Coventry Creations Blogs

Jacki Smith this the founder, enchantress and visionary of Coventry Creations. She started Coventy in 1992 and with her sister and business partner, Patty Shaw, they have taken if from the kitchen stove to an international company. Author, teacher, presenter, radio host, reader and healer, Jacki has dedicated her entire life to the mission of normalizing the words “Witch” and “Magic.”

I got what I asked for.. now what?

soul mateOpps!  you got it and now what do you do with it?  Worse yet, you got the love interest you have been reaching for and now what do you do?  


You go with it.   Nothing is going to be perfect and it’s time to step out of the fantasy of “what if” and into the reality of “now what?”   Love is not the end game, it is the game, the journey the action you take to ensure your future.    Love is returned as it is given, love is the example we set for our future selves to continue to act within.


A soul mate is not the one who will bend to your every whim and worship the ground that you walk on.  A true soul mate will push you to grow with them. They will disagree and then find common ground.  They will worship with you, the moments of bliss you find together.. and then work hard to create more.   A soul mate is not a minion, they are a partner and they are just as imperfect as you.   

Remember, if you start your relationship knowing your deal breakers, you will also find a reason to do so.

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Beauty Is As Beauty Does

beauty isDon’t believe the hype from the beauty industry.  There is no standard of beauty.  Don’t think that you have to fit into a mold because there is no standard for us to measure by.   Over the generations the definition of outward beauty has morphed from one trend to another.   Country to country what is considered beautiful varies.


True beauty comes from within, from confidence, self love, personal power, care of other.   When you think of the most beautiful person in your world, bets are that you think of a loved one who would never grace the cover of Cosmo.   I bet the person you are thinking of right now is someone who has touched your life in a loving and profound way.  

You are that kind of beautiful to someone in your life.  What if that is what you saw in the mirror every day?  What if that is what you imagined when you tried on new clothes?  What if the love that you share with the world was your version of a good hair day?

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Following Through on Change

following thu on changeThere are so many ways we make magic in our lives, from focused ritual to being inspired by a new acquaintance and all are bursts of energy that create amazing potentials for change.  It’s after that initial charge that the work begins.   


Intentional magic is great - it helps reprogram your emotions and thoughts, finds the holes in your spirit and fills them up and helps heal the root of the issue.   No magic that you cast or inspire is able to overcome your negative habits if you continue doing those negative habits.   Your free will just yanks that burst of energy out of the universe and consumes it with your bad habits.   You have to change what you do and follow through on the magic to make it really work.


Help yourself change, and grow with the magic you generated.  Light the Success Affirmation candle and help that magic take root in your heart, habits and healing.   Find your daily gratitude and follow through on it and you are destined to grow beyond your limits



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What good is an affirmation?

What good is an affirmationWhen you are in a negative mood, the last thing you want to do is put in your rose colored glasses and play Pollyanna to some fake feeling words.   But that is exactly the remedy that will help you transition from a place of self-defeat into a place of balance and connection.


It’s hard to do.   Right now as I write this blog, it’s hard for me to do as I am in that exact space.   But I know that as I do my affirmations I am lifting myself up in tiny increments and allowing the light back into my soul.   That is what affirmations do, they create an invitation to the Divine to settle more fully into your heart and heal what is bringing disconnection and pain.


Affirmations put you back in control of your emotions and reactions to outside events.   So often the pain caused by actions of others becomes more important than the healing and positive actions you can take.   It’s ok, this happens all the time and we have the cool tool called Affirmation that puts you back in the driver’s seat of your own emotional, mental and spiritual state.  We all know that those three states of being then manifest in the physical so if we jump on it early, we can head off some physical illness.  


Affirmations are so powerful that there are psychologists experimenting and proving their viability.   From grade point averages, to reducing stress in high stress jobs, studies all over the world are proving what we spiritual seekers already know.

Affirmations can change your life and it is all in your hands to do so.   Affirmations take you from victim to empowered.  Affirmations fill up your energy reserves to enable to you take the action on what you are manifesting.   Affirmations tell the universe what you want and it responds accordingly.

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Cash, Money, Now! A quick spell for a quick fix!

CASH MONEY NOWWhen money issues show up, they show with a dramatic urgency.  Rent, light bill, filling your gas tank, tuition, loan payments, they all share a life changing urgency if they don’t get paid.   When you are perpetually in survival mode, it’s hard to get spiritual and heal the deeper issue that keeps you in that state of financial lack.


When you are drowning in bills, the last thing you want to do is cast an abundance spell for fear that you will become more abundant in bills!


You need a Cash, Money, Now! spell to get through the crisis and get a moment to de-stress before the next round of bills show up.  The Financial Growth Blessing Kit is perfect for these moments, especially when you add it to the Cosmic Check Spell.


This spell is simple and fast and can be done any time of the month.   Once you are out of crisis, do this every new moon and you will see your finances grow in surprising ways in the future.


Make a list of all the bills you have to pay and all the things you need cash for.  Only list what is in crisis at this moment and then add 10% for anything you forgot about.   Put dates next to each bill.


On a clean, unused piece of paper, draw a blank check .  Make it out to you from the bank of Universal abundance.   In the amount section of the check, put in the amount of money that you need to get out of the crisis and give you a bit extra.  Put in the date you want to be paid by.  On the back of this check sign it like you would a check you were depositing or cashing.   


Put your check under the candles holders and put your list on the fridge or anywhere you will see this list every day.


Light the votives from the Financial Growth Blessing Kit and say out loud how much money you need and the date you need it by.  Let the candles burn for several hours - making sure you do not leave them unattended.

Now start looking for the bits of money that will be flowing in and make sure to use that to pay on the list you created.   If you spend it on something else, the flow will dry up.   As you pay off the listed bill and cover the listed expenses, write across each line, “Thank You”.   You will quickly get through that list and then get the reward at the end.  

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No more holiday Drama!

By Britany Crenshaw

I think we can all admit it family time isn’t always peachy.  With the holiday season right under our noses, we are prone to rising stress levels.  We all step into family gatherings with a preconceived notion (or ideal) of how things will play out.   Yet we forget that everyone is walking in with a similar emotional charge so the gathering can go either way - Better or worse than you expected.

If you’re anything like me, you’re hosting Thanksgiving and Christmas at your house.  Hosting is another ball game all in itself. If it isn’t potluck you have to worry about cooking in addition to making sure everyone is fed, and your area has to be squeaky clean. By the time family and friends come over, you’re trying your hardest to create a genuine smile and start and keep good conversation.

Some holidays seem to be surrounded by stress but we have to remember the power of gratitude this year. All of the chaos and running around can easily distract us from the purpose of the holidays.  Family gatherings are one of the most stressful events for me but as I grow, I’m finding different way to bring serenity, peace and gratitude into myself and into my home and want to share the tools I am using with you.

No more holiday drama


Here are candles we have that assists with achieving that peaceful area in your home and in your everyday life:

Home Blessing - Blessing Kit

A triad of Happy Home, Protection and Stability. Votives burn for 10 hours.

Create an atmosphere of warmth, peace and harmony for yourself and your family with this triad of candles. Allow your good intentions to disperse and transform any stress or tension into expanding love.

Blessing - I light these candles, inviting peace and abundance into this sacred space. I am open and willing to receive these gifts, and I bless all who cross my threshold with this love.


World Magic – Peace

A peaceful white candle with a fragrance that comes from the four corners of the world. Lavender, Cedar, Jasmine, Frankincense and Vanilla 2.5” x 6.5” pillar burns for 80 hours

Nurture the whole of this world with the abundance and plenty that will manifest peace and security. Wash away my fears and the fears of the world that create tyranny and unrest

Bring divine protection to those oppressed and divine intervention for those imprisoned by their own intolerances

Embody our world leaders and their followers with the energy, commitment and clarity of thought to manifest world peace in body, mind spirit for all of humanity.

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Can you handle the truth?

Can you handle the truth“Often, we know the truth but do not want to see it.”   ~ Coventry Creations Blessing Kit

Truth is a very sticky subject, because it is so subjective.  There is your truth, their truth and the universal truth, which is just the facts.   

My truth and your truth rely on our personal filters; our perception of the situation, our experiences, our fears and emotional filters.   What is helpful to one person is interfering to another.  What is the truth when definitions differ?  What is the truth when you don’t want to know what the other perspectives are?

When the truth may be painful, we can hide from it.  When the truth means that we may have to face an old fear or a scary reality we have the super power to deny it.   We have this amazing defense mechanism to hide from us what is too painful to bear, but yet that lie we are protecting can also do irreparable damage.

The best way to find the true facts of a situation and be able to make a healthy decision from this information is to elevate up to the universal level.   When you look at this situation from the 10,000 foot view you can see all the factors that are influencing you and everyone involved.   When you reach beyond your protected and limited perception it is easier to empathize with others, see your own actions that affect it and release the emotional charge that is fueling your confusion.  

Of course we created a product to help you work this healing magic.   The Blessing Kit Truth Spell.

In this kit you get three Power Votives; Needed Change, Problem Solving, Truth and Justice.   These three help you change your perspective, uncover a broader base of information and release the emotions that are keeping you stuck in the fear that the blinds you from the larger truth.

The blessing on the kit says it all:   “Experience, action, perception and emotion blend to form my personal truth. I transcend those limitations and can see the universal reality of my situation.”

Light all the candles at the same time and visualize your challenge from above, looking for all the connections that influence you.  Then find the story that those connections tell you.  From there you can release those emotions and embrace wider understanding.

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Magic x3

magicx3I love the number 3.  There is so much magic in it.  You can go back through time and see how often the number three represents holiness, balance, beginning, wisdom.   The triple goddess, the Holy Trinity, the fates, the three kings.

It is a very uniting number: mother, father, child; past, present, future; birth, life, death; body, mind and spirit.   When we want to make a point, we use three proofs.   At three we can see a pattern.  At three we can triangulate a pin point.

Three is the number where things begin to take shape, it is the force of creative power that takes an idea, through the initial action on the idea and into manifesting.   The perfect number for magic.

We use three votives in our Blessing Kits just for that, to take your idea, wish or intent and bring it out of your head through your initial action and into the place where magic can happen.   We are triangulating the energy to match your intent and speed up the manifesting process.

We started the magic for you and all you need to do is add the intent.

You are welcome…. Now, go make some magic.

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The Gift of Gratitude

gift of gratitude

By Britany Crenshaw

November and December are months that are supposed to be surrounded by gratitude, family and peace. But, it isn’t always completely just that is it? Thanksgiving and Christmas are times to be grateful, eat good food, reminisce with family and friends and at least get a good laugh. Although my holiday festivities do eventually house all of these characteristics, I do bump into a great deal of chaos along the way and I know for a fact I am not the only one.

I have a large family and communication is always easily lost through the grapevine.  Communication is the key to a smooth holiday in my family and for some reason, it’s the only factor that seems to get lost each and every year. Fortunately for my family, it doesn’t matter who didn’t bring what, who said what or who did what at the end of the day because we show an overflow of appreciation and love to end the night each and every year.  It’s easy to complain about things that don’t sit well with us, while forgetting all of things we have been blessed with, big or small. There is something to be said about a family that will argue and disagree but can end the night counting blessings and sharing laughs.

How will you ensure positivity and gratitude during your holiday season?

COventry’s Limited Edition Peace Candle is now available to help ensure that positivity and gratitude are in your inner and outer worlds.   

The Peace Candle is a graceful white candle with a fragrance that comes from the four corners of the world;  Lavender, Cedar, Jasmine, Frankincense and Vanilla.   It is 2.5” x 6.5” pillar burns for 80 hours.  On the label you can find this blessing:

“Nurture the whole of this world with the abundance and plenty that will manifest peace and security. Wash away my fears and the fears of the world that create tyranny and unrest.  Embody our world leaders and their followers with the energy, commitment and clarity of thought to manifest world peace in body, mind spirit for all of humanity. “        

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Furry Friends

By Britany Crenshaw

furry ffriendsI’m one of those pet owners who goes over and beyond for their pets. All four of my dogs get holiday stockings and gifts wrapped in doggy wrapping paper. I get the side eye from a handful of people because I truly treat my dogs like they’re my kids.  They’ve protected, served and have been my best friends since as early as 2005, and they deserve it!  Your pets think very highly of you. You feed them, love them, and talk to them and if you spoil your pets like I do, you clothe them too.

That connection that is shared between humans and their pets is a connection that is unique. They rely on us to care for them and we rely on them for so much more. We look to them to be our judgmental free friends, our ear to listen and to add to this we also want them to be our protectors as well.

Here at Coventry, we carefully constructed a blessing kit especially for the warm welcoming and powerful connection from the owner to the pet. Here’s what we came up with:


Blessing - “You bring comfort, joy, and unconditional love to our family. I wish a treat, a pat, health and happiness for you. Our life together is a reward.”

“Our pets are a blessing that we invite into our home, and into our family. They give us joy and meaning to our lives. With this triad you can return that blessing to them.”


Heart: You and your pet should share a heart to heart connection. That’s where the best friend aspect comes from. Ensure that your pet feels loved and he/she will have your back.

Stability:  Your pet looks forward to your arrival each day, the feeling of security and family is soothing and reassuring to your pet. Before you make the decision to welcome a furry friend into your home, make sure you’re sure.  Just like a child, a pet doesn’t like to be bounced from home to home.  

Happy Home:  Happiness matters. Are the energies in your home welcoming? Your pet can read energies. He/She knows when they aren’t in a happy environment and behaves accordingly.

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Neither Good Nor Bad – Karma is Karma

BK GKI love a good root word, and Karma does come through with a depth of meaning.    The Sanskrit root – Karman means, "to do, make, perform, accomplish, cause, effect, prepare, undertake".

At it’s root, Karma’s definition is the executed action and the intent behind the action.   Some Indian scholarly schools of thought teach that Karma is the effect of your actions. Some schools of thought feel that karma is a much longer term than that and it takes more than one lifetime to experience the effect that your actions caused.

The Buddhist teach that  the lesson of Karma is  always “volitional action”.  In a nutshell, the law of karma says that if you do good, you will experience good and if you do evil, you will experience evil.   Karma is not a judgement, as us Westerners think, it is simply an explanation of the cause and effect of our actions.   

Buddha also taught that we could change our Karma with our free will, or doing more and more good in the world.   Karma is not blame but the set of circumstances that we react to, thus creating more karma of effects from the actions.    

Karma is not bad or good so why in the world do we have a Good Karma Blessing Kit?   Because you can adjust your energy, attitude and “cause” to have a different “effect” upon the word.   The Good Karma Blessing kit has votives of our Emotional Balance, Healing and Needed Change candles.   This combination is perfect for healing and balancing the energy around you and adjusting your energy to change the flow of the “effect” you created.

The Emotional Balance votive helps you get out of the crisis and drama that is throwing you off base.   The Healing votive helps you pinpoint the actions that keep creating the unwanted “effect” so you can see how to heal it.  The Needed Change votive helps create that adjustment of energy so you can take a different path, thus changing your “effect” for the better.

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Where does peace begin?

“Peace begins with a smile.” – Mother Theresa

Where does peace begin“In my world, peace begins and ends with me.”  It’s the same in your world.  Go ahead, repeat that line aloud and see how it feels.  

Does saying that phrase aloud inspire feelings of freedom?  Does it inspire fear?  Does it inspire peace or maybe it goes the opposite way and inspires judgement or righteousness.   If you were to live your life with peace as the center of it, what would it look like?

I thought for years that if I had peace as my center then life would be boring.   I would lose my passion and would become complacent with my lot in life.   I was mistaken.   I equated peace with not caring.  I equated peace with being a victim. I equated peace with a lack of action.  Living your life in a place of peace does not mean any of these things.

My mind will always have a flavor of turmoil.  My mind will always welcome ideas and creativity and that immediately stirs up the status quo so how can I find peace there?   My spirit is always yearning for evolution, I am always reaching for more understanding and wisdom.  How can I be at peace there if I am never satisfied.    My emotions are always reaching out to understand others, to connect with empathy and love.  None of this is peace inducing so how can I find peace if my whole being is in constant motion and growing.

I have found some peace recently in my center and it all starts, like Mother Theresa said, with a smile.   I have found peace in how I interact with others.   I recognize that we all are talking through the filters of our pain and have empathy.  I have found we are all in need of clarity and boundaries so I assert mine with compassion.   I have found we all need recognition so I embrace accountability in behavior with rewards and questions.    

Basically, I stopped freaking out.

No one responds well to a freak out.   You lose credibility, you lose attention and you lose your point when you freak out.  Basically when you lose your sh*# at the people around you, you are passing the pain x1000.  You are taking something that can be corrected in a calm and rational way and turning it into punishment and retribution because it’s too painful to handle on your own.

I also started forgiving myself.   

When I can forgive myself of my failures I can be forgiving to others.   When I can’t forgive myself, I stay in the middle of that pain and as it collects beyond a level I can handle, I pass it to others in an unproductive way.   (Yes there is a productive way to pass the pain).   When I can forgive others then I can interact with a sense of inner peace.

I stopped giving others my power.

I had been giving the people around me the power to disrupt my life and create chaos.  From the husband and daughter, to my staff, to my friends.   If they had an emergency it was my emergency.  If they were in chaos I let it become mine.   If they were expressing a bad day, I took it personally.   I can stand in my own power, be compassionate.  

Peace always begins with you and your actions.   It’s your choice how you affect your world.  

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Special Pour: Peace Candles coming soon!

W-PEThe Peace candle from the World Magic Line will be back for a limited time starting in November.  We have only poured a few small batches for the holiday season.  The candle will have new new label, updated blessing but same wonderful formula.


What is the Peace candle for?

Through this candle, your personal prayers for peace join with the collective prayers of humanity to form a web of peace around the globe. The sacred herbs and oils from the 4 corners of the Earth, bringing a global focus for our prayers and intentions to transform hatred into love, fear into peace and intolerance into empathy.


Included in the candle recipe are:

Lavender from Europe

Frankincense from Africa

Jasmine from Asia

Cedar and Vanilla from the Americas

The Peace candle is sold on a first come, first serve basis.  We only make a limited amount of candles so don’t wait too long to get your candles!  The Peace candles will be available starting November 1st until sold out.

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Spell Caster Club: Guts and Glory Spell Set

WU-DBWe want YOU to join our Witches Union!  It’s time to stand together loud and proud to celebrate all the diverse and amazing folks who are delighted to call themselves a witch.  We are very excited to offer all the Coventry Creations family, membership into the Witches Union.  


Spell Casters Club: Wildly Successful Spell


This spell is all about powering up your spells and building upon success. Success can be professional or personal, help bring the positive, happy and lucky energy your way. The Dragon’s Blood candle and oil are all about energizing and adding that extra kick. The set includes 1 Dragon’s Blood Oil, 1 Dragon’s Blood Pillar, a spell recipe card and a witches union member card.

The spell card comes with two spells on it and they are easily repeatable! There are also some substitutions offered on the card. Please remove all packaging before use and never leave a burning candle unattended.

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What Does it Mean to Be a Witch?

It is the month of Halloween and everyone starts talking about black cats, witches and brooms. We took a moment to stop and ask ourselves, what does it mean to us to be a witch.  Thankfully, we have many members of the staff who identify with the pagan and wiccan community and we asked them to give us a couple of words they would use to define a witch. Below are a the most common words and explanations on the anatomy of a witch.

 What do you think?  Did they get it on point? Missing anything important?  Share your thoughts with us on our facebook at coventry creation or tweet at us @coventryc #beingawitch.

 what does it mean to be a witch

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Spell Caster Club: Wildly Successful Spell Set

WU-DBWe want YOU to join our Witches Union!  It’s time to stand together loud and proud to celebrate all the diverse and amazing folks who are delighted to call themselves a witch.  We are very excited to offer all the Coventry Creations family, membership into the Witches Union.  


Spell Casters Club: Wildly Successful Spell


This spell is all about powering up your spells and building upon success. Success can be professional or personal, help bring the positive, happy and lucky energy your way. The Dragon’s Blood candle and oil are all about energizing and adding that extra kick. The set includes 1 Dragon’s Blood Oil, 1 Dragon’s Blood Pillar, a spell recipe card and a witches union member card.

The spell card comes with two spells on it and they are easily repeatable! There are also some substitutions offered on the card. Please remove all packaging before use and never leave a burning candle unattended.

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Spell Caster Club: Curse Breaker Spell Set

WU-EEWe want YOU to join our Witches Union!  It’s time to stand together loud and proud to celebrate all the diverse and amazing folks who are delighted to call themselves a witch.  We are very excited to offer all the Coventry Creations family, membership into the Witches Union.  


Spell Casters Club: Curse Breaker Spell


Negative energy and thoughts flowing your way can feel like a curse.  It could be that you have accidently surrounded yourself with negative or jealous people, or that a series of hard events have left yourself and your space in a pattern of pessimistic heavy energy. Break any bad energy or jealous thoughts headed your way with the Curse Breaker spell. If you feel like you have been going through some bad luck lately or you feel like you need some protection and cleansing from those who may not be wishing you well.  The set includes: 1  Evil Eye oil, 1 Evil Eye Pillar, a spell recipe card and a witches union member card

The spell card comes with two spells on it and they are easily repeatable! There are also some substitutions offered on the card. Please remove all packaging before use and never leave a burning candle unattended.

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  2243 Hits

Spell Caster Club: Money Bags Spell Set

wu-wpWe want YOU to join our Witches Union!  It’s time to stand together loud and proud to celebrate all the diverse and amazing folks who are delighted to call themselves a witch.  We are very excited to offer all the Coventry Creations family, membership into the Witches Union.  


Spell Casters Club: Money Bags Spell


Money, money, money!  It makes the world go round.  As much as we hate to admit it, sometimes we just need a little more cash flow to get things done. This spell is for money! Use this spell to bring prosperity and abundance your way. This spell can be used for situation where quick cash is required or reveal a path you can take to help change your money woes in a bigger way. This set includes: 1 Witches Purse oil, 1 Witches Purse Pillar, a spell recipe card and a witches union member card.

The spell card comes with two spells on it and they are easily repeatable! There are also some substitutions offered on the card. Please remove all packaging before use and never leave a burning candle unattended.

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Witches Union Spell Boxes

Witches Union Spell Box


Spell boxesWe are very excited to offer all the Coventry Creations family, membership into the Witches Union.   It’s time to stand together loud and proud to celebrate all the diverse and amazing folks who are delighted to call themselves a witch.  The Witches Union is a series of Spell Boxes that come with the candles, a spell with detailed instructions and of course your very own witches union card. Unlike a subscription box, we make them available to purchase when you are ready.  Buy them every month or skip a few and pick the ones that are relevant to you.


The Spell boxes have been custom designed and formulated by Jacki Smith, President of Coventry Creations and author of the books Coventry Magic and Do it Yourself Akashic Wisdom. They are perfect on the go spells that are simple to set up and created to fit  with the season.  We hope to continue updating the witches union spell boxes, and we invite you to become a card carrying member of the witches union.


Here are this season’s Spell Boxes

Ancestor Altar-Recipe and candles to setting up your ancestor altar.  Create an altar to deepen your connection to them and build a strong spiritual foundation for all magical and inspirational pursuits.

Gratitude-This kit is for when you have experience failure, disappointment or stress to drive into gratitude and stop yourself from continuing down a negative path.

Jinx Removing-When you are trying to figure out where this bad luck keeps coming from, use this kit to clear up the jinx and get back to normal.

Spiritual Cleansing-After a particularly difficult situation, when you are surrounded by negative people or just had a bad day; it is always a good idea to spiritually cleanse.

In addition to these season spell boxes, we also have our Witches Brew Spell Caster club boxes featured throughout August.  Look for the the details in the Witches Union Category at the Coventry Creations Shop!

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Witches Union Card

Witches Union CardWe want YOU to join our Witches Union!  It’s time to stand together loud and proud to celebrate all the diverse and amazing folks who are delighted to call themselves a witch.  We are very excited to offer all the Coventry Creations family membership into the Witches Union.  

The Witches Union is a selection of spell boxes that will update every few months. Unlike a subscription box, we make them available to purchase when you are ready.  Buy them all or skip a few and pick the ones that are relevant to you.

When you purchase a Spell Box or a witches brew Spell Caster Club Recipe Box, included will be the candles, a recipe card for the spell for when, why and how and also will be your very own Witches Union card.  You can find the sets under Witches Union in the Coventry Creations Shop.

Written on the back of the card are the entitlements and benefits of being a card carrying member of the witches union!  We would love to hear your thoughts on what this means to you or even some pictures of you toting your card loud and proud!  Post to our facebook at coventry creations or you can also tag us on instagram @coventrycandles.  If you want to proclaim what it means to you to be a witch, tweet us @coventryc #beingawitch


Witches Brew Spell Caster Club Sets

Money Bags Spell

Curse Breaker Spell

Wildly Successful Spell

Guts and Glory Spell


Witches Union Spell Boxes

Ancestor Altar Spell Box

Gratitude Spell Box

Jing Removing Spell Box

Spiritual Cleansing Spell Box

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