Coventry Creations Blogs

Jacki Smith this the founder, enchantress and visionary of Coventry Creations. She started Coventy in 1992 and with her sister and business partner, Patty Shaw, they have taken if from the kitchen stove to an international company. Author, teacher, presenter, radio host, reader and healer, Jacki has dedicated her entire life to the mission of normalizing the words “Witch” and “Magic.”

Ganesha, the roto rooter of spiritual cleansing

W GAWhen the pipes of your life are filled with roots, you need to call the professionals. Call upon Ganesha.

The joy of having clean pipes is no joke and if you ignore the warning signs it could end up costing you dearly.  Case in point, my husband and I ignored the warning signs of a failing sewer pipe at our house. You can guess the next line. Yep, a basement full of brown water. It cost a lot of money and was a lot of work, but we got clean!


If you are feeling like your life is filling up with brown water, call upon Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, to find the blocks and clear them out.  This general yet deeply spiritual cleansing can make the difference between disaster and the joy of knowing you dodged a bullet.  Whether your dam has broken or you caught it just in time, Ganesha will bring the insight, energy and healing you need.


Om sri Ganesha Namaha, help a girl out and remove the obstacle from my life! Thank you great lord of Wisdom.


Take the time to work with Ganesha, by meditating with our Ganesha World Magic Candle. If you have a really big request, create an altar in his honor. Don’t forget to place candy on it.   Our World Magic Candles and oils are 15% off all April 2016.  Look for them or a magical store near you.

Does using magic and spell work sound like a great way to improve your life? It does to me too. Many magical products are available at or at your local spiritual supply store. To get more unique spells like this, monthly specials and new product announcements subscribe to the Coventry newsletter.

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Habit Buster Spell

SC HBPart of spiritual cleansing is admitting you have a destructive habit and deciding to bust it. No matter what the source of your bad habit, we have the tools to help you change your ways and become the person you’ve always known you could be.


Coventry Creations Habit Buster Spell Card will get you there in three very thorough and powerful steps.


In the course of one month you will be well on your way to replacing your old negative habit with a well thought out and positive behavior. You’ll need a few things to start this magical process, but the most important thing is your determination and commitment. Candles, oils and other magical tools are useless without your will power.


Does using magic and spell work sound like a great way to improve your life?

It does to us too. Many magical products are available at or at your local spiritual supply store. To get more unique spells like this, monthly specials and new product announcements subscribe to the Coventry newsletter.

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House Clearing Spell

SC HCA grumpy or haunted house can really ruin your day.  Not to mention disturb your sleep, make it easy for new bickering to spark up again, and drain your energy. This is why we are big supporters of adding spiritual cleansing to your annual spring cleaning.  It wouldn’t hurt to do this throughout the year as well.


When you spiritually clean your house you are uplifting the energy and taking back your space from pesky ghosts and mean spirited entities too.


Family fights, illness, loss of loved ones, loss of job will affect the quality of the energy in your home.  While you recover from these very painful challenges you will need the support of a happy home. You can create that with our House Clearing spell from our Witched Union Spell Caster Club.  The recipe includes magical candles from Coventry Creations and some items found in your home or easily at the grocery store. Follow the recipe and find yourself feeling at home again in your own house.


Gift yourself the pleasure of a happy home this spring and see what a difference it will make to you and your families well being.


Does using magic and spell work sound like a great way to improve your life?

It does to us too. Many magical products are available at or at your local spiritual supply store.  To get more unique spells like this, monthly specials and new product announcements subscribe to the Coventry newsletter.

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Are you feeling grumpy, Pooky?

W SGDon’t call me Pooky and maybe I’ll listen to you. Ya, I heard that. Life can get you down for many reasons. Something seems to be screwing you over for no good reason just about every day.  When you get in that groove it’s time to invoke some world magic to spiritually cleanse your attitude.


I’m thinking our Sweet Grass world candle will get your titanic of a mood turned around.  Sweet Grass grows all over the world and in our country, Native Americans called it the sacred hair of Mother Earth. Its sweet aroma reminded them of gentleness, love and kindness. Just what a grumpy Gus like you needs.


Sweet Grass, thought of as the first grass to cover the earth, awakens our connection to the sweetness of life.


Shifting your attention from what’s going wrong to what you have and being grateful for it will start the process of cleansing out your heart and mind of toxic thoughts and feelings.

Help us make the world a better place by doing your part. Meditate with a World Magic Sweet Grass candle and let it uplift you, change you for the better and then share that gratitude with others. Our World Magic Candles and oils are 15% off all of April 2016.  Look for them or a magical store near you.

Does using magic and spell work sound like a great way to improve your life? It does to me too. Many magical products are available at or at your local spiritual supply store. To get more unique spells like this, monthly specials and new product announcements subscribe to the Coventry newsletter.

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  1256 Hits

A Cut and Clear Spell box Just May Save Your Bacon

SB CC 470sqObsession, romantic entanglements, and poor choices all need an exit strategy.  Of course they don’t start out looking like a problems. It’s the light of day that exposes the ‘coyote love’ situation for what it is; dangerous and that is exactly why you need a plan of action.


Most of us have been in a tricky situation at least once in our life and it’s not fun. Ignoring it only makes it worse and you may find yourself twenty years down the road wondering how you got there. Our solution is to face it and then put it through a custom magical spell from Coventry Creations Witches Union.  


Our Cut and Clear spell box will guide you through your emotions and push you through letting go and making new choices in a step by step process. Structure and good sense are what you need to remove or reverse the situation you are in now.  


Hanging onto a bad situation in hopes that it will suddenly fix itself is just crazy talk, and we all know that really doesn’t work.


What you need are tools, insights and permission to take back control.  Our spell work is designed to help you creatively face your problems and find solutions. The witches in our union are ready and able to write spells that turn everyday problems into everyday resolutions.  


Let the magic making begin with your purchase of a Cut and Clear Spell box from us or one of your favorite “special” stores. Your next step is to work the magic, stay positive and look for the signs that things are happening. Respond with the right action and you are on your way. (See instructions for more details).

Does using magic and spell work sound like a great way to improve your life? It does to me too. Many magical products are available at or at your local spiritual supply store.  To get additional unique spells like this, monthly specials and new product announcements subscribe to the Coventry newsletter.

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We want to expand your world in a magical way

April FeatureApril is our month dedicated to Spiritual Cleansing, but how can we do that with our World Candle line? Each candle is connected to an attribution of the divine. Ganesha is about faith and perseverance, Lakshmi brings us unlimited bounty, Sacred White Sage brings us purity of heart and Sweet Grass is about gratitude and love.  If you are not feeling absolutely successful in one or more of these areas, use one of our world magic candles or oils to help cleanse your heart and mind and make way for blessing from the divine. Burn the candle during a ritual or meditation to uplift the block out of you, or anoint your body with the oil to attract that quality to you.    


15% off all World Magic Products for the month of April.


Embracing the magic of this product line is about you and your connection with the wider world.  When you work your magic through this connection your magic ripples through your spheres of influence and plants itself not only in today, but in the future as well to help make this magic a permanent addition to your life.

Watch for our blogs all month for spiritual cleansing ideas with our own World magic candles and oils.

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  1360 Hits

Keep Calm and Lavender on Wicked Good Room Spray

WGS KCYou can be still like the calm waters of a tranquil lake with this room spray. A few spritzes well placed will even make baby doze peacefully. No more drama in your home or office when Keep Calm and Lavender On is in the air.

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  1229 Hits

Easy Street - Money Draw Wicked Good Room Spray

WGS ESGo from Little Orphan Annie to Daddy Warbucks when you liberally spray your world with Easy Street. You won’t need anyone to come and save you, because you just saved yourself! Pave your way with the green and ease your way to full pockets of ready cash!

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  1185 Hits

Night Terror Protection Spell Caster Club Spell Card

SCC NTA good night’s sleep can change your entire perspective.  A bad night's sleep can doom you to a existence of mental confusion and lagging energy. A night filled with terror can destroy your long term peace of mind and destroy your confidence and ability to function in society.


We know plenty of people whose anxiety morphs into night terrors and plenty of people who have legitimate haunting type night terrors. No matter what the source, Coventry has an effective spell for you to add to your toolbox and clear those night terrors out of your life.


The Night Terror Protection Spell Caster Club Card is available, free inside, of your March Coventry order, or available at your local spiritual gift store. Our monthly Spell Caster Club cards are collectors and worth hanging onto for your future needs. Don’t hesitate, order your Coventry products today.

Protection Blessed Herbal Candle and Fiery Wall of Protection Hoo Doo oil get this spell started!   Grab some black salt while you are out, find your favorite scissors and a clear bowl and you are ready to cast a powerful protection spell.

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  1200 Hits

Karma Kleaner - Spiritual Cleansing Wicked Good Room Spray

WGS KKTurn your Karma into Dharma with this room spray. It turns funky energy sparkly and happy. Don’t be burdened by Negative Nellies and Debbie Downers. Spray those blues away with Karma Kleaner and put that spring back in your step. Balloons not included.

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  1729 Hits

Ninja Power - Protection Wicked Good Room Spray

WGS NPSilent, powerful, protection is what you get with this magical room spray. Give your antagonists that creepy, “I’m in the wrong place” feeling that prevents trouble from starting. If they don’t take the hint, then unleash the full force of Ninja Power upon them and make them run home crying.

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  1180 Hits

Dragon’s Blood - Good Fortune Wicked Good Room Spray

WGD DBWhere there are dragons, no evil can enter. Spray your troubles away and bring the blessings of the dragon into your domain. Just a quick spray on you, your project, your workplace, your home and fortune will smile upon you. No dragons were harmed in the making of this spray.   

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  3679 Hits

Witches Union Evil Eye Spell Box

SpellBox EvilEye Lifestyle 470sqHow clever, a spell in a box. Evil Eyes are nothing to laugh at. They can project enough negative energy to erode your blissful life right out from under you. You know you’ve been the receiver of someone’s evil eye when you keep getting sick, having a lot of back luck, or your relationships hit hard times.

When you can’t seem to escape some jealousy, resentfulness, revenge or gossip, act quick and get this Evil Eye Spell box up and running.  It has all you need to stop the negative attention being sent your way and quickly and completely erect a fortress of protection around you.

Don’t be a wimp.  Empower yourself by taking care of you. Nothing was gained by allowing aggressive behavior continue at your expense.  Show ‘em you are no one to mess with.  Turn their evil eye back on them. This spell will show you how.

The Witches Union creates new spell boxes every month.  Visit your favorite spiritual gift store or go to our website for a complete list. We make magic easy for you!

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  1256 Hits

Road Opener - Remove Obstacles Wicked Good Room Spray

WGS ROWeeeee! And downhill all the way. That is how this spray operates on your blocks to success. A perfect answer to anything that prevents you from realizing your dreams, implementing your plans or just getting to work. This was Moses’s secret weapon when parting the seas. Just sayin’.

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  1185 Hits

Witches Union Guardian Protector Spell Box

SpellBox GuardianProtector Lifestyle 470sqWe all need protection. Our homes protect us from the elements. Our love protects our hearts. When you need protection from the thoughts and deeds of one who means you harm, a magical Guardian Protector is in order.

This Witches Union spell box contains everything you need to create a fortress of energetic protection around you, your stuff and your family.  It’s both a great preventative measure and the perfect plan for unexpected drama and trauma. Use it for the varying levels of needs and keep your spell empowered with the included Ninja Power Wicked Good Spray and the two hands of might. The hands of might are powerful images you use to remind you that you are powerful too.

Once you’ve brought you and yours under the spell of the Guardian Protector umbrella you will enjoy some lovely benefits. Certain people will no longer darken your doorway, harassing phone calls stop and your home becomes a loving haven for friends and family to gather and live. Hooray for you!

The Witches Union creates new spell boxes every month.  Visit your favorite spiritual gift store or go to our website for a complete list. We make magic easy for you!

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  1312 Hits

Smudge Spray – Sage and Rosemary Wicked Good Room Spray

WGS SSNeed to smudge your space but smoke and fire will set off the alarms?  Try this room spray.  Filled with the benefits of sage and rosemary, you can clear the air of any room, anytime.  Great for after fights, shooing away pesky ghosts, uplifting grief and putting the happy back into your home.

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  3933 Hits

Trouble Be Gone Spell Caster Club Spell Card

SCC TBG4Sometimes your troubles are like old furniture; familiar, predictable and uncomfortable.  They are not helpful, they derail your day and drain your energy, but you just don’t have the time or energy to really deal with them.


Troubles weave their way into your life, intertwining with so many other strands that to yank them out would seemingly cause more damage than the stress of leaving it there. Troubles are also tricky liars. They tell you that they are not much trouble at all and make you think that they are not worth the trauma of their removal, but they are liars so you know that is not true. Oh, and while you are debating, they are digging their root in deeper and starting to become a part of your life and identity.


It’s time my friend. It’s time to make Trouble Be Gone and we have the spell for you to do it in the March Spell Caster Card that comes free inside your Coventry order or available at your local spiritual gift store.


Go ahead and buy the Uncrossing Hoo Doo oil, Needed Changes Blessed Herbal candle and the Makin’ Tracks Wicked Witch Mojo candle and you will have the essentials for this spell.

Once you get the candles, open your cupboards and pull out the cayenne pepper black pepper, garlic and vinegar and you will have everything you need to start this spell.   

Get rid of your troubles and refill that space with positive life force with the Trouble Be Gone Spell.

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  1354 Hits

Come Hither - Attract and Compel

WGS CHYou crook your finger and they will come running. Thanks to a bit of Come Hither spray you are the heroine in your own romance novel. Set your intent (what and whom you are interested in) and spray the magic all around you. You are the center of the universe and that hot number you have had your eye on cannot resist your orbit!.

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  1316 Hits

Spray it... if you can’t say it!

WGS All15% off Wicked Good Sprays!  Use coupon code WGS1516


The Wicked Good Room Sprays are a handy magical alternative for times when flames are not an option.   Many of our customers use the sprays as an alternative to burning anything from candles to incense to smudge.   Many of our customers use the sprays because they smell great and like their magic on the down-low.


Our 8 blends have your back on any issue:

Come Hither (Attract and Compel)

Dragon’s Blood (Good Fortune)

Easy Street (Money Draw)

Karma Kleaner (Spiritual Cleansing)

Keep Calm and Lavender On

Ninja Power (Protection)

Road Opener (Remove Obstacles)

Smudge Spray (Sage and Rosemary)******  Best Seller


Order in March and you get your monthly Spell Caster Club “free inside”. Two magical recipe cards:  Trouble Be Gone Spell and Night Terror Protection Spell.  


Like a fortress....  the March Spell Boxes are highly protective


We are tackling the magic of protection this month and it’s right on time.   The Ides of March teach us that it’s a good idea to check on your surrounds and make sure the people and energy around you have your best interest at heart.


The Evil Eye Spell Box has the WItch’s Brew Evil Eye candle and oil and combined it with the divine intercession that is brought with the Motor City Hoo Doo Helping Hand Candle.   This full service spell box has an instruction card that tells you what to do, when to do it and what outcome to expect.  It also has an Evil Eye wallet card to carry your protection with you wherever you go.  This spell box is just the ticket to clear out negative spiritual energy and create a fortress of protection around your soul.

The Guardian Protector Spell Box is filled with candles, sprays, images and instructions to build an energetic fortress around your home and keep.   The Happy Home Blessed Herbal Candle, Guardian Protector Affirmation Candle and NInja Power Wicked Good Spray are the power trio that will help you claim your space and personal protection power.   The instruction cards tells you what to do, when to do it and what outcome to expect making this a keeper and refillable any time you need to renew your protection.

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  3557 Hits

Waking the Dead Candle and Oil

Waking the Dead, not the same as Walking Dead

WWM WD400sqDoes the idea of “Waking the Dead” scare you?

It did me too when Dorothy first presented this candle idea to us.  But it’s Dorothy so I put away my Hollywood hyped up fears and listened.

Working with Ancestors is a big part of Mojo and conjure work. Even though its popularity is greater in the south, asking your dearly departed for help finds its way in cultures all over the country and the world.

Dorothy Morrison says “If you want the Ancestors to help, you got to wake them up!”

Bringing the Wicked Witch Mojo Waking the Dead candle and oil into your prayer for help makes a better spiritual connection. You will find it easier to feel the love and protective energy from your Ancestors.  

When it comes time to wake up the slumbering Nanas and Papas light the candle and say the incantation provided on the label. You can also dab the Wakin the Dead oil on your ancestor altar to let them know you love and appreciate them too.  These products are brand spanking new in February of 2016. Look for them at or a magical store near you.

Does using magic and spell work sound like a great way to improve your life? It does to me too. Many magical products are available at or at your local spiritual supply store.  To get more unique spells like this, monthly specials and new product announcements subscribe to the Coventry newsletter.

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