Coventry Creations Blogs

Jacki Smith this the founder, enchantress and visionary of Coventry Creations. She started Coventy in 1992 and with her sister and business partner, Patty Shaw, they have taken if from the kitchen stove to an international company. Author, teacher, presenter, radio host, reader and healer, Jacki has dedicated her entire life to the mission of normalizing the words “Witch” and “Magic.”

What's the Candle Magic of Halloween?

Using the Halloween Pillar in Candle Magic


HalloweenThe Halloween candle also known as the Night of the Witch is from an old favorite from the original witches brew line known as spell caster.   The original label said “a powerful blend to open the path to manifesting your dreams.”  For us, this recipe was perfect to incorporate into Halloween or Samhain traditions and ceremonies.  Using the time when the veil is it at its thinnest between this world and the next.  Call on your ancestors to help bring about the energy to manifest your goals, wishes and dreams.   

The Halloween candle will only be around for a limited time.  The candle burns for 70 hours and includes a blessing on the label to recite with the candle and intention. Please never leave a burning candle unattended.

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Unwrapping the Gratitude set

Unwrapping the Gratitude Spell Box


SB-GRWe want YOU to join our Witches Union!  It’s time to stand together loud and proud to celebrate all the diverse and amazing folks who are delighted to call themselves a witch.  We are very excited to offer all the Coventry Creations family, membership into the Witches Union.  These spells are simple, easy to do and most importantly work well and work fast!


Gratitude is a beautiful thing.  It helps to bring in happiness, forgiveness and even open to fresh ideas.  Celebrating the wins in your life as well as the lessons learned can give you the edge in this world. The more grateful you are to the universe, the higher power you believe in, your family, your friends and even your little pet companions the more you are opening yourself up to the abundance of life, happiness and prosperity. This simple spell kit helps you pay tribute to all that is around you while welcoming more positive and lucky energy towards you.

The set contains the candles, oil or spray in the recipe, a spell, instructions for a superior spell and a short list of some simple items that can easily be found in your home and your Witches Union Membership card.  They are perfect for your new witches or witches on the go and a great way  to learn about magic! To get the spell box of your choice, go to the Witches Union box sets in the coventry creation shop.

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Day of the Dead

Using the Day of the Death Pillar in Candle Magic


Day of the deadThe day of the dead, or dia de los muertos is an ancient tradition celebrated all over the world to honor our ancestors and our roots.   Many of us feel the need to connect with something older and bigger than ourselves, finding out where we came from in order to help us discover our own path.  By honoring our ancestors and also the land in which has housed us, fed us and formed our cultural identity, we allow ourselves gratitude and growth to complete the challenges before us. In our path for personal discovery, we need not lose the important lessons gained by our family and heritage.


Celebrate your family here and those no longer with us by lighting the Day of the Dead candle in their honor.  Whether or not you have an altar, a collection of photos or just memories and stories, you can manifest that love and energy through this candle and feel the love your family has for you.

The Day of the Dead candle will only be around for a limited time.  The candle burns for 70 hours and includes a blessing on the label to recite with the candle and intention. Please never leave a burning candle unattended.

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Unwrapping the Spiritual Cleansing Set

Unwrapping the Spiritual Cleansing Spell Box


SB-SCWe want YOU to join our Witches Union!  It’s time to stand together loud and proud to celebrate all the diverse and amazing folks who are delighted to call themselves a witch.  We are very excited to offer all the Coventry Creations family, membership into the Witches Union.  These spells are simple, easy to do and most importantly work well and work fast!


It is important to clean things out every once and a while.  This goes for your closet, your fridge, your car and your soul. Negative thoughts, fights, misunderstandings, stress and even a depressing movie; these things grow bad mojo mold all over your insides. Clear out the bad energy and let the lemon fresh happy vibes back into your life.  This spell combines the power of clearing and cleansing in both candle and room spray to bring you back to a peaceful and positive space.


The set contains the candles, oil or spray in the recipe, a spell, instructions for a superior spell and a short list of some simple items that can easily be found in your home and your Witches Union Membership card.  They are perfect for your new witches or witches on the go and a great way  to learn about magic! To get the spell box of your choice, go to the Witches Union box sets in the coventry creation shop.

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What's the Candle Magic of Santisima Muerte?

Using Santisima Muerte Pillar in Candle Magic


Santisima MuerteOf the Halloween candle series, Santisima Muerte,or the bony lady, is the most unknown.   We wanted to include this candle in the line, not only because of who the bony lady is, but because her magic is so strong and so beautiful, a Halloween set would not be complete without her.  


Santisima Muerte means the holiest of deaths. Now death does not need to be literal for this candle magic.  It is all about transitions, changes and protection. Whether you are burning the candle for someone you love to give them strength during a difficult passage of life or for yourself during a time of metamorphosis; our lady of blessings can be there to help protect and cleanse you through this process.   She is there for those moments you feel the most alone to remind you that you never are.


The Santisima Muerte  candle will only be around for a limited time.  The candle burns for 70 hours and includes a blessing on the label to recite with the candle and intention. Please never leave a burning candle unattended


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Unwrapping the Ancester Set

Unwrapping the Ancestor Altar Spell Box

SB-ANWe want YOU to join our Witches Union!  It’s time to stand together loud and proud to celebrate all the diverse and amazing folks who are delighted to call themselves a witch.  We are very excited to offer all the Coventry Creations family, membership into the Witches Union.  These spells are simple, easy to do and most importantly work well and work fast!


Creating a connection to your ancestors is vitally important.  You fill a hole inside of you that helps you to know where you come from and where you want to go.  Use this kit to create a sacred space that invites your ancestors into your life. Honor them and ask them for protection, abundance and help on your journey.  If you are lost, your ancestors will help you figure out what are your values and lessons in order to give you direction to your true most fulfilled self.

The set contains the candles, oil or spray in the recipe, a spell, instructions for a superior spell and a short list of some simple items that can easily be found in your home and your Witches Union Membership card.  They are perfect for your new witches or witches on the go and a great way  to learn about magic! To get the spell box of your choice, go to the Witches Union box sets in the coventry creation shop.

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Unwrapping the Jinx Removing Set

SB-JXFall is the time of power and Jacki wants YOU to join the witches union. Witches Union Spell Box sets come filled with candles, a spell card and a special limited edition Witches Union card made by Jacki Smith. The spell boxes will be available all fall!  There will be 6 boxes made with the Autumn traditions like creating an ancestor altar, spiritual cleansing, removing a jinx and other amazing kits. Go to to check how you can join the witches union!

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What's the Candle Magic of Hekate?

Using the Hekate Pillar in Candle Magic


HekateThe Halloween candles are a special set of pillars that we made for the autumn.  Hekate is one of the most popular of the Halloween special pour that we have.  She celebrated by many and is known as the triple goddess, goddess of the crossroads, goddess of the ghost, queen of the witches among many other titles.


For candle magic, this pillar is for calling for help when on the crossroads from one transition to another. With help not only for help navigating in transitions but vision on which path will be the safest journey what will lead you on towards the right path. Follow its light to help you to keep going towards the journey you need for growth and recuperation.

The Hekate candle will only be around for a limited time.  The candle burns for 70 hours and includes a blessing on the label to recite with the candle and intention. Please never leave a burning candle unattended.

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Halloween Sneak Peak

Halloween sneak peakHalloween Special Pour Available for September!


We do two special pours in late summer.  One is our ghost candle line that we have been promoting all August.  The second pour are the Halloween candles. The Halloween candles are a combination of old retired favorites and a new recipe from 2014.  They are mostly candles that, while are not popular year round, are amazing candles for working with  ancestors, samhain, spirit work and family traditions and with altars.


Just like the ghost candles, we only make a few batches once a year. Once they are sold out, they will not be available until the next year. Last year we sold through them very quickly so we did up our batch size this year, but we are still expecting them to go fast so if you are interested,do not hesitate.  These candles will be available starting in September, so keep a look out.  If you are interested in keeping up to date with our newest products and current sales, I suggest subscribing to our newsletters.  Not only is there up to date information but also links to Jacki and Patty’s more recent articles and upcoming events to stores near you!


The Halloween Special Pours are:


Hekate: Queen of the Witches-Is a retired candle from the world magic line, Hekate stands at the crossroads to open the paths between the worlds and lights the way to the future. Hekate is ageless, believed to have come from Egypt and crossed into the Greek pantheon as the original Triple Goddess. It is helping us through these crossroads of like that has earned her title of "Queen of the Witches." Her traditions continue to this day, as many honor her at places where three roads meet

Halloween: Night of the Witches Is a retired candle from the witches brew line known originally as Spell Caster. Halloween, also known to many pagans as Samhain(sah-win), is the night when the veil between the world of the living and the land of the dead is the thinnest.  Ancient Celts would call upon the blessing of their ancestors to protect them from spirits that would spoil the harvest.

Santisima Muerte: Our Lady of Blessings- Our newest recipe, Santisima Muerte, "The Most Holy Death", is a folk saint with origins in the Aztec Gods. Santa Muerte holds dominion over all death, thus holds dominion over all aspects of life. Call to "The Bony Lady" to help you through any of life's challenges, to bring blessings and cleanse you of negativity.

Dia de los Muertos: Day of the Dead- A seasonal favorite, Day of the Dead, celebrated on November 1st, is when families gather in the graveyards or create Offrenedas (altars) to celebrate their ancestors. This celebration shows us that death is not to be feared, but to be celebrated as the return to the creator.


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Letting go of the past – Do you know whose past you are letting go of?


-Jacki’s most liked and read articles back to reread or enjoy for the first time!


Letting go of the past, do you know whose past you are letting go of?

By Jacki Smith

letting go of the pastI can place a pretty sure bet that you start thinking about family, family gatherings and your reaction to them.You either are obligated to attend a gathering of the clan and you, or feel abandoned and isolated from family. We idealize (or demonize) what this gathering would look like and like every other member of society have a reaction to the holidays. You try and try to create a new paradigm for yourself around this, but you fall back into that old pattern.


I have a nice big fat reaction to family and/or friend gatherings. In past years it would cause huge anxiety and I would either overcompensate from guilt of not wanting to be there or have so much trepidation I would refuse to go. Oh, how I hated the holidays. I had such a big issue around impending holidays that I even chose a husband that doesn’t celebrate holidays or birthdays… at all… ever (after 20 years he has not budged on this).  When I look at this from the 30,000 foot view I realized it all works together forcing me to heal this issue.   


Into the Akashic records I went!  For full disclosure, I don’t think I went into the Akashic records for this issue.  If I remember correctly, I went into the records for a food issue and found myself smack dab in the middle of some family legacy issues that needed to be addressed.  Needed is not even an adequate word to describe the urgency of me dealing with this issue.  What I found waiting for me was a filter that I was viewing family and friends and that was causing a lot of disconnected and abandoned feelings.   This filter was not even of my own making!  I was trying to release something that was mine, but what I needed to clear was not something that I created, it was something I inherited.  


It was not my past I needed to let go of, but the collective past of my family that was attached to me. Family Legacies can also be called a family curse, but that implies this energetic discord was placed upon your unwitting and innocent ancestors.   A Family Legacy is the collection of belief and energetic blocks that build generation upon generation until it is so restrictive to your personal growth that is defines you in uncomfortable ways.   In the book Hauntings; Dispelling the Ghosts Who Run Our Lives by James Hollis he talks about how the complexes, or issues of our parents are the lens we initially view our own life through.  If we remain unaware that we are running our lives based on the complexes of our parents, they become our own adult issues and then are compounded by the new complexes that are created through our own experiences.    It is when you clear or let go of the issues of your parents and ancestors that you can begin to heal your own jazz.


In DIY Akashic Wisdom: Access the Library of Your Soul, Patty Shaw and I talk about Family Legacies.  In chapter 10, “The people that we meet on the Akashic street” we talk about a spiritual pattern that you inherit along with your DNA.  These legacies can be filled with gifts, talents and strengths, but can also be filled with beliefs, thought forms and even contracts of behavior that are not good for us.   It is amazing how much nature and nurture combines to create YOU!  You are an ever growing and evolving being that is like no other.  It is when you consciously choose to move through life, connect with your divine spark and live today to its fullest that you can see the miasmas or dysfunctions that keep you anchored into unconscious drama that limits your joy.    

When I looked at the Family Legacy surrounding my holiday experience, it didn’t go back very far.  It went back to a place where the only thing that mattered was appearance.  We all must maintain the appearance of a happy, beautiful family.  This was not new or earth shattering or even unique to my family, but there it was trying to drive a bus that was not willing to go there (that bus being me).   


Since I had been living my life in a conscious way to bring love and joy into my life, that family legacy was the opposite of what I was going for.   No wonder I would melt down and become a complete wreck over what to buy as gifts, wear for gatherings and how we presented our own little family to my greater family of origin.   I even saw how my husband broke free of that belief and that I needed his stubborn refusal to participate in that legacy to break free of it on my own.  I had to let go of my mother’s complexes before I could heal and rewrite my own experience.


Once I cleared what belonged to someone else’s past I was able to heal the immediate discomfort I came to my Akasha to look at.   My food issue came in to play as the replacement of honest emotions and nurturing feelings with food.  That was the easiest part of the healing; now I needed a new belief to be embodied and a way to incorporate this healing into my everyday life.   My new belief is that we create our own holidays and they are not dictated by the calendar.   I also decided that I would participate as much as I wanted to in the family gatherings and no more.  Once I released the guilt, I felt free to create my own traditions. Now my family and I have Thanksgiving Lasagna, Christmas Tacos and spend the day together playing, relaxing and disconnected from stress.   If we decide to go to a family function it is because we are interested in it – not out of obligation.


It is one of the most empowering experiences to go through the Family Tree Meditation on page 137 of DIY Akashic Wisdom.  It is additionally empowering to add in ritual once the mediation is over to anchor in this new belief. I do what I call the Belief Anchoring Ritual and of course I use a selection of Coventry candles.


I start with an Uncrossing Hoo Doo candle or a Needed Change Blessed Herbal Candle and a piece of paper.  I have a terrible memory after any healing work I do so I light the candle that helps release any residual energy and write down what I cleared.   This way if it starts to come up again I will see the details that may need to be healed after the fact.  


I then get a clean sheet of paper, select a river washed stone or crystal, light a Stability Blessed Herbal Candle, a Heart Blessed Herbal Candle and a Fertility Blessed Herbal Candle and write down my new belief.  I do this as bullet points so I can post this paper and quickly reference it in times of stress. I then read through that list and create a new affirmation that embodies the new belief and place it on my mirror so I can recite it every time I look at myself.    I carry my stone with me and think about this new belief that I have.  This helps me remember to incorporate this new way of being in my waking life and to remember it in times of stress.   It is those stressful times that we will unconsciously revert to the old behavior.  It takes 7-9 instances of making a new choice before it becomes your new habit.

Take a moment the next time an old unhealthy behavior comes up and ask it; are you mine or do you belong to someone else’s past.  Sometime what you need to let go of didn’t belong to you in the first place.

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Which Smudge Spay? At a glance guide on which spray is right for you!

smudge spray infographic

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Success is a Journey, Not a Destination!


-Jacki’s most liked and read articles back to reread or enjoy for the first time!


Success is a Journey, Not a Destination!

by Jacki Smith


success is a journey not a destinationWhat does success mean to you? Success, in financial terms, is such an American concept.  It’s what our country was founded on – the right to come here, free of societal class restriction and on our seemingly even playing field, become a success.


We all grew up with the success stories of someone who pulled themselves up by their bootstraps to live the American dream with the assumption that if they can do it, you can do it.    It is so pervasive that if you are not living that American dream there must be something wrong with you.

IF you are old enough to have been an adult in the 80’s and early 90’s you know that success had a very materialistic definition.   Driving your Lexus and living in your McMansion was the definition of our generation’s American dream. As we progressed to the new century with the threat of technology being our downfall, then quickly moving into the threat of terrorists on our own soil, the definition of success started to morph for the new generation into safety, family and spiritual balance.   Yet many of us Gen-X’ers are still stuck in the Michael J Fox “Secret of My Success” obsession with money and continue to define our success in those terms.  

Success is a Journey, Not a Destination


Time to upgrade!   Success is not about money, in the words of Tony Robins (the guru of Success)  “…(Success) has never been on my values list, I would much rather say what creates a meaningful life, what makes people light up, what makes people feel alive… what is your drive.”   Time to redefine success - is not a goal within itself, but the process of manifesting your ideas.   The first question when you are reaching for a goal is, how hungry and driven are you?  Are you passionate enough to push through the small failures and successes?    Are you driven enough to weather the alchemical process of success?


In Tony Robin’s TED talk, he says the defining factor to success is the human emotion; passion.   He demonstrates that is emotion creates action – without the driving force of passion we don’t take the actions needed to realize our goals.


It’s easy to see how you without the driving force of your positive emotions you can easily sabotage your success; meaning the small actions you take moment to moment to manifest your goal.   


Success as an Alchemical Process

That is the start of the alchemical process, turning emotion into action; water into earth.   Success is the constant churning of the elements; thought into passion into emotion into action – Air into fire into water into earth.   Add in that unique ingredient of your spirit and you are manifesting within the process of success to achieve your goals.   This is an unending alchemical process – as you experience your growing success, your targets change.  As you learn and evolve, your goals evolve with you.

Success is a process of passion, thus it can be a process of joy and happiness.   What destroys that happiness is when you use outdated cultural norms – or even the expectation of others to define you.


When you embrace success as a process instead of an end goal, you can enjoy who you are and choose happiness. The journey of success is not necessarily about money – remember money is just the catalyst to experience your passion, it does not need to be hoarded, flashy and need to be fed to be sustained.  


Success, Your Definition

What do you want to be successful at?  Parenting? Teaching? Writing? Cooking? Gardening?  Community Service? These things don’t have to make you a million dollars, they are your driving force, your passion and what gets you up in the morning.   They are what brings you joy and happiness.


The old ideal of success = money has taken the fun out of passion and turned it into a dirty work in some spiritual circles.   When I am in the moment with my passion, experiencing happiness and drive for my goal that is not unbalanced.   Living your passion and working 80-90 hours a week to make it a reality is not unbalanced.  It is when you do this without joy and happiness that takes you out of your center.   This is where stress comes from; making the happiness and expectations of others more important than your own.  It also comes when you forget about your passion and love for your goal and try to rely upon the force of your will alone.   Will needs emotion to sustain and nurture you through your process of success.


Remember that your process of success is an ever evolving one, the target continually moving.  To judge yourself or others on the successful achievement of one goal may never happen because along the way you changed.  Or you may devalue your success because once that goal was met, you had long ago changed it into something greater.   


Start living your own magic be shedding the expectations and judgments of what others deem success to be.   Make sure your ideas of success are truly our own and your happiness will grow.


7 Magical Steps to Creating Success (with anything) in Your Life:

1 – Letting go of the past, starting in the here and now.

Your past does not define your future, or even your present.   Past mistakes, fears, experiences can become the driving force in your success and the only place they will drive you is off the cliff.   

Use the Motor City Hoo Doo Uncrossing Candle to identify and clear from you those past emotions that will stop you from achieving your goal.  


On a clean piece of paper write a down who you used to be, and all the things that got in your way.Also write out your 3 greatest accomplishments to date.  Turn the paper 90 degrees and flip it to the other side.  Write out where you want to go with this magic.  Write out what the big picture of your success is to look like and the type of person you want to be when you get there.

Keep that paper open and place the candle holder on top of the paper.  When you light the Uncrossing candle, start talking aloud of all the things that have may stopped you from success.  Name them and know that you are ridding yourself of their sabotage.   Now say aloud where you want to go, what your passion is and how this will fill your life with joy.


Keep that candle burning for at least 3 hours.  DO NOT LEAVE IT UNATTENDED.  IF you need to leave, extinguish the candle while saying, “I may extinguish your flame, but you magic continues to grow”.

Meditate on this embodiment of power every morning for 3 mornings, or longer if needed.  You need to make sure your seeds of magic are taking root within you before you go to your next step.


2 – Clearing Sabotage

Thoughts lead to feelings. Feeling lead to actions. Actions lead to results.

Take a  Spiritual Cleansing candle

Fold a piece of paper the long way, and list any and all of your sabotaging thoughts on the left 1/2 the paper.  Write down your own thoughts and the words of others that may have taken hold in your self-esteem.  Write the phase that represents the core of all that self-sabotaging talk on the candle.

Fold the paper over and write the affirmation that counters that sabotage over the original phrase.  No matter how loopy, fluffy or egomaniacal it sounds, write it down.  You are clearing out all the negative thoughts in your head and replacing them with new positive affirming ones. Your spirit will recognize the new ones and replace them if you tell yourself to.

Once you are done writing, tear the list separating the sabotages from the affirmations.  Take the sabotage list and either rip-up the paper or burn it (in a safe place outside).  Take the affirmations list and place it where you will see and repeat them.

(This silly little affirming step is pretty darn crucial to your overall success.  If you are manifesting from a place of negative emotions and self-talk, that is all you will manifest.  If you need a little spiritual help with this, call to your spirit guide and ask that they give you a spirit that will help you hold this new space of life affirming thoughts.)

Light the Spiritual cleansing candle every day, repeating your list of new affirmations to yourself at least 3 times (with meaning please!)  Let the candle burn for an hour or three while you visualize yourself having these affirming thoughts in times of doubt.


3 – Defining Success

Heart Blessed Herbal Candle – This candle is to show you where your passion lies and how you want to experience success.

What are the actions or steps you need to take to get to your place of success?  How would you know if you actually achieved your success if you do not have a benchmark to measure it against?

Everyone has a list of needs to meet before they feel that success has begun.  For instance, you need to create $500 of income a week before you can quit your job and freelance all the time.  Success to you could mean that you are home every day with your children, or that you have a garden that will feed you all winter.

List out 5 things you need to do in the physical world to promote your success.

Start with a plan, but double space it so you can flow with the new ideas that WILL come your way.

Visualize your target success every morning, take action towards it every day, and keep your eyes open for new ways of getting there.


4 – Clearing the Road

Ganesh World Magic Candle - Ganesh is known as the remover of obstacles and the bringer of joy.   When you invite his energy into your life the unexpected creates the miracles you are looking for. The Ganesh Candle helps you see those roadblock and then laugh at yourself about them.   

You know you are on the right path when you come upon roadblocks.  We actually look for road blocks to give us excuses for diversion from your goal.  “Well of course I cannot start my own business, I have too many bills (my car broke down, my boss is a jerk, etc)”.  That statement may seem farfetched, but if you bring it closer to home you may hear, “My car is acting up so I cannot drive for that school field trip” or “I don’t know how to find that resource so I cannot proceed”.  

Humor, the ultimate demon repellant…..

Light the Ganesh candle for a few hours every day as your work your plan.  Light it every time you come upon a block or fear.  If you cannot get rolling on your plan then definitely light the candles and ask to see what blocks your road.  When you open your mind to see the block for what it truly is, it gets less scary and formidable.


5 – Inviting in Success

Success Affirmation Candle

Start with gratitude, giving thanks for everything you have already accomplished and all that you have.  Honoring these successes and your current abundance opens the door for more to enter. If you have been struggling with success it is because you have forgotten what it is to succeed.  You have depleted your self-esteem and personal power through self-sabotage, roadblocks, and holding onto past mistakes.  This step helps you get back into your place of power where you can invite in success.


6 – Relaxing your Expectations

Attraction – Love Blessed Herbal Candle Let the universe bring to you what you truly need to manifest your success.  It may not be exacting to your plan, but if you open your mind you will find that what you receive is even better than the original expectation.

Take out the plan you made earlier (the one you double spaced) and track each step and outcome as you travel toward your goal.  Don’t be afraid if a new idea comes and totally changes your plan – just write a new one.  You stared it on this journey with one set of skills and a brain full of ideas, but each step on the journey teaches you something new.  It is that new piece of information that will take you to new vibrations that open up new ideas that bring you closer to your goal.


7 – Open to Opportunity

Crown of Glory Motor City Hoo Doo Candle

When the opportunity presents itself – GRAB  IT!  The universe will provide the opportunity, you have to see it and use it.  This part it totally up you!  It is the brass ring – snatch it up and run with it.


The perfect time, place and opportunity will arrive.  Every time.  Every step you take in this magical journey lead you to this moment.   It is your moment alone, your moment of glory.  Your courage to change for the better, your courage to be successful will be what helps you take advantage and travel through the manifestation of your success.  


Enjoy, be at peace and know you have traveled through to a place where you can sustain your new vibration, living a glorious life full of continued successes


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Wicked Good Sprays Origin Story

Wicked Good SpraysIn the beginning…..


Just kidding, but this is an origin story of sorts.  August is the month of Jacki. Why is it her month?  Well really its her company so I guess she can make any month her month, however, August is the month of Jacki because it is her birthday month.  Jacki likes to celebrate her birthday at Coventry Creations by passing along a discount to all the customers.  This month she will be putting on sale all of our Wicked Good Sprays, Coventry’s newest product. If you are interested in trying them out for the first time or are already an avid user wanting more and more and more, you can type in JBDAY10OFF in the coupon code at checkout of You can find the sprays under Smudge Spray at the shop.


The idea to expand our lines from candles into room sprays really started in our downtown shop called the Candle Wick Shoppe.  Many people would come in and ask us if we made our recipes into sprays in order to do spell or altar work.  From there Dawn, one of the managers at the Candle Wick Shoppe started talking with Jacki about making a room spray based on some popular Coventry recipes.  They launched the product hoping that it would catch on and boy did it ever.   They sold tons that first weekend, and it has been a staple in the store and online ever since.  The room sprays are wonderful for energy work, spell work, clearing the room, working with an altar or even just making things smell pretty.  


The Wicked Good room sprays are:

Smudge Spray: Sage and Rosemary - Our most popular spray! The sage and rosemary blend is all about cleansing your space or your personal energy.  This is an effective powerful alternative to burning sage.

Dragon’s Blood: Good Fortune -Dragon’s blood can be used to charge up a room in to power up its fortune or you can use to lift your energy field’s mood to bring good fortune your way.   Dragon’s Blood is a tree resin from Egypt and no dragons were hurt in the creation of this spray.

Ninja Power: Protection - Be the Ninja and slip away from any energies that would harm you.  This sprays provides protection by using sandalwood for eliminating negative energy and clearing any bad intent or strife. Myrrh to calm fears and expand awareness. Jasmine allows walls, blockages and self sabotage to fall away in order to pursue your dreams.

Karma Kleaner: Spiritual Cleansing -  When the small things start to derail your day, it’s time to clear out that stuck on karma and get your energy moving again! This spray uses the combination of peppermint sage for cleansing and clearing out negative and obsessive energy with amber musk to energize and attract great energy your way.

Road Opener: Remove Obstacles - Clear a path for yourself or opportunities by spraying this during energy work or even spray to clear your aura. With frankincense for a charge and clearing negative energy. Lemon grass to clear both the spiritual and physical junk and bad luck. It also has juniper to guard against harm, and to increase resolve and dedication.

Keep Calm: and Lavender On - Lavender is known for its amazing properties on invoking peacefulness, inducing resting and healing sleep and calming stormy uncontrolled emotions that can make us ill. This spray invites warm nurturing feelings, protects against cruelty and allows joy to manifest.  

Come Hither: Attract and Compel -  A room spray to bring it all to you!  With lavender for bringing in unconditional love and inviting warm feelings and nurturing. Patchouli to ground you and connect you to your divine self, attracting people and promoting cooperation and partnership.  It also stimulates passion and a release of anxieties.   Also included in the spray is orange blossom for increased feelings of confidence, beauty and being rid of daily worries.

Easy Street: Money Draw -  Spray on or around yourself for your out of money situations. It has date to bring good luck, helping you prosper and grow into your destiny. Also included is bergamot which is called the happy herb.  This herb relaxes your guard to all happiness to sneak in. Bergamot is a seed of prosperity that can create inertia to success and wealth.

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Building an Ancestor Altar


-Jacki’s most liked and read articles back to reread or enjoy for the first time!

Building an Ancestor Altar

by Jacki Smith

Note: this article was for the Autumn time, although August is a little early to be talking about Halloween, it really is just around the corner and an Ancestor Altar is good for all year round!


building an ancestor alterAll Saint Day, Halloween, Day of the Dead is a time when we assume ghosts abound, but what or who makes up those ghosts; our ancestors do. IT’s not that they come through the veil to scare you, but they come in to bring blessings, share love and allow you to connect with them on a deeper level.


Modern Witch tradition makes Halloween spooky, but the longer standing history is that this is a day of celebration with the loved ones who have helped shape you into the person you are today.  Even if there is hurt and pain associated with them, this is the time for them to make amends (or the other way around) and heal those family wounds. Even from the harshest beginnings we are given the opportunity to thrive and evolve.  It is from the darkest moments that the greatest potential for the Light to bring blessings is created.  


Ancestors are in our blood

From cultures all around the world, ancestor reverence has been part of their spiritual practice.   From West African traditions, ancestor altars are created by the largest tree on your property or in the kitchen of your home.   In China they create a high altar in the main room to watch over the family.  In Rome they would have Spirit Houses by their front door for their ancestors to protect the family and home from evil entering.   Reclaiming or creating your own ancestor reverence helps ground you in your cultural roots and give you a strong base to grow from.    Why do you think we are in the midst of a ghost hunting craze?  We are disconnected from our foundation and need to find some way to reconnect with the spirit realm


No matter what the story of your ancestors, they are in your blood and their actions got you here today.  When they pass in full from this world to the next, they leave behind the issues, fears, hurts that limited their ability to love while they were human.   Even the nastiest ancestor, once they pass on, is working on making amends for their negative actions.   Bringing blessings to you and your life are a way they can do that.   Put them to work!


Why it works

I have an ancestor altar at my Coventry office.   I put it there, rather than my home because I was in the midst of moving and was not sure how long I would be at the new place.  I needed a place where I could secure my roots, so the office it went.    My people love it here.  Once I moved them all to my office and talk to them regularly, I discovered that many of them were entrepreneurs and risk takers in their lives.   From the Grandfather that my Dad never knew who started a machine shop that employed his whole family, to my Grandmother who ran a day care out of her home after her husband died to keep all of her kids in a decent school through high school.  They lend us the energy to weather any storm, resolve issues and general blessings.

In my old house, my ancestors protected until it was time to go, then they pushed us out.   When there was lots of negative influence in my life, my ancestors would make themselves known and let me know to feed them energy so they could work in my life.   There would be glasses of water moved from the counter to the floor, there was the roast that flipped out of the roasting pan and slid across 3 door jambs to land in front of their altar.  There were the pictures that moved on their own and the door that opened on its own to show us where the item we were looking for was stored.   

Start your own tradition

You don’t have to subscribe to any one tradition, you can start your own, but there are a few key universal ingredients needed on any altar.


A Place to start – You need a place that is only theirs.  This is where build your altar and set your offerings to them.  This is a special, reverent place that is not the junk collecting place.  This is not where you set your junk mail or put your dirty shoes on.  Give them something that means “ancestors” to you.   

Pictures or items from your people - Let your ancestors know who you are talking to by adding their photo.  Make sure only people who have passed on are in the photos.   You can also add their name and birthdate or if that is not available put on a piece of paper “My beloved Ancestors; known and unknown.”  No worries if you are adopted, you got to choose your family and they choose you – it’s even more powerful!   

Water – A universal symbol of the communicating with the spirit world

Candle –This is a universal symbol of spirit, use it.  Of course the Coventry Ancestral candle is an excellent choice, but other candles are just fine.  White is most often used, but if your g-mom loved blue, honor her with a blue candle.

Flowers – This is another universal symbol of bringing the spirit world into the living.  A fresh bunch of flowers is an excellent offering for your ancestors to give them some physical energy to use in this world.

Treats – Your ancestors all had their favorite treats from cigarettes to candy (or maybe candy cigarettes).  Leaving them an offering is a sign of love and respect and gives them energy to use to bring blessings into your live.

Food – Give them a little of Sunday dinner.  Giving them food, especially food they liked while living is a boost to the energy they use to help you in your life.  You see, they need tangible physical energy to create tangible physical change in your life.  

There are many traditional prayers to use, but I start with a simple invitation for them to join me and a little conversation.   I talk about what I learned about them, how they have helped me in my life and what struggles I am experiencing now.   I ask for their guidance and then spend quiet time in front of the altar in thanks for all that they have done.   The biggest ritual I do for my ancestors is collecting things over time that they enjoy.  For instance I have a door lock that is in pieces for my Uncle Maury.  He was a locksmith and love to re-key locks.  For my Grandmother Teeny, I learned that she loved angel food cake, so whenever I find an individual size at the store, I know she wants to talk to me.    My Uncle Pete loved to play Euchre, I made him a “Go it alone” hand and have that with his funeral program.  Temporary or permanent it’s a good practice to start your magic with your ancestors; they give it the best boost!

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Ghost Candles

The Ghosts are Back in Town!


ghost candlesIt is that time of year again and that means that the fun Autumn special pours are available again.  Starting off the season would be the Ghost Candle line.  These 4 candles are only made once a year and they go very quickly!  The ghost candles are made for the time of year when the veil is at its thinnest between our world and beyond. They not only deal with issues of the spirit world but also in the past energies and emotions people can leave behind in a location or even on you!


Here are the 4 candles available in the ghost special pour:


Home Clear and Bless-Clear out the past energy from your house be it spirits or former tenants. Clear the air and make room for your well being.


Night Terror-Soothe your nightmares by calling for protection and bring the light into your dreams. Particularly helpful for young ones, helping them clear the air and drift off to a peaceful sleep free of terror.


Ghost Repel-Send away stray spirits interrupting your life. Help them to heal and find divine peace and love.


Seance-Talk to the spirits around your life. Help attune yourself to hear their messages and lessons they have for you.  

You can find the ghost candles in the shop under the candles section. The ghosts will be active on the website until they are sold out.  Then, just as they came...they will slowly disappear….

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Ten Ways to Spiritually Prepare for Your Future

-Ten Ways to Spiritually Prepare for Your FutureBEST OF JACKI

-Jacki’s most liked and read articles back to reread or enjoy for the first time!


Ten Ways to Spiritually Prepare for Your Future

By Jacki Smith


The talk of resolutions and new beginnings paint that future picture in a way that seems achievable.  It paints it with the innocence of a new day, week or change of season, before the reality of the day to day grind changes and muddies the images of your own future that you hold.

Why not grab onto the spiritual energy that is a new beginning  and magically prepare for your future, bringing it not only closer, but into your immediate grasp.   These 10 tools are nothing new; they are the basics of creating change in your life.


1 – Talk out your future with a trusted colleague.

Talk and trust are the key words here.   If you keep all of your plans inside, they remain in a virtual world of potential.  Potential is a death knell for your future because potential is the name of energy that is unused and slowly fading. It takes two people to make magic work. It takes two people who are heading in the same direction, meeting a common goal.   You need a catalyst, not a neutralizer!  When you share your future goals with a colleague of like mind, then you become that catalyst of change for each other.


2 – Write out what needs to change in your life for your future to happen.

Not everything fits.  As you contemplate your future, you will realize that some of your past and present are not congruent with your future – it is from a different puzzle and not matter how hard you try, those pieces will not fit together. It is like setting a size 9 goal while keeping your pie of the week subscription, those things just do not fit together.  


3 – Prepare for your fears to be triggered.

Your fears are held safe by your ego because it is the job of your ego to warn you of danger.  Change is dangerous.  Small or large, you do not know which future goal will trigger your fears so get prepared for bumpy ride as you travel forward.  Your fears do not have to stop you, actually as you come upon them they are signs that you are heading in the right direction and your odds of success are greater than not.Pay attention to your own inner spiritual tells as an early warning system.  That way you can get backup, use new tools and heal instead of just powering through your fears. In DIY Akashic Wisdom by Jacki Smith and Patty Shaw you will find a whole chapter on working with your fears and lots of tools to help you do it.


4 – Prepare for your community to feel threatened.

Everybody loves and hates the cheerleader.  They love the enthusiasm, but when it moves from cheering you on to feeling like they are not measuring up to your changes, they start to hate.   It is human nature; when one of the herd gets ahead of the others they rest of the herd feel compelled to keep up.   What if they do not want to keep up?  What if they are content with the way they are?   When you grow around others who are not in a growth cycle, it makes them uncomfortable.So what do you do with this?


Remind them that this is your journey and not theirs, make sure your spiritual Colleagues are in their own growth cycle and limit your exposure to the ones who are threatened by you.   This is a normal growth pattern in communities, families and even cultures; not everyone grows at the same pace and when you respect that, even if you are the one left behind, your own future will be stronger.


5 – Forgive yourself and others for not being in your future already.

Impatience is your enemy here.  When your passion, vision, and energy are riding high you want it all to manifest NOW!!  NOW, dammit, NOW!!!  It is easy to get frustrated that you did not start years ago; that you did not save money when you got the raise, that you ate the whole pie, or that you spent years with the wrong person.   You are here now, ready now, and because of your past and you could not have done this any sooner.


6 – Get honest about how you have already sabotaged your future goals.

You are prepared for your fears, but can you see where the sabotage has already happened?  Just because you are ready now does not mean that you had not put in safeguards in your past to keep you from reaching that goal.   That past version of yourself was not ready for this and made sure this new future would not accidentally happen. Look between what you are unwilling to change for your future and your fears and there you will find some sabotage already in place.   You may not see it until you have sprung the trap, but instead of bemoaning the universe and its unfair treatment of you, take a look and see what was your own personal sabotage.   The good news is when you find it, you can undo it.


7 – Cleanse yourself of past behaviors.

Spiritual habits are hard to break; actually rewriting them is easier than breaking them.   When you try and break them you are going against yourself and a belief that you put in place a long time ago to support that habit.Work on rewriting or cleansing these past behaviors of the belief that is holding them in place.  It is a kind of spiritual smoke and mirrors and you are tricking yourself, but it is all in the name of healing.


8 – Find others going in the same direction.

We are social creatures and even the most introverted of us do need to find validation in the community.   The community you surround yourself with will validate you - good or bad.   They will help you find the excuse to succeed or fail; they will support your challenges or support your defeat.   The people or colleagues you surround yourself with are a big factor in your life and you will manifest similar attributes the more time you spend with them.  Spend that time wisely.


9 – Move out of your limiting relationships.

We all have people in our lives that limit us, sometimes this is needed; like a mother limiting their child from running in traffic, or a teacher limiting the students from harming each other.   We also outgrow those limits; you can see that in the fight by teenagers for independence from their parents.   These contracts with the people in our lives are fluid and ever changing.  In this fast evolving world, your relationships will evolve or die - telling you it is time to move on.

Unfortunately, we also create limiting relationships that are unhealthy or let go of the healthy ones when they are done.   This hurts you and the other person.   You may be caught in a loop of behavior that neither one wants but do not have the ability to change it.  It will hurt to let them go to, but you can change that to the positive.  Look upon how this relationship got you to this point of growth, honor it, release the hurt and open yourself up for the new opportunities this brings both of you.


10 - Do something every day towards your future plans.

Every day!!!  Every day!!!  Every day you need to re-embrace and recommit to your future and be doing something that helps manifest it.   This breathes life into your future and brings it close and closer.   If you do not feed and water these future goals they will wither and die.

No one ever said this would be easy - easy is disposable and never respected.  Hard work on the other hand is precious and makes you more and more valuable in your own skin.  When someone who is uncomfortable with your success tells you how lucky you are as if you do not deserve what you have, you can turn that hate around into self love knowing you worked every day towards your goal.  Not only are you deserving, you DID IT!

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Honey Mine Spell


When your love life isn’t so sweet – put a little honey in it!

By Jacki Smith


Sometimes we don’t know what we want in a love life, we just want something!  Or maybe you keep going for the same thing over and over again and that brand of love does not work so well for you.   With the holiday of love, literally right around the corner – latch onto that energy and use it to bring more honey into your life.


One of the tricks with and good conjure that will change your life (for the better), you need to clear away the junk that is blocking the success of your work.   Make your clearing specific to the work you are doing and your success is almost guaranteed.   


Honey Mine – Love Jar Spell




Uncrossing Motor City Hoo Doo Candle

Unlined paper

Clear glass jar with lid.  A 16 oz canning jar is the perfect size.

Tumbled or raw stones; Amethyst, Emerald & Clear Quartz

Dried rose head – OR dried rose petals, Jasmine Flowers, Vanilla Bean, orange peel, Lavender

Honey – the more natural the better

Come to me Oil

Cleo Mae Hoo Doo Candle



First – Clear out the bad

  • Cut into the center of a lemon, but not in half.

  • On a clean unlined sheet of paper, list out what hurt you in your past love relationships; the undesirable traits of others, the bad habits you have and anything else that you want to never see again in a love interest.  

  • Turn the paper counterclockwise one turn (90 degrees) and write across it “Cut & Clear out of my life” 9 times.   

  • Cut the cords of what you no longer want in a love interest from you by snipping the scissors around your aura as you restate the things on your list.

  • Cut the paper up into small bits and put into the lemon.  As you are cutting up the paper tell it that you are cutting those things out of your life and people with those traits are sour to you and you to them.  

  • Light an uncrossing candle and place it in front of the lemon, blocking the old energies from you.   Wash your hands of the past situations with soap (if you can use real handmade soap all the better)

  • At your first opportunity, throw the lemon in a dumpster far away from your home or work.   Throw it and don’t look back.   Continue to burn the candle daily until it is done (never leave a burning candle unattended)


Second - Decide what you want and sweeten them to you.


  • List out the important ideas in your partner – including what is attractive to you visually.  Fill the page up and make sure you put “human” on your list.   When it is filled, turn the page clockwise and write across it 5 times – “Come to me”.    Write your name all around the edges of the paper without lifting your pen.

  • Fold the paper 3 times towards you and place in the jar.

  • Light Your Cleo Mae candle – telling it what you want in a love interest.   Tell her you want it now!!!


Start placing your ingredients in the jar and tell each one what you want it to do:

Roses – If you can put a fresh rose head in the jar all the better.  Roses are for love, soul deep love.

Jasmine – To be warm and sweet and bring sweet to you.

Vanilla – To be alluring, helping the one you seek to see the beauty in you.

Orange Peel – For beauty, joy and a healthy sexual pull.

Lavender – for fidelity, happiness peace and love

Emerald - for passionate love

Amethyst – for love, trust and joy

Clear Quartz – To increase the energy of your jar


  • Put in 5 drops of Come to me oil

  • Water  - fill the jar ½ way with water

  • Start to slowly drizzle the honey into the jar – talking to your future love interest.  Tell them what you are looking for and tell them what you have to offer.  Taste the honey as you are drizzling it in and say “Be sweet on me, be mine.”

  • Don’t fill up the jar all the way – you want room to grow together.

  • Put the lid on the jar and shake it up!  Call your new love interest to you!  Wake them up to your call and tell them that you are ready for them

  • Place the Cleo Mae candle on the top of the jar and put the jar on a plate.  Let the candle drip onto the jar.   Shake that jar every day and call your love to you.


One you have them – keep them!

Keep that jar for a year once you have the new love you are looking for.   After a year or if you are no longer interested in who you called to you, empty out the contents of the jar into the earth.   Now it’s on the two of you to build a solid relationship.


If you Honey Mine Jar has not called anyone to you – do a series of cleansings for a week – then shake the jar again.   

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Traveling safely and happily


It’s summer!!  For many (sadly not all of us) will be heading somewhere whether it be a long far away destination or a long weekend with friends in a nearby camp ground.  Travelling can take a lot out of your physically and emotionally.  I have never been so relaxed and exhausted at the same time while travelling. According to the US travel Association ( we are now travelling more without our children and 79% of us will be going by car.  The average leisure traveller will be older, 55% of travellers are over 45 years old.  We are also changing the way we are planning our trips.

“Trip planning sources have shifted over the last several years, with social media and mobile devices being used more often. In 2012, nearly one-quarter (23%) of domestic leisure travelers relied on friends and relatives to plan their trips, while three in ten (31%) utilized their own past experiences. One in ten used destination websites, nine percent used traveler provider websites (airline, hotel, rental car, cruise, tours, etc.), five percent used social networking and four percent used a mobile device to help plan their trip. (Compared to 2009, only two percent used social networking sources and one percent used their mobile device to assist in trip planning. Direct experiences and destination websites were relied on slightly more in 2009 than in 2012.)” --US Travel

We are also way more connected on our trips than ever before.  Devices, devices, devices!  It is more difficult than ever before to disconnect from your life and just relax on your vacation.  My phone tells me about my emails, kids are buried into snapchat or video games.  Everyone has earbuds in and suddenly you are living your vacation in your tablet or phone.

What are some things you would suggest to others to keep their calm in those busy roads, keep your children connected to their space?  Are there any secrets or tips to make a vacation fun, safe and happy?  Comment on Facebook or out on Twitter under Coventry Creation.

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Detroit Hoodoo Month: A Conjure Lamp Enchantment.



A Conjure Lamp Enchantment

by Chas Bogan

Chas is an artist, writer, and craftsman, and spends much of his time producing a variety of artistic creations for Carnivalia, his online presence centered on the tools of spiritualism, the occult, Hoodoo, and the tradition of carnivale. His spiritual background is varied, including Charismatic Christian, Spiritualist, and Pagan. He currently works with a variety of different spiritual currents, most notably Conjure, Angelic, Ancestral, and Reiki healing. He is one of the founders of the Mystic Dream Academy and one of the owners of The Mystic Dream. Chas is currently teaching his best selling class, Modern Conjure and preparing for his summer tour.



Electric lighting all but killed the use of oil lamps, however the tradition of using them for magical purposes remains. While there are many forms and fuels that an oil lamp may take, we will focus on the most popular variety, the kerosene lamp (aka paraffin lamp). Let us embark on this subject with the definitions for the various parts that compose such a lamp. The part of the lamp which contains the liquid fuel is called a fount or font. The part that screws onto the font and holds the threaded wick is called a burner. The glass that surrounds the flaming wick is called the chimney.



For our font we will want something made of glass so that we may see the goodies we will be placing within it. This is perhaps why lamp magic is so popular, as with a mojo bag, we can fill the font of our lamp will all sorts of curios relevant to our work.


There are many commercial lamps available that will suit our needs. One popular variety of burner is sized to screw onto a common mason jar, which works great as the depth of the mason jar allows us plenty of room in which to place our curios. A trip to your local hardware store should give you some appropriate choices, and there is variety available online as well.



Glass fonts can be found in many of colors, so if you do not mind a dimmer view of the items stored within your font, you might choose a red one to serve as your lamp for love magic, or perhaps blue for happy home work. The same color correspondences used for choosing a candle can be applied to an oil lamp. Additionally, you can achieve color in other ways, such as with an oil based candy dye like the kind Wilton sells, or through natural dyes such as alkanet, which will turn your oil red. Pre-colored fuels are available if you do a bit of searching. When it comes to choosing an oil I prefer liquid paraffin. It generates little smoke and burns well. While some people like to use common oils such as canola, vegetable or olive oil, those oils are often thicker and not well suited to the flat wick that most burners are made for. These wicks use a capillary system to pull oil through their fibers, and thicker oils do not pull through as well. To my liquid paraffin I like to add some conjure oils just as I do with my 7-day candles. Most commercial conjure oils contain fragrance or essential oils that have been added to a carrier oil such as almond oil or jojoba. Adding conjure oils to fuel has always worked out fine for me, although I imagine that if it made the fuel too thick overall then the wick would struggle to absorb it.



As mentioned, the wicks for these lamps are flat, which makes them easy to write on. Here you can draw on your earlier lessons about sigils and name papers to help you decide what to write on your wick. I suggest using a Sharpie for this (available in varying colors).



Lamps are ideal for glamor work, which is all about letting yourself shine. The following instructions are for constructing a lamp of this kind.



Step One: Gather materials needed to construct your lamp, the fount, burner and chimney.


Step Two: Before threading your wick into the burner, draw on it with a Sharpie, symbols such as eyes, the sun, your name, or key words such as sexy, smart, jovial, or whatever characteristics you wish to be recognized for.


Step Three: Add to the font whatever things you feel are appropriate to this work (keeping in mind that it must not take up too much space, a ratio of no more than 1/4 curio to 3/4 fuel is preferred), the following are some suggestions…


  • Conjure Oil: Look Me Over / Bewitching / Cleo May

  • Stone Curio: Sunstone / Pyrite / Tiger’s Eye

  • Animal Curio: Peacock Feather

  • Herbal Curio: Rose / Jasmine / High John Root

  • Assorted Curio: Eyebrow Pencil / Fancy Cufflink / False Eyelash

  • Personal Concern: Hair from your head

  • Solomonic Seal: Second & Fourth Pentacle of Jupiter / Fifth Pentacle of Mars / Third Pentacle of the Sun / First through Fifth Pentacles of Venus / Third Pentacle of Mercury


Step Four: Add your fuel and assemble your lamp.


Step Five: Light your lamp, and empower it utilizing the following elements...


  • Envision: See yourself turning heads / Making others smile /                                      Strutting down the runway

  • Emote: Sense pride in yourself / Imagine the joy of being well loved / Feel how jealous they will be of  you

  • Speak: Let your words and breath serve as a bridge for divine power; say a spoken charm, or read a Psalm such as Psalm 5, 78 or 111. If you are not certain what Psalm to use, Psalm 119 is always acceptable as a default for lamp work.

  • Believe: Have faith and go forth in confidence.

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Detroit Hoodoo Month: Protective Measures.




by Dorothy Morrison. Well known author of books as the author of Lucinda's Web, Everyday Magic, The Craft, Utterly Wicked and many other books. A native Texan, she is  a Third Degree Wiccan High Priestess of the Georgian Tradition, founded the Coven of the Crystal Garden in 1986, and spent many years teaching the Craft to students in eight states and in Australia. Dorothy currently ensconced in studies of the RavenMyst Circle Tradition, and enjoys membership in the Coven of the Raven.


Anyone who performs hexes and curses would be a fool not to go the extra mile to protect themselves against the same.  Thus, the following protection simples are provided for your convenience.


Against the Evil Eye:

  • Hang dill weed over all windows and doorways in the home.

  • Wear a blue eye bead for constant personal protection. Hang one from the rearview mirror of your car, as well.

  • Keep a cimaruta on your altar to stave off interference in your magical work.


Against Nightmares:

  • Keep a silver bell in your bedroom and ring it to drive off nightmare-causing evil spirits each night before you go to bed.

  • A small dish of coffee beans kept by the bed staves off nightmares.

  • Rosemary plants placed near the bed shield against unpleasant dreams.


For Safe Automobile Travel:

  • Keep a whole ash leaf in the glove box for magical protection.

  • Keep a tiger’s eye in the vehicle to protect against accidents.

  • Hang a mojo bag filled with wormwood and plantain from the rearview mirror to prevent negative spirits from taking on the position of co-pilot.


Against Malevolence in the Home:

  • Once a month, using a sprig of rosemary, asperge all thresholds with a mixture of 1 tablespoon of saltpeter to a  gallon of water.  Pay special attention to the front and back doors.

  • Place aloe vera plants above the doorway to repel malevolent spirits and nasty magic.  Use red geraniums outdoors – if your property allows it, plant them to form a boundary – to keep bewitchments at bay.

  • Place Fu dog statues – the Asian dogs that look as if they’re part lion – on either side of the front door as “security guards.”  It’s said that using a matched pair of male and female is most effective.  [The male is usually portrayed playing with a ball.]  Raise them off the ground as much as possible, so they can get a clear view of anything coming their way.

  • As Papa Legba holds the keys to the gates between the worlds, and decides who enters and who doesn’t, place his statue behind the front door.  [A statue of St. Peter may be substituted, as he was designated by the enslaved as Papa Legba’s Christian counterpart when it was necessary to hide their religious activities.]  Offer him rum every Monday – Barbancourt is a good choice if you can find it – and occasionally, supplement with good cigars, cigarettes, and candy.


Against Pet Harm:

  • As pets take the brunt of any malicious activity aimed toward us, it’s important to safeguard them as well.  For dogs, a disc depicting Diana and charged with protection works well when added to the collar.  For cats, obtain a disc depicting Bast.  If neither is available to you, a St. Francis of Assisi medal will work well for either.



[Used by permission and excerpted from Utterly Wicked by Dorothy Morrison; published 2007 by WillowTree Press, St. Louis, MO]


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