of nature and the support of ancestors, Hoodoo can be used to clear obstacles, and draw in wealth.  Candles, oils, herbs, stones, charms, and talismans play a large part and this month’s blogs will explore some of the options in this intuitive magical system.  Look for further posts this month relating to the practice of Hoodoo including information on the feeding, care, rejuvenation, and discarding of mojo bags.


Raking in the Dough


Motor City Hoo Doo’s Money Draw Candle ranks among one of our top selling products and there is a good reason why.  Designed to magnetically attract the cash you need and desire, this rich green candle has a delightfully woodsy scent.  Use the candle on it’s own for a quick fix on financial matters or in the creation of the Witches Union Local Mojo Bag for Gamblers’ Luck.  You will seemingly be pulling money out of thin air in no time.  


Get in touch with your “roots” with our Motor City Hoo DooCandles and Oils.   This is the perfect time to expand your spheres of influence with this powerful line of Coventry Creations’Candles and Oils.


Use coupon code HDC1516 for 15% off all Motor City Hoo Doo Candles and Oils in May.  


Join the Witches Union and Share Your Magic

Create your own spell box pairings and add a little magic of your own!  Post pictures on our Facebook page of your combination of Coventry Creations products that you use to increase prosperity, get the ball rolling on projects, and draw abundance to your life.  We’ll share the magic right back with a 10% off coupon.  We’ll select the best of the best and award that lucky witch with a $100 Coventry Creations gift basket.  

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  1431 Hits

Golden Sales - A Witches Union Spell Caster’s Club Card

scc gsIf it’s time to put a little spark in your sales pitch, increase commissions, improve profit margins, and draw clients to you, look to our Golden Sales Spell Caster’s Club Card for help.  Follow the three easy steps and watch the money pile up in front of you.


Bask in the light of greater financial success with our Witches Union Golden Sales Spell.


Make hay while the sun shines and fill that cash register.  Perfect for when you are selling a house, closing a loan, or starting a new business.  This spell was designed by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith, to boost your confidence, determination, and reinforce your will.   Remember, you won’t sell what you don’t pitch; always be closing.


Use coupon code HDC1516 for 15% off all

Motor City  Hoo Doo Candles and Oils in May


Get in touch with your “roots” with our Motor City Hoo DooCandles and Oils.   This is the perfect time to expand your spheres of influence with this powerful line of Coventry Creations’Candles and Oils.


Join the Witches Union and Share Your Magic

Create your own spell box pairings and add a little magic of your own!  Post pictures on our Facebook page of your combination of Coventry Creations products that you use to increase prosperity, get the ball rolling on projects, and draw abundance to your life.  We’ll share the magic right back with a 10% off coupon.  We’ll select the best of the best and award that lucky witch with a $100 Coventry Creations gift basket.  

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  1579 Hits

The Hoodoo You Do

HooDoo You Do470Most people don’t realize it but they are using aspects of hoodoo in their everyday magic.  When you get down to it most magical systems share some common elements.  We are not claiming every path shares all of these but it’s not hard to connect the dots.  

Top Ten Common Elements Shared By Magical Systems


Interaction with ancestors

Candle magic



Written spell work

Stones and their energy

Universal symbols and talismans

Use of altars

Elementals or nature spirits

Altering the world through the magic manifestation of will

Use coupon code HDC1516 for 15% off all Motor City Hoo Doo Candles and Oils in May.


Get in touch with your “roots” with our Motor City Hoo DooCandles and Oils.   This is the perfect time to expand your spheres of influence with this powerful line of Coventry Creations’Candles and Oils.


Join the Witches Union and Share Your Magic


Create your own spell box pairings and add a little magic of your own!  Post pictures on our Facebook page of your combination of Coventry Creations products that you use to increase prosperity, get the ball rolling on projects, and draw abundance to your life.  We’ll share the magic right back with a 10% off coupon.  We’ll select the best of the best and award that lucky witch with a $100 Coventry Creations gift basket.  


Making Changes with May’s New Job Spell Box


Get the job you are dreaming of with May’s New Job Spell Box including the Motor City Hoo DooQuerent Caller and Money DrawCandles, Crown of Glory Oil, and a spell crafted by our in house enchantress, Jacki Smith. In today’s economy who doesn’t need a little extra magic when seeking new work?  These spell boxes are only available in May, order yours today, and clear your path to the perfect career.

Use coupon code SBNJ to take advantage of this limited edition spell box.

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  2270 Hits

Boss Fix Spell - A Witches Union Spell Caster’s Club Card

scc bfEver wished you could get your boss to do exactly what you wanted?  The Boss Fix Spell is designed to make work concerns disappear.  If you have an employer that never takes notice and leaves you feeling invisible, a manager that keeps you under a microscope, or is an outright tyrant, it’s time to put a little magic in the mix.


Sometimes it’s not you that is broken but the boss that needs fixing.


Trouble with an employer adds stress, pressure, and negativity that can bleed over into other areas of your life.  Worries about getting a raise mean late nights awake.  Dreading work on Monday morning can result in sharp words at the breakfast table.  Looming reports or quarterly reviews can be daunting when you believe your boss is out to get you.  It’s time to take control of the situation.


The Witches Union Boss Fix Spell uses everyday objects and Coventry Creations candles and oils to allow you to wield control over your boss.  Crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith, this spell is sure to act quickly.


Use coupon code HDC1516 for 15% off all

Motor City Hoo Doo Candles and Oils in May


Get in touch with your “roots” with our Motor City Hoo DooCandles and Oils.   This is the perfect time to expand your spheres of influence with this powerful line of Coventry Creations’Candles and Oils.


Join the Witches Union and Share Your Magic

Create your own spell box pairings and add a little magic of your own!  Post pictures on our Facebook page of your combination of Coventry Creations products that you use to increase prosperity, get the ball rolling on projects, and draw abundance to your life.  We’ll share the magic right back with a 10% off coupon.  We’ll select the best of the best and award that lucky witch with a $100 Coventry Creations gift basket.  

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  4368 Hits

Conjuring with Candle Magic

Conjuring with Candles470Candle magic, known as setting lights in hoodoo, is one of the traditions that has been widely adopted by the larger magical community.  Rootworkers often have a special altar where they burn candles for petitioners.  As wild and adaptable as hoodoo magic is there are some consistencies among its practitioners.  


The importance of color in hoodoo candle magic cannot be stressed enough.  Change the color and you change the energy of the spell.  For instance, the color blue is associated with road opening, increased mental processes, and creativity.  Our Motor City Hoo Doo Helping Hand Candle reflects this in its bright blue color, oil blend, and spell work to assemble a call for assistance from beyond to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges.  


Some colors seem quite obvious at first but quickly reveal their complexity.  Black can be used to clear or cause evil, provide protection, or offer increased occult powers depending on the oils, herbs, talismans and objects used in the root work.  Our Motor City Hoo Doo Black Cat Candle anointed with Motor City Hoo Doo Fiery Wall of Protection Oil and combined with items like an alligator head, cross, and snakeskin would make a powerful protection spell.  Substitute Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van Oil and add coins, dice, and Job’s Tears to get a little luck for the gambler.  One color, two very different uses.  


Rootworkers often read the flame’s unique language and look for signs of how their spell is working and how quickly results will come to pass.  Interpreting fire is complicated but our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith, has broken it in her book “Coventry Magic with Candles, Herbs and Oils”.


Coventry Creations has taken the guesswork out of selecting the right candle by putting together the perfect combination of oils and colors that are crafted with a purpose.  In our blogs this month we will be focusing on further exploring hoodoo practices including dressing and carving candles, making mojo bags, and the many uses of Motor City Hoo Doo Candles and Oils.


Use coupon code HDC1516 for 15% off

all Motor City Hoo Doo Candles and Oils in May.


Making Changes with May’s New Job Spell Box


Get the job you are dreaming of with May’s New Job Spell Box including the Motor City Hoo DooQuerent Caller and Money DrawCandles, Crown of Glory Oil, and a spell crafted by our in house enchantress, Jacki Smith. In today’s economy who doesn’t need a little extra magic when seeking new work?  These spell boxes are only available in May, order yours today, and clear your path to the perfect career.


Use coupon code SBNJ to take advantage of this limited edition spell box.


An Added Bonus: Spellcaster Club Cards

We are centered on right livelihood in May and there are times that needs a little push in the right direction.  Our limited edition Spellcaster Club Cards will help you solve some common issues and are included at no charge with your May order.  We are looking forward to sharing the magic with our Boss Fix and Golden Sales Spellcaster Club Cards.

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  2370 Hits

Dispelling the Myths

Dispell the Myth470There are some common misconceptions about hoodoo.  Some assume that it is all hexes and curses; that there is a ruthlessness to the magic.   It’s practitioners have long been misconstrued and branded it as unethical.  The truth is more complex and a lot less frightening than some think.  


Hoodoo is a strong and powerful magical system and let’s face it, it had to be.  Hoodoo traveled across the world on the backs of a people enslaved.  Fierceness and direct action are necessary when you are robbed of freedom and in constant peril.  Hoodoo does encourage ethical practices.  They consult with spirit guides, their ancestors, and do divinations to see what is the right course of action.  


Hoodoo came largely from the Congo regions of Africa, further south than the original home of voodoo.  Voodoo is a more ritualized, deity based religion while hoodoo is more fluid.  The two share some similarities but are not mirror images.  


Hoodoo has evolved over time to reflect the needs of its practitioners and adapt to their surroundings.  Cultural influence was easily exchanged with the native peoples as their shared practices were nature and spirit based.  Here is where we see the introduction of many new herbs to hoodoo as replacements for those that were left behind.  Following emancipation the practice moved northward and was later reinforced by the manufacturing push during World War II.  


Hoodoo is a very practical and root based magic that digs deep into your core. The results are fast, profound, and healing.  Conjure is folk magic for the folks; adaptable and wild.  Deeply empowered by the forces of nature and the support of ancestors, Hoodoo can be used to clear obstacles, and draw in wealth.  Candles, oils, herbs, stones, charms, and talismans play a large part and this month’s blogs will explore some of the options in this intuitive magical system.


May is Motor City Hoo Doo Month


Get in touch with your “roots” with our Motor City Hoo DooCandles and Oils.   This is the perfect time to expand your spheres of influence with this powerful line of Coventry Creations’Candles and Oils.


Use coupon code HDC1516 for 15% off all Motor City Hoo Doo Candles and Oils in May.


An Added Bonus: Spellcaster Club Cards

We are centered on right livelihood in May and there are times that need a little push in the right direction.  Our limited edition Spellcaster Club Cards will help you  solve some common issues and are included at no charge with your May order.  We are looking forward to sharing the magic with our Boss Fix and Golden Sales Spellcaster Club Cards.

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  1477 Hits

Roll Back the Retrograde... even when you are in the thick of it

SB MRXMercury reached its retrograde station on April 28th and from April 29 - May 22 we are reminded to do our due diligence, check and recheck all the details.   Don’t forget to keep an eye on stock to make sure you are prepared for all those affected!  Post shadow occurs May 23- June 7 and this is when the ramifications generally come raining down. Don’t allow yourself to be run over by the retrograde, roll it back with our Mercury Rx Spell Box.


The Mercury Rx Spell Box contains:


Happiness Blessed Herbal Candle

Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van Candle

Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van Oil

Mercury Retrograde Blessing


Mercury retrograde doesn’t have to throw you in a tizzy.  Careful planning, being prepared, and paying attention can mitigate the influence greatly.  Our Mercury Rx Spell Box is based on years of customer recommendations and our personal experiences.  The Happiness Blessed Herbal Candle draws on the energy of the sun, invigorating the spell, and encourages a little brightening to what otherwise could be a trying time.  Our Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van candle and oil pack a punch and reverse energy; exactly what we need during the retrograde.


Remember our spell boxes are only offered for a limited time.  You don’t have to wait until the roadblocks start going up.  Order now and get ahead of the curve.

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  2092 Hits

Put Some Power in Your Resume with the New Job Spell Box

Spinning your wheels in the mud searching for a job or simply feeling stuck in a rut doing work that doesn’t suit you is emotionally and spiritually taxing.  Feeling like your basic financial needs are not being met insights fear.  Fear causes a tendency to react to situations rather than move forward with well considered responses.  This can lead to feeling frozen, trapped in a cycle that seems endless. May’s limited edition Witches Union New Job Spell Box will provide the magical traction you need to get out.  


Get the job you are dreaming of with May’s Witches UnionNew Job Spell Box including the Motor City Hoo DooQuerent Caller and Money DrawCandles, Crown of Glory Oil, and a spell crafted by our in house enchantress, Jacki Smith. In today’s economy who doesn’t need a little extra magic when seeking new work?    


The Querent Caller draws business, clients, and new opportunities to you.  This candle gets you into the flow of attraction and motivates people to seek you out for your services.  A beautiful brick colored candle with a sweet floral scent provides a powerful combination that will keep your appointment book filled and your business life thriving.  


Motor City Hoo Doo’s Money Draw Candle ranks among one of our top selling products and there is a good reason why.  Designed to magnetically attract the cash you need and desire, this rich green candle has a delightfully woodsy scent.  You will seemingly be pulling money out of thin air in no time.  


Insure success and victory in all your endeavors and become crowned in your own glory with the Motor City Hoo Doo Crown of Glory Oil. Shine your own light brightly and open yourself up to the coming abundance with this earthy scent.  


sb nj470The Witches UnionNew Job Spell Box is not just for when you are seeking new work!  This combination is also very effective when you are looking to get a promotion, expand your business, or increase profits.  These spell boxes are only available in May.  Order yours today and clear your path to the perfect career.


An Added Bonus: Spellcaster Club Cards


We are centered on right livelihood in May and there are times that needs a little push in the right direction.  Our limited edition Spellcaster Club Cards will help you  solve some common issues and are included at no charge with your May order.  We are looking forward to sharing the magic with our Boss Fix and Golden Sales Spellcaster Club Cards.


Join the Witches Union and Share Your Magic

Create your own spell box pairings and add a little magic of your own!  Post pictures on our Facebook page of your combination of Coventry Creations products that you use to increase prosperity, get the ball rolling on projects, and draw abundance to your life.  We’ll share the magic right back with a 10% off coupon.  We’ll select the best of the best and award that lucky witch with a $100 Coventry Creations gift basket.  

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  1589 Hits

Conjuring Career Changes

hdcfeatureThere are times when a helping hand is needed to pull us forward into prosperity.  Whether you are looking for a new job or financial security, May is the month to take action.  Our Motor City Hoo DooCandles and Oils are the obvious choice to ignite the magic and focus your desires.


Hoodoo is a very practical and root based magic that digs deep into your core. The results are fast, profound, and healing.  Conjure is folk magic for the folks; adaptable and wild.  Deeply empowered by the forces of nature and the support of ancestors, Hoodoo can be used to clear obstacles, and draw in wealth.  Candles, oils, herbs, stones, charms, and talismans play a large part and this month’s blogs will explore some of the options in this intuitive magical system.  


Get in touch with your “roots” with our Motor City Hoo DooCandles and Oils.   This is the perfect time to expand your spheres of influence with this powerful line of Coventry Creations’Candles and Oils.


Use coupon code HDC1516 for 15% off all Motor City Hoo Doo Candles and Oils in May.


Making Changes with May’s New Job Spell Box


Get the job you are dreaming of with May’s New Job Spell Box including the Motor City Hoo DooQuerent Caller and Money Draw candles, Crown of Glory oil, and a spell crafted by our in house enchantress, Jacki Smith. In today’s economy who doesn’t need a little extra magic when seeking new work?  These spell boxes are available in May, order yours today and clear your path to the perfect career.


Use coupon code SBNJ to take advantage of this limited edition spell box.


An Added Bonus: Spellcaster Club Cards


We are centered on right livelihood in May and there are times that needs a little push in the right direction.  Our limited edition Spellcaster Club Cards will help you  solve some common issues and are included at no charge.  We are looking forward to sharing the magic with our Boss Fix and Golden Sales Spellcaster Club Cards in every May order.


Share Your Magic

Create your own spell box pairings and add a little magic of your own! Tell us what combination of Coventry Creations products you use to increase prosperity, get the ball rolling on projects and draw abundance to your life.  We will select the best of the best and feature your spell suggestions on all our social media outlets.

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  1609 Hits

Right the Retrograde and Take Charge of Your Energy

SB MRXMercury retrograde is often a useful tool.  What you say?  That’s right.  A useful tool.  Mercury exposes issues that need to be resolved and reveals exactly what is not working.  Mercury is always communicating, even if we don’t like what it has to say.  Use that retrograde energy to identify areas that need work and focus on personal patterns.  Mercury shows us we must be mindful, aware and present...or else.  Our Mercury Rx Spell Box will help you do just that!


The Mercury Rx Spell Box contains:


Happiness Blessed Herbal Candle

Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van Candle

Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van Oil

Mercury Retrograde Blessing


Mercury retrograde doesn’t have to throw you in a tizzy.  Careful planning, being prepared, and paying attention can mitigate the influence greatly.  Our Mercury Rx Spell Box is based on years of customer recommendations and our personal experiences.  The Happiness Blessed Herbal Candle draws on the energy of the sun, invigorating the spell, and encourages a little brightening to what otherwise could be a trying time.  Our Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van candle and oil pack a punch and reverse energy; exactly what we need during the retrograde.


Remember our spell boxes are only offered for a limited time.  You don’t have to wait until the roadblocks start going up.  Order now and get ahead of the curve.

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  1978 Hits

Got money problems?

W LAIt’s possible your wallet needs a spiritual cleansing. You know we have a candle for that. Well beyond that, we have a goddess for that too.

If you let Lakshmi be the molly maid for your financial mess you will find cleansing your money block will be a lot easier than you expected. Our world candle Lakshmi was designed to help you call on the goddess and ask her to open the gates of prosperity for you. I bet you didn’t realize they were closed!


Om Hrim Shrim Lakshmibhyo Namah, Great Goddess Shri Lakshmi purify my heart and open the doors to opportunity and abundance.


Meditating with Lakshmi is a beautiful experience. Her candle is violet, the scent is sweet and her energy is generous, loving and encouraging.  She wants you to have abundance in your life.  From Lakshmi you will learn that all you need to do is ask, listen and act. Then your block to prosperity will dissolve and your wallet will be filled.


Get yourself a Lakshmi World Magic candle, light it and say the blessing on the label. Be ready to let go of your resistance to abundance and be spiritually cleansed.  Our world products are 15% off the whole month of April 2016. Look for them or a magical store near you.

Does using magic and spell work sound like a great way to improve your life? It does to me too. Many magical products are available at or at your local spiritual supply store. To get more unique spells like this, monthly specials and new product announcements subscribe to the Coventry newsletter.

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  1308 Hits

Mercury Retrograde - A Reminder to Think Ahead

SB MRXThe Mercury Retrograde Spell Box is now available and it’s just in time to get in front of the mayhem that this astrological aspect can cause.  Pre-shadow begins April 14 and intensifies as it approaches April 28.  This is normally when those annoying little miscommunications begin, with their effects felt through the rest of the retrograde which runs through June 7.


The Mercury Rx Spell Box contains:

Happiness Blessed Herbal Candle

Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van Candle

Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van Oil

Mercury Retrograde Blessing


Mercury retrograde doesn’t have to throw you in a tizzy.  Careful planning, being prepared, and paying attention can mitigate the influence greatly.  Our Mercury Rx Spell Box is based on years of customer recommendations and our personal experiences.  The Happiness Blessed Herbal Candle draws on the energy of the sun and encourages a little brightening to what otherwise could be a trying time.  Our Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van candle and oil pack a punch and reverse energy; exactly what we need during the retrograde.


Remember our spell boxes are only offered for a limited time.  You don’t have to wait until the roadblocks start going up.  Order now and get ahead of the curve.

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  2050 Hits

Out, out damn spot

W SWSWhen your energy is bedazzled with ick, you can sure feel it. It’ll give you headaches, make you cranky, tired and oh so blue.  Where does this stuff come from?  It’s sourced in other people and can also come bubbling up from your own secret closet deep in your unconscious.  A lot of it is from emotional dumping and your emotional reactions. It is also from negative thinking, negative language and the stink eye aka a psychic attack.

Never fear you can once again be pure as the driven snow, energetically speaking.  Just like the cat in the hat was able to turn the unfortunate pink house back into white, our World Magic Sacred White Sage candle and oil can do the same for you.


It’s such a small investment for such a grand return.  At your earliest convenience, pick up a Sacred White Sage World candle and spend some time meditating with it.  As the candle burns, imagine the gunk in your aura dissolving in the flame.  Do this as many times as you need to until you feel lighter and more relaxed. You will notice now much that the energetic ick made you feel tense.

A candle ritual is a great way to clear the junk from your Aura.  Our favorite candle for this is the gorgeous and powerful Sacred White Sage World Candle.

Isn’t it great to know you have a way to put the sparkle back in your aura without a lot of drama and spending a lot of money? Candle Magic is very powerful.

Sage is the way to go when you need to clear out negative and dissonant energy from you, your home and your office.  Our World Magic Candles and oils are 15% off all April 2016. Look for them or a magical store near you.

Does using magic and spell work sound like a great way to improve your life? It does to me too. Many magical products are available at or at your local spiritual supply store. To get more unique spells like this, monthly specials and new product announcements subscribe to the Coventry newsletter.

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  1295 Hits

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