Coventry Creations Blogs

Jacki Smith this the founder, enchantress and visionary of Coventry Creations. She started Coventy in 1992 and with her sister and business partner, Patty Shaw, they have taken if from the kitchen stove to an international company. Author, teacher, presenter, radio host, reader and healer, Jacki has dedicated her entire life to the mission of normalizing the words “Witch” and “Magic.”

Forgiving yourself

This series of blogs called “getting comfortable in your skin” has been inspired by Coventry Magic by Jacki Smith.   b2ap3_thumbnail_forgiving-yourself.jpg


Just to recap: For 2015, we are dedicating ourselves to unleashing your personal power. Since this is no overnight task, we have broken it down month by month. January, we talk about getting comfortable in your own skin.  Before you can become your most empowered self; our thought process is first you have to figure out who the hell are you before anything?  Last Wednesday, I wrote about looking down deep to discover what is really important to you. If you would like to read it, it is called: Getting into your body here and now.


Forgiving Yourself


I call them memory ninja attacks.  You are just about the drift off to sleep and then BAM a super embarrassing memory pops into your head leaving you wide awake and blushing.  We over focus and question everything we do.  Re analyze our actions, things we may have said, mistakes that we made.  The thing is, it is really just us that remembers them.  We all live in our own clouds replaying our own events to really focus on others. With this in mind, the only person really holding onto the existence of this event is you, so let memory go and give yourself a high five for being mature enough to know the only judging you is you.


The problem with not letting things go, to not allow forgiveness, is the scars that form around our personalities to avoid any more hurt.  We become less willing to take chances, less confident in our choices. How can you discover your true self when it is covered in the fog of memories you cannot let go?

The more honest we can be about what really motivates us, the more we can focus on the little things that will either help us to come to terms with our fears or help us feel more fulfilled in life. It is also much easier to give ourselves a break for not always being successful.


To start your own journey,  pick up a copy of Coventry Magic we can do it together! I would love to hear any updates on your progress and findings

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Who are you today anyway?

This series of blogs has been inspired by Coventry Magic by Jacki Smith.   b2ap3_thumbnail_who-are-you-today-anyway-1.jpg


I am sometimes shocked to see photos of myself nowadays. It's not like I have changed too much, but in my head  I am the cutest photo I have ever taken, that is my expectation.  Then in the seconds it takes for the actual picture to pop up, I feel a mini betrayal from my phone. That was not flattering phone! What were you thinking giving me a double chin phone!?


The truth is, we are not always really who we think we are.  This could be in a positive way like you consider your self boring, but you have everyone in your office in stitches most days.  It can also be in a more negative way(I am picturing the failed auditions from American Idol, talk about false sense of self!)


January’s theme for Coventry is getting comfortable in your own skin.  This is why we have the Affirmation line on promotion. Affirmations are all about reflecting and exploring with in. (coupon code AFSP10)  This is the first in a year long series of unlocking your personal power. The first thing you need to become your superhero self?  Figure out who you even are.


In the living with moon magic video for the full moon from last week, Patty gets the process started by suggesting questions to ask yourself to find out what you really value.  Be really honest with yourself about what you really find important. I may say losing weight is really important to me, but if I dig deeper, I find it is less about being thin and more about my fears of what unhealthy food is doing to my body and my long term quality of life.


So to get us started, I am putting myself out there and doing it too.


Here are my answers to Patty’s questions:


How old are you?I am 31 years old

What are you slacking off at?So many things, but honestly, I am slacking off at engaging in my relationships and being more physical.

What do you like about your job? That we work as a team, I feel very loved, supported and in a safe place.

What is your favorite outside of work activity?I don’t have any activities I am kinda in a rut, over focused on work and netflix.  So I guess my favorite activity is Netflix.

What have you been avoiding doing?Turning off Netflix

Who do you miss spending time with the most?My friends, especially those far away.

What do you feel you have had to give up last year, but you didn’t want to?This one is odd, we bought a house last year.  We recently returned to the states after living abroad many years. Buying this house meant, at least for now, giving up the idea of getting to go back there.

How much money do you want to see in your savings? What about your life prevents this?I wanted enough for 3-4 months of bills saved up.  Family trips and spending too much on food kept my from 100% my goal, but I did manage to save a bit.


Next I am going to take these answers and see what I can realistically pull out as my expectations for a more empowered me. Look for the article: Reality is the key word here coming next Wednesday. To start your own journey,  pick up a copy of Coventry Magic we can do it together!. I would love to hear any updates on your progress and findings!

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Create a personal revolution

I live in Michigan and lately the news hasn’t been good this past month.   From the national stage that told us of death, riots and torture to the local reality of Michigan defunding schools to fund roads and then telling us that anyone can claim religious freedom for a reason to discriminate.  I am frustrated, dismayed and feeling a bit hopeless.



The conversation turned to national and local concerns, no surprise there.  I talked about the astrological influences on our culture and that this is where we are testing our resolve.  Another Mom talked about her frustrations and worries around her son.   Then another mom (one of my favorites) shared a quote with us from an up and coming religious leader.


"Fundamentalism is a reaction to progress" Reza Aslan


Mr Aslan is a writer and a scholar of religious studies and a Muslim.   Many of us Americans want to cringe and discount and berate Muslim teachings, but when you peel away the extremists, it is a very peaceful and beautiful collection of spiritual teachings – but I am not here to talk about that.  I want to talk about how that quote and then looking up the author of that quote inspired me.  It inspired me to create a personal revolution.


You see, I can be a fundamentalist who is reacting to progress – even within my liberal views.   Mr. Aslan so eloquently captured our human response to life changing faster than we can assimilate – we regress to a simpler place.   That is usually power over another. It is also a place where we get to break it down to black and white, the personal version that is not interested in the comfort of others.


When my daughter was young and misbehaving it was easier to LAY DOWN THE LAW rather than take the time to uncover the real issue.  When I gained 20 pounds through stress eating it was easier to crash diet than take time to deal with the real issue.  When my staff was not performing up to par it is easier to create more rules than see what needed to be fixed.  


All of these issues are around growth and my struggle to keep up.  My daughter was figuring out who she is and how the world word works around her.  My stress eating was about the uncertainty of changes I was making and my staff issues were around growing product demand and outdated procedures.   Life is nothing but change and evolution and if we stop evolving we die.


So here is my personal revolution in my journey of evolution:


1 – I am kind to myself.  That doesn’t mean eating bonbons while watching the latest episode of The Voice.  This means that when I find myself turning inward and feeding my starving soul with junk I stop and ask myself what is wrong. Then I take care of it by whatever means necessary


2 – I make one person’s day just a bit better. Just one person is my quota and just a bit better is my goal.  Maybe only 10% better.  I figure it will only take 10 days to make the world 100% better in some way.


3 – I ask to remember that everyone is working from their own pain.  I don’t always remember this and often my pain reacts to your pain and then we are an angry mess. I ask myself to remember we all have our own perspective and needs that help us cope with whatever pain is in charge of the moment.   When I do this, I can stop the cycle and help bring healing.


4 – I smile at everyone I can smile at.  


This is not a huge revolution, it is not perfect, it is not a revelation in the moment but it does change me.  When I change, when I find happiness, when I share that happiness my world changes too.   When my world changes, it makes room for the whole world to change. 




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How to Heal a Broken Heart.


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Ask Aunt Jacki: How to Spiritually Cleanse your Space?


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For a Limited Time Only - 2 New Lines for the Fall Season!

b2ap3_thumbnail_Halloween.jpgThe Ghost Candles


The Veil between our world and the Spirit World is the thinnest in the Autumn. The Ghost Candles are a limited edition that we make this time of year to help work with these Spirits or Energies.  We have Home Clear and Bless, Ghost Repel, Night Terrors and Seance.


The Halloween Candles


This year, Jacki got together with Artist Tami Jo Urban to create the Halloween Candles.  These beautiful candles were sold in limited supplies to stores throughout the country as well as are available at This years’ edition features Night of the Witches, Hekate, Day of the Dead and Santisima Muerte(the bony lady) To Check out more of Tammy Joe’s art, visit her website at


To get more information on these candles, how to use them and where you can get them, please visit under store and coventry blogs.

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Ask Aunt Jacki: How do I use the 2014 Halloween Candles?

Ask Aunt Jacki: How do I use the 2014 Halloween Candles?

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Ghost Candles are back at Coventry Creations

b2ap3_thumbnail_standard-video-image_20140902-002047_1.pngGhost Candles are back @coventrycreations!

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Ask Aunt Jacki: Why is Autumn so Spirtually Busy

b2ap3_thumbnail_standard-video-image.png#Ask Aunt Jacki.  Why is The Autumn such a Spiritually Charged Time @coventrycreations. 

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@coventrycreations, using Dragons blood oil to anoint a candle

b2ap3_thumbnail_how-to-anoint-a-candle.jpgMagic Made Easy: How to Anoint a Candle Using Dragon's Blood Oil


Dragon’s Blood Oil is a wonderful oil to use when helping define and empower spells.   When working with candle magic, there are lots of tools that you can use to help direct your energy to where you want to go.  I chose Spiritual Cleansing Blessed Herbal Candle  to empower by rubbing the oil in a downward direction. Using the oil in a downward direction is useful when you want to send something away, which I most certainly did!  After anointing and lighting the candle, I like to take a few moments to read the blessing on the spiritual cleansing candle and visualize my goals coming to pass. It is a simple and wonderful technique, to learn more about candle magic, we recommend looking into Coventry Magic by Jacki Smith.  Please never leave a burning candle unattended.


To anoint your candle, there are just a few simple steps below.


Here is what you will need: a candle, a blessing,  dragons’ blood oil. candle holder, matches or lighter.

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Ask Aunt Jacki: Does Coventry Really Hand Pour their Candles?

b2ap3_thumbnail_standard-video-image_20140902-002909_1.png#Ask Aunt Jacki. Does @Coventry Creations Really Hand Pour their Candles?

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Magic Made Easy: Protecting your Home and Business with the Evil Eye Oil


The Evil Eye isn’t just a beautiful and ancient symbol, it is a powerful protection too. It is very easy to use the Evil Eye Witches Brew oil for protecting your home and your business. Using the oil in only a few steps, you can create a protection in your doorways and allowing only positive energy to enter.  It is a simple and wonderful technique, to learn more about candle magic, we recommend looking into Coventry Magic by Jacki Smith.


To protect the entrance to your house or business just follow the simple steps below


Here is what you will need:

Witches Brew Evil Eye Oil, Small container of water, a sponge or cloth, a doorway and a protection blessing (can be found at under Evil Eye oil)


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Ask Aunt Jacki: What is a Sacred Space

b2ap3_thumbnail_standard-video-image_20140902-003653_1.png#Ask Aunt Jacki. How do I set up an Alter? 

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Container Candles Now Available

Container Candles are now available at  Magic on the go!  This is the phrase that inspired us to look for a new way to display our candles and grow the Coventry Family.   We had toyed around with the idea of making glass container candles for some time now,  and we are very excited to announce that we are now offering select Blessed Herbal, World and Witches Brew in a portable magic container. The Container candles are a 50 hour burning candles and come in a rock class that includes a pack wooden matches making this candle ideal for a gift of all occasions! 


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  1977 Hits

30 Days of Miracles: Write out what you are going to do....

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day30.jpgWrite out what you are going to do to create a 5 minute miracle for the next 6 days. Repeat this every 7th day.


- Jacki Smith

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30 Days of Miracles: Spiritually cleanse this morning before you face the day.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day29.jpgSpiritually cleanse this morning before you face the day. Smudge, use a salt scrub, oils, bathe with tea-bags, anything that you normally do to cleanse, but do it in a very focused way. How much different was your day?


- Jacki Smith

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30 Days of Miracles: When you get home from work today, instead of lying down or sitting down, shake yourself up.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day28.jpgWhen you get home from work today, instead of lying down or sitting down, shake yourself up. Shake all the excess energy or unwelcome energy off of your body. Shake your head, arms, trunk, butt, legs and feet. Now yell a little while you shake. What mood were you in before you shook and after you shook?


- Jacki Smith

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30 Days of Miracles: Put your hand on your heart and on your solar plexus ....

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day27.jpgPut your hand on your heart and on your solar plexus and visualize the energy cycling between those two Chakras. How does that feel to you? Are you feeling any discordant energy? If you do, let the energy flow until it feels smoother.


- Jacki Smith

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30 Days of Miracles: Touch your toes and hang that way for a full 60 seconds.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day26.jpgTouch your toes and hang that way for a full 60 seconds. Even if you have to bend your knees, touch your toes. Lift you arms high, look up and slightly arch your back. Hold that for 60 seconds. Bring your arms out to the side for 60 seconds, making yourself a giant “t”. Now hug yourself for as long as you can. What thoughts came to you in each position. 1 – What you need to relax from, 2 – What do you need guidance on, 3 – what in your life are you open to, 4 – What in your life are you embracing.


- Jacki Smith

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30 Days of Miracles: Get up and take a brisk walk in the world for five minutes....

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day25.jpgGet up and take a brisk walk in the world for five minutes or jog in place for 3 minutes. How different do you feel in your energy center? Do you have a better outlook on your day?


- Jacki Smith

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