Coventry Creations Blogs

Jacki Smith this the founder, enchantress and visionary of Coventry Creations. She started Coventy in 1992 and with her sister and business partner, Patty Shaw, they have taken if from the kitchen stove to an international company. Author, teacher, presenter, radio host, reader and healer, Jacki has dedicated her entire life to the mission of normalizing the words “Witch” and “Magic.”

30 Days of Miracles: Touch a tree today. Feel with your physical and spiritual hands how strong it is.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day24.jpgTouch a tree today. Feel with your physical and spiritual hands how strong it is. How it is solid yet it has a living energy. Feel how the energy of the tree comes from deep within the earth. Bring that energy into your body and allow your roots to grow deep. The tree has a message for you, open up to receive it. What was your message?


- Jacki Smith

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30 Days of Miracles: Go outside (no matter what the weather) and take three deep breaths.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day23.jpgGo outside (no matter what the weather) and take three deep breaths. Bring into you the big wide world in all its glory and feel energized. How does this change your perspective?


- Jacki Smith

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30 Days of Miracles: Say 5 nice things about your body in less than one minute.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day22.jpgSay 5 nice things about your body in less than one minute. Keep trying until you can do it without thinking anything negative about yourself.


- Jacki Smith

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30 Days of Miracles: Take a moment and contemplate your nose.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day20.jpgTake a moment and contemplate your nose. This is the center point of your face and the first thing people see when they meet you. Think about how many people tell you that you are lovely, pretty, handsome, sweet, kind, etc. Imagine you are them, looking at your face and see what they see. See the kindness, beauty and glory that they see in you. Now look in the mirror and see how amazing you are. Describe with people see in you.


- Jacki Smith

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30 Days of Miracles: Think of one issue that has been plaguing you and ask yourself, “Why is that?”

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day19.jpgThink of one issue that has been plaguing you and ask yourself, “Why is that?” The first split second answer you get is the truth. Now dig a little deeper and ask yourself again, “Why is that?” Think about those two answers and what they tell you about the real problem.


- Jacki Smith

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30 Days of Miracles: If you were Alice and your life was Wonderland ....

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day18.jpgIf you were Alice and your life was Wonderland what is the first adventure you would want to have? What fear would you conquer?


- Jacki Smith

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30 Days of Miracles: What do you fear the most?

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day17.jpgWhat do you fear the most? How does this fear affect your life? What is one small thing you can do to conquer your fear?


- Jacki Smith

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30 Days of Miracles: Close your eyes and visualize yourself as a child.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day16.jpgClose your eyes and visualize yourself as a child. Imagine what would happen if you were able to give your younger self exactly what they needed and wanted. Now live your life as if you had gotten that gift from your older self. What did you give your younger self?


- Jacki Smith

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30 Days of Miracles: Breathe into your heart, take a deep breath and...

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day15.jpgBreathe into your heart, take a deep breath and imagine that when you exhale a flower blossoms upon your chest. As you breathe, fell your pulse beating throughout your body. This is your life force and you are tuned into it. What does it tell you?


- Jacki Smith

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  2012 Hits

30 Days of Miracles: Using 5 words, describe you without titles like mother, banker, brother, etc.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day14.jpgUsing 5 words, describe you without titles like mother, banker, brother, etc. Do you like that description? What would you change, remove or add?


- Jacki Smith

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  1992 Hits

30 Days of Miracles: Listen for messages today.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day13.jpgListen for messages today. Turn on the radio for a quick moment and off again, what words did you hear, what message was there for you.


- Jacki Smith

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30 Days of Miracles: For 5 minutes sit in silence and think about all the things you like about yourself.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day12.jpgFor 5 minutes sit in silence and think about all the things you like about yourself. No negativity or comparisons to others is allowed. If you can’t get through the 5 minutes without criticizing yourself try it again and again until you are able to.


- Jacki Smith

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30 Days of Miracles: Think about your toes.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day11.jpgThink about your toes. How these little digits hanging off the end of your foot are what keep you upright and in balance. These little toes, less than 1% of your body make the difference between standing and falling. It is the little thoughts that either propels us forward into manifesting our dreams or sabotages us into the pit of failure. What little thought is propelling you? What little thought is sabotaging you?


- Jacki Smith

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  1969 Hits

30 Days of Miracles: Pick one random word and say it over and over and over again.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day10.jpgPick one random word and say it over and over and over again. Notice how eventually it holds no meaning and becomes a nonsensical blending of sounds. Think about how you have been hurt by words in the past. Pull up that hurtful memory and turn those words into nonsense and mushed up noise. You choose when to be affected by the words of others and when they hold no meaning for you.


- Jacki Smith

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30 Days of Miracles: Set your timer for 5 minutes and do nothing.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day9.jpgSet your timer for 5 minutes and do nothing. Let your mind unravel all the pent up thoughts that are stuck in a loop and release them as best you can. Do this at lunch today and then again when you get home from work.


- Jacki Smith

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30 Days of Miracles: What thought did you wake up with today?

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day8.jpgWhat thought did you wake up with today? What does that mean for you? What goal is affected by that thought or it even worthy of your time?


- Jacki Smith

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30 Days of Miracles: Who in your life today brings you the most challenge?

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day7.jpgWho in your life today brings you the most challenge? These antagonists are messengers from our psyche as to what bothers us the most about ourselves. How can this message positively influence you today?


- Jacki Smith

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30 Days of Miracles - Pick one thing about your body that you love.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day6.jpgPick one thing about your body that you love. Tell your body that you love it in all its forms. It has been with you in good time and bad. Tell it that you are grateful that it has hung in there with you as best it can.


- Jacki Smith

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30 Days of Miracles - Who in your life today has the most positive influence upon you?

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day5.jpgWho in your life today has the most positive influence upon you? Think about what little ways they have changed your life. Write them a note to tell them.


- Jacki Smith

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30 Days of Miracles - Set your alarm to go off at 1:00 pm this afternoon.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day4.jpgSet your alarm to go off at 1:00 pm this afternoon. Take that moment to re-set your day and remember why you go to work every day, what you goal is and why you are grateful that you either have a job that you are free to pursue your dreams.


--Jacki Smith

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